Birth is the process of being born. A way of reproducing new life. New on the other hand means "not existing before, recently made or produced something different". Before we can call something new, it means there is an old. If there's no old, then we can't have new.(2Cor. 5)
This is giving us understanding that there is an old nature as well. If there is anything like new birth, it means there is something existing before which is an old nature. Before God promise to give a new heart to the people of Isreal, there is an old heart(heart of disobedience and stone) that exist in them because they are operating at the realm of old nature. (Jer. 31:31-34)
God promised Isreal a new heart because new heart always come with new birth(new life). Old nature with old heart are always together and thus a new heart can never operate in old nature.(Matt. 9:16-17). Now let is explore why the old nature exist and the reasons why we need to receive the new birth.
Who is Man?
Man is a spirit living in the body that has a soul. He is created by God just in his image and likeness, exactly like himself. Men resemble God in all ways and possess extraordinary abilities that makes him a supernatural being as God himself such as:
Ability to Dominate
Ability to work and protect
Ability to create
Ability to make choice
Ability to reason
God always do things with reasons. He will never do anything without a reason. He had reasons for creating man in his image and likeness. He created man to;
Rule and dominate.(Gen 1:28)
Reflect his glory as light in the darkness of the world.
Be fruitful and multiply.
Man was perfectly created by God without defects, before man disobeyed God and the disobedience is the source of old nature existence, because what makes him man is what is inside him not the outer part. After the first man fell by disobeying God, the spirit of the Lord departed and his life became empty, void of grace. Man remain like that till he gave birth to his first child and because, we are his descendants, we inherit the nature. Old nature is what all human being has inherited from the first man, Adam. Now there is no way for the purpose of God for creating man to be fulfilled.
Man is now entitled to eternal suffering and destruction. The only means of escaping is for sacrifice to be made and Jesus has gave his life as the sacrificial offering and shed his blood for the atonement of our sins.(Romans 5:9). He has opened the way for us to come closer to God and approach the throne of grace just as before. He restored us back to our position as supernatural being but the only way to operate and experience the supernatural is through new birth. The only way to access it is through the new birth. New birth is the platform on which supernatural is standing upon. You need to receive new birth in order to
Become the child of God
Escape eternal destruction
Power and authority over all principalities
Perform signs and wonders.
Acknowledge that you are a sinner
Believe in the saving power of Christ
Pray for forgiveness of sins
Confess Jesus as your Lord
Then you can join a discipleship Class or Bible study class to help you grow spiritually.
Captivation by the enemy
You cannot see the kingdom of God or experience it.
Eternal death and destruction
Hmmm. . .I'll say I'm blessed