There are more counterfeit objects in the world than genuine ones. Fake objects are always trying to deprive the real thing of its due dignity. The fake is busy hiding its flaws in the cover of beauty and revealing itself to the world in its original form.
But it is not possible to keep everyone attracted for long with just the outer covering. At one point the properties of the counterfeit object come out from inside the false cover. Then his final defeat comes to the real object.
For example, Gold is a very precious metal. Its color is bright. But this brilliance alone did not make gold valuable. Gold is really valuable because of its intrinsic quality. There are many metals that turn gold when rubbed or painted. But so to speak, these metals cannot be gold. Because as a result of rubbing, they can only contain the outer color of gold, they cannot control its inner qualities.
Therefore, external luster alone cannot be the measure of a complete cognition of an object. There are many people in our society who are really hollow inside.
But on the outside they stick to the mask of a perfect good man. They are never great, just pretending to be great. Many are impressed by their outward goodness. Attracted by attractive looks and sweet words, many put them in the seat of honor.
But when the true nature of these so-called good people is revealed, everyone is bewildered by their awfulness. Therefore, people should be judged by their inner qualities and not by their external beauty.
The minds of many ugly people can be pure. Again, many people with beautiful looks and attractive personalities can be extremely scary. So it is not right to have any idea about a person without knowing him completely.
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You are absolutely right my dear. I agree with you ❤