Tips: How to Write Article?

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Written by
4 years ago
Topics: Writing
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Read cash is one of the best site that is useful and helpful to everyone,It will help you to improved writing some Articles.Do you know that Read cash is one of the sites that allowing everyone to post Articles and posted it to Social media? i don't know and I am not sure but It looks like one.You can Post your articles not only here at their own sites maybe,you can also share or apply it to some media news.Are you familiar with Koreaboo?Buzzbreak? or any sites that contains reading news about Artists,News about what's happening to your country or around the world? It is Articles like what are you writing or how do you write your articles here in Read cash.Every media companies is paiding their employee by posting their media-own-hit-articles.

It is nice to write articles that have a good headline,do you know why? I will give you a hint,making Article that have a headline that will make the readers curious about so they will open it.One of the example of headlines that make gaining attention is you can put some 'Misleading Title' so that everyone will read it and one of my example for this topic is the ABS-CBN news.They are making articles that makes everyone mislead or misunderstand the viewers if what is really going on and I believe,every social media news sites is like that giving or doing some gossip articles so that everyone will make their victim or their topic become more popular, or scandalous so that they will gain more readers and viewers.

And let me tell you,Making or writing articles like that is not good it is just making false imformation,giving a headache to everyone's mind,making the situation worse,giving their victim a depressing situation, and destroying their victim's future and another K-media site that I really hate the most for making articles is Dispatch they are the worst rumor maker.

I know that I am not good at writing Article but I would like to write this so that everyone will aware maybe,It is really good or nice if you make Article about things that is good learning to read or intersting than making some false imformation about someone.You can also gain popularity by your own hardwork in a goodway without destroying someone's future/life or something.

Remember,Writing Articles is not only just for making gossip but It is also good if making and sharing some Inspirational thoughts and topic so that everyone will enjoys reading your articles.I am a Notes in facebook writer.I love writing stories since when I am secondary high school and in the past,I dream to become a writer writing stories that make my readers read some lessons to my stories is my goal and purpose of writing so that I enjoying writing article now here at Read cash even if I am not really good at it.

So,I am sharing this kind of Information as a non-popular at professional story writer,I am focusing to write right and become helpful to everyone.Writing some trashy article is just a waste of talent in writing, wasting time and hardwork and I believe 'Real talents in writing is giving everyone some educational and giving some right lesson to everyone'.

Maybe for me,The purpose of read cash is helping everyone to write some article that can be useful to learn writing some article and sharing everyone things by writing not just writing anything that you want.Even if it this site has a 'Write Article' button,doesn't mean that you can write article and say whatever you want.It is also important if your article contains a interesting and you should choose what will be a good Headline/title ,body part, and end it with a nice way.

Remember,Read cash is paiding you so that they can encourage you to write more articles that makes their users use their site and gaining more readers and not because you just want to earn money so that you will post some Articles even if your article is not looks like one.Don't mad at me,I know and I admit that my articles is not so called article too because I have many mistakes esp. to my grammatical errors and I am not a Professional Writer but that is the reason why I am writing article here at Read cash so that I can improve my Writing skills so that someday I will going apply as a Blogger in a Company.

Another reason why I am write this article right now is to encourage everyone to write article here and use Read cash in a nice way not just making money and gaining subscribers.I know that not everyone is just like me,wanting to improve writing skills and to learn but I just tell you this because I just to share It and I hope it will become helpful to everyone.I will tell you in advance that I am sorry for making this.I know that I am not a professional writer to tell you this things but I just want to share It I hope that everyone who will read this will understand me and not giving me a hate.

This is just my opinion.Thank you for reading.

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Written by
4 years ago
Topics: Writing


I'm a new user and your article is helpful

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3 years ago

Welcome to Read Cash! I hope that you will share your skills in writing ♥️

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User's avatar Reo
3 years ago

Thanks for your information!

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4 years ago

Your welcome.

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User's avatar Reo
4 years ago

thanks to this

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4 years ago

You're welcome. thank you for reading my article.

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User's avatar Reo
4 years ago

Thank you for your advise. I try my best to follow these tips...

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4 years ago


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User's avatar Reo
4 years ago

Thanks for sharing these tips

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Welcome. Thank you for reading my article

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User's avatar Reo
4 years ago

Thank you very informative article

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4 years ago

Your welcome. Thank you for reading

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User's avatar Reo
4 years ago

Thank you so much dear for your nice tips,,,

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Sure dear you're welcome

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User's avatar Reo
4 years ago

Nice article 👍

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4 years ago