What is a chakra? Chakra in Sanskrit means wheel, vortex and refers to the 7 main energy centers that make up our consciousness or our energy system.
These chakras or energy centers act as vortices and regulate the passage of energy by swirling it through our energy system. The functioning of our chakras is a reflection of our decisions that we make at every moment of our lives and responses to life. We open these vortices with our thinking, every reaction to our surroundings, our emotions…They are aspects of our consciousness, as is the aura. The chakras are much denser than the aura and are easier to perceive due to the huge amount of energy flowing through them, but we still cannot feel them as our physical body. However, the chakras communicate with our physical body through our endocrine and nervous systems. Each of the seven main chakras is connected to one of the seven main glands in the human physical body.
7 main chakras:
1.FIRST CHAKRA (root chakra)
The first chakra is at the base of our spine next to the pubic bone. It is related to the basic needs of survival and security. It is strongly connected to the energy of the earth and allows us to connect with Mother Nature and ground us. If we have blocked this chakra, we are scared, insecure, nervous and frustrated. Overweight problems, anorexia, or knee problems can occur. Dissatisfaction with the body also stems from a blockage of the root chakra, which can also lead to more severe forms of depression.
2.SECOND CHAKRA (sacral chakra)
Her place is two fingers under the navel. It is associated with the basic need for sexuality, creativity, intuition, and complacency. It governs our self-confidence and our creativity and opportunities for empathy. It is greatly influenced by the family environment, especially in terms of how we have learned to express emotions in the family environment. The imbalance of this chakra manifests itself in two ways: such as excessive sexual desire, emotional explosiveness, guilt, or as a repressed desire for sexuality manifested in fear of sexuality, and manipulativeness
3.THIRD CHAKRA (solar plexus or solar plexus)
The third chakra is the center of personal power, the space of the Ego, passion, impulsivity, anger and power. It enables us to travel astrally, receive the advice of spiritual guides, and is responsible for the clairvoyance of the individual. When the solar plexus is unbalanced, we may feel lost, lack of self-confidence, feel uncontrollable, and depressed.
4.FOURTH CHAKRA (heart chakra)
The heart chakra is the center of love, compassion and spirituality. This center allows us to love ourselves and others, to accept and give love. This chakra also connects the body, spirit and mind. If this chakra is unbalanced, we often feel sorry for ourselves, we are paranoid, indecisive, we cling to things and people, we are scared, and we think we are not worthy of love.
5.FIFTH CHAKRA (throat chakra)
The throat chakra is the center of communication, sound, creative energy, writing, the possibilities of change, transformation and healing. It gives us the strength to hear and speak the Truth. When it’s unbalanced, we’re scared, we don’t express ourselves clearly (we literally have a lump in our throat), we feel weak, and we’re unable to express our thoughts.
6.SIXTH CHAKRA (third eye)
The third eye is the center of intuition, light and spiritual energies. It allows us to remove selfishness and negative thoughts. Through the third eye, we can connect with higher beings, channel their wisdom, and connect with our Higher Self. When this chakra is not balanced, we fear success and are selfish.
7.SEVENTH CHAKRA (crown chakra)
It is a center of spirituality, enlightenment and dynamic energy. It allows a connection with God (divinity). Through this chakra the soul enters at birth and exits the body at death. When this chakra is unbalanced, we have a feeling of frustration, we lose our spark of life, destructive emotions appear to us.
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There is mostly talk of the seven chakras, but there are more. Today I will introduce you to five more chakras located outside of our physical body. Activation of all the twelve energy centers mentioned below allows us to accelerate spiritual growth and consequently a better life.
I am introdusing you the reimaining 5 chakras:
8..The earth chakra
It is located 2.5 cm above the 7th chakra, ie above the top of the head, and represents temporal transcendence. This energy center is supposed to help us open up to a connection with parallel worlds and lives - it provides access to the Akashic Records and insight into the realm of infinite potential. In practice, this chakra is most often used in shamanic healing and to communicate with our spiritual guides.
9.Lunar chakra
It lies above the 8th chakra and represents the ‘seat of the soul’. This chakra allows higher energies to flow through the body and pass smoothly between other chakras. Through it we access our higher self and can understand what the true message of our soul is. Making contact with this chakra allows us to choose the right path in creating our destiny - in accordance with the purpose of our soul.
10.Solar chakra
It is located in the ground, about 45 cm below us. It provides a good connection between us and Mother Earth. This energy center is basically tied to the body, so it is very physical. Activation of this chakra helps us to ground and heal the physical body and also the planet as such. Just like the first chakra, the tenth chakra is associated with the treatment of bones and bone marrow problems and for the treatment of diseases related to our DNA record.
11.Galactic chakra
It is found above the 9th chakra and symbolizes the mind above matter. The mind is a powerful tool for shaping everything material! It is supposed to be most easily accessed through the feet and palms. Through this chakra, shamans connect the physical with the supernatural energies.
12.The divine chakra
It is a collection of all colors. It is located above the 11th chakra and represents the connection, the door to the world of the divine. It allows us to expand our consciousness and come to the realization that we are all one. Through this chakra, our existence in human form is supposed to be realized in accordance with our soul purpose.
Photos are taken from google.com.
Video is taken from YouTube channel.
Thank you for reading my article.
I wish you blessing day and send you much love.
This one is very instructive. I do not know much about chakras and cleaning chakras, but I believe that there are various energies that are important to us. Sometimes, we do not pay enough attention to the energy and because of that we do not feel good.