The secret way to play roulette

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Written by
2 years ago

12th march 2022, Saturday

Although I don't like gambling very much, I still occasionally play ''. It is possible to earn a lot from, if you can play with patience. The only secret to playing any kind of gambling game is to "restrain yourself, while playing every game."


My favorite game is roulette among 6 game at Roulette game has three options, one option is green, one is red and one is black. The red and black button is 2.12x and the green button is 14.85x. Simply put, you bet $ 0.01. Where you have three options red, black and green. If you click on the red option and win 0.01, you will get a total of $0.0212 which is a little more than double. Similarly you will get the same meaning in the black option as in the red option. However, if you bet on the red option and hit green or black without hitting the red option, you will lose your bet money.

Now I'm going to tell you how to play roulette for 80% win chance. It defends on you, because if you bet frequently like nonsense, you can't win rather lose all of your BCH or money you have deposited.

Win Black and Red frequently:

I can't guarantee that you can hit your target every time, but I can tell you that you can probably hit more than 80%.

Do not start playing as soon as you enter The coding of roulette games is arranged differently. Although it is not easy to hack, sometimes it is understood which spin will hit. To understand that you need to aim for two to three spins. Suppose you notice five spins, if you see that three or four of the five spins are hitting the black button, then your maximum bet should be on the black button. If it hits black two to three times in a row, change your bet from black to red. Suppose your bet does not match Spain. In that case whatever you do,

Suppose you hit $1 in black but the spin hits red. You don't have to worry and change your spin if most of the spins hit red. If red has a higher hitting chance, try to beat less in black. If you hit $2 in black then you have a chance to gain 0.12x more than the previous loss. If you don't hit black again then bet $4 now. If not, you are repeatedly betting the wrong option. Next time you will think of betting the red option. But don't do that. If you have money, bet the fourth time with $6 in black. The red option was the biggest hit, and you were betting in black which resulted in repeated losses. Never bet in black again except red. This is how the roulette game is played.

Another thing you should know. As you can see in the picture below.

As you can see here someone bet 0.002 BCH on red and someone 0.0001 BCH on black option. Sometimes the bet on black or red gone so high e.g 0.1 BCH on red. Then you have to remember this, not only coding randomly but also for hack others money. You can't win much in Gambling games. Then you should bet on black. Because there is a high chance to lose his 0.1 BCH. But not always.

So, if someone bet higher amount on black you should go for red, if someone bet higher on black you should go for red. But if you see, the man with big amount of money wining all the time, follow and play with him. He is a professional gambler.

The way hit green

There is very less chance to hit green. Because there is only one option in roulette among 20-25 option of black and red. To hit a green it depends on high lucks. But there is a chance and hack to hit green. (Hitting chance 10%)

If you see any spin close to hit green then next 2-3 time try to bet on green. There is a chance to hit green.

Green is full of luck, I hit green only three times in my life. Haha.

But I will not recommend to play this game with lots of money. Use as much as you can afford to lose. Or try to be a professional gambler by playing with very little money, like 0.000001 BCH which is less then $0.0001.

Thank you, that is for today. I hope if you play roulette in then use this trick. Always remember, be patience, don't be hurry while playing. You can't win.

I have seen many times that "when I lose 2-3 times I bet a lot of money at once so that the lost money is easily recovered. But it is always a wrong trick. There is no money left to bet once and for all."

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Thank you :)

Best regards

$ 8.26
$ 8.08 from @TheRandomRewarder
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Avatar for Sajibb
Written by
2 years ago


I bookmarked it for future use haha thanks for the guidance bro.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You are welcome ;)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sounds like a helpful guide for playing roulette. Good luck to all players :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I also play with a "strategy" but I think differently about the green. And I almost always bet for green 😅 hehe... I always check the history and if there was about 8-10 green in the last 100 round I won't bet for it. But if it's only 3-4 I have big chance to win. Anyway I agree with you. I always check other players' bets and bet against the biggest bet, then I bet the same after 3-4 rounds because we can know he/she have to win sometimes.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

True! Green is depend on hard luck haha..

$ 0.00
2 years ago