Cook your own food?

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2 years ago
Topics: My experiences, Dinner, Lunch, Cook, Food, ...
February 2, 2022 . (Wednesday)

Hello, my friends and readers. How are you guys?

I am sick for the weather changing purpose. I got cold for a few days and it is taking no name to leave me. I am taking medicines but still it is not leaving me away.

Today in my hostel the cook did not cook for two times once only in the morning she cooked our breakfast. And in the lunch and dinner she did not cooked our food because of some problems. So we had to manage our cook without the cook. I am going to share how everything finished well for the day.

If you are searching the photography of mine then I can say you would get them tomorrow. So you have to wait a day more.

Boys cook their own food?

Well, most of the time we boys don't cook their own food. Because if we live in the house then mother makes the cook for us. And if we live in the hostel then there remains an women who does the cook for everyone 3 times a day. So we boys don't have to cook our food to eat. But if we have to eat some lite foods then we can eat by cooking ourselves like noodles, pasta etc.

But if the food comes about the main food then there is always someone who does the cook for us. And sometimes there are some boys who knows how to cook in the need times because they have experiences. And if you are staying in the hostel then there is a common thing like that in a month about a day or two the aunt or women who cooks for the students, does not come to cook. Then some of the students manages to eat in other friends hostel or sometime in the hotel. And also some boys goes to the home for a vacation if the delay of cooking days goes more than a day. Even I do the same. haha!

But the problem begins, if you don't want to pay more for the two times food as you are living in the hostel and no chance of going home. And you know the hotel food quality is not healthy enough and the price is too high. So sometimes some students have to cook together in the hostel if they have much problem with the money. I mean just take a look if 5 students have to eat for two times then they would need about $10 but if they does the bazar of needed elements and cooks together some normal healthy staff then the cost goes down and a healthy food could be served. Even the cost could be less than $4!

What we did on that situation?

Well, we also faced that problem and as we all are students so we did not wanted to pay much for two time foods. As we have got 5 students in two rooms so we thought to make our food at the hostel!

One of my roommate has got rice cooker and electric stove in the hostel. And one of my roommate is good in cooking with experience. We decided to cook food for two times and in the hostel and we went to the bajar for buying the necessary things for cooking like rice, eggs, potatoes, pepper , onion, garlic, tomatoes and carrots with almost 3.5$ and these were enough for two times food. We took everything at the needy amount like not more or not less.

What was made for the lunch?

We cooked the rice in a rice cooker and that was easy. And we also put some potatoes into the rice cooker with the rice so that the potatoes gets boiled and we can make some mashed potatoes to eat with the rice.

And beside that we fried some eggs in the electric cooker and made our lunch. Well we also made tomatoes and carrots mixed salad with the mashed potatoes. And we made this way our lunch for today. And the lunch was really tasty enough! Well I forgot to take any photos!

What we made for the dinner?

Yeah, that is what we have cooked together for the dinner. Can you recognize that food we made? That is the Hotchpotch that we made tonight for the dinner. And we made it in the rice cooker you can see.

We also thought to fry a few eggs for serving with the Khichdi. Hotchpotch is called khichdi in our country.

We normally fried the eggs with salt and oil as we made Khichdi in other side. And after that we also made the mixture of carrots and tomatoes salad. And after cooking everything we finished our dinner.

And after all we had a tasty dinner together and we hostel mates had a lot of fun while cooking the food. There is another taste and fun when you make your own food and it is still better than the food from hotel or restaurent. The cost is low and the food quality is good.

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That was our day without the cooks food. The first time I had this kind of moment in my hostel life. So I thought to share this mo.ent with you guys. Thanks for reading my experience about cook your own food. I know most of you guys also cook your own food as a boy or girl. Have a good time every friends.

Dinner pictures was captured by me and other images were collected from Unsplash !

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$ 0.03 from @Dimples
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2 years ago
Topics: My experiences, Dinner, Lunch, Cook, Food, ...


skills like cooking, cleaning, washing are "life skills" and everyone regardless of gender has to learn these skills to survive in this world because we never know what situation we might get into

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sorry about your health, feel better soon. Cooking together is good, it helps you save money.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

When I was in my first job already. We decided my workmates to have a boarding house to less transportation fees. We have our groceries too my friend then we will cook also. We cook a rice from the rice cooker and put some eggs also to boiled.

I love your foods my friend. I love an eggs a lot. It's my favorite breakfast viand.❤️

$ 0.00
2 years ago

when I was still in a boarding house before, we all cooked our food in a rice cooker too haha. It's not just rice that we cooked in a rice cooker but also any other food. Rice cooker serves as a multi-purpose haha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sometimes I also cooked if my Auntie is not around but I only know to cook fried foods ahha. Mother's dish is still the best hihi

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The best seasoning for any dish is hunger.😁 Everyone should know how to prepare basic dishes, such as cooking any cereal and frying sausage. This dish looks delicious. Well done)))

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes dear friend. Almost everyone should get that training in house from the beginning so that they does not faces problems in the time when they need it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I can only fry and boil egg in cooking 🍳 😁😁😁

$ 0.01
2 years ago

That is also good my friend. If you try you can cook the rice too through the rice cooker.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Bachelor boys are superman. They can do anything. I relate that 🤣

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Haha! That's true brother. They can do anything when the need appers.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I sometimes cook my own food, but just trying. I do not know how to cook complicated food. My parents cooking is the best for me!

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yeah it is best. Every mother cooks the best in a family. And you know you can not find easily the same taste anywhere in this world.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

When you are living away from your parents, you really need to learn how to cook hihi. I agree that it would be much cheaper when we cook our won food.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes dear. When the people is much then the cheaper gets more cheaper as the cost spreads to everyone.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

i think this hotchpotch is what we refer to as Fried rice in my country!

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Not like that. That is different than the fried rice brother. In fried rice there is added some other eliments too.

$ 0.00
2 years ago