Marriage Is Not A Calling But An Activity

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3 years ago

Marrying should not make you feel frustrated, it can lead to heaven or hell it can also lead to a lengthy life leaving or premature death base on your level of SUBJECTIONS to pressure in it, so marriage is not a calling but an activity, so no matter what pressurised you,

It equally yoke with an unbeleiver with the mindset of changing him/her later, men/women are quitly unpredictable beings, so forget the promises of yeilding to your own FAITH later and after marriage, don't marry out of your faith, by mare promising vision, wealth, destiny, physical look and etc, if all your friends are married, age outgrowing or parental/peers group pressure,

marriage is a choice or an activity not a calling but rather salvation because non was created determinantly to, with or for marriage but rather marriage was made for man's usages so it's either you choose to do it or may still choose not to, after all eunuchs were not today's definition to the unmarried but separation and sanctification from ancient, marry your friend not the other,

your friend must not have been the one you paradventure be sleeping with, seen on the streets everyday, talk to, known the family members or get gifts from, and don't also marry an angel to your mindset because the day, their humanity is displayed you may be tempted to walk out of that marriage I mean never see man/woman to be INFALLIBLE if you are a fallible one, your friend is one who still holds on,

no matter your several FALLEN times, It's the one who understands and love you for your natural self yet ready to always contribute to the PERFECT YOU without dominating or bewitching, manipulating or disware you from the reality of your personality and natural endowment, it's still the one standing by your side holding hands stronger during the stormy waves, winter, thunderstorms and rainy days to life,

it's one who is still there to open your eyes to the seemingly cloudsome future and still encourages, giving hopes of getting to there yet becarefull cause these kind of people may only have been a destiny helper so don't he tempted to manipulate them into marrying you, but let your both marriage to EACH OTHER happens naturally.

Andre don't also dump them when arrived, some of these destiny HELPERS to you or WONDERFUL FRIENDS are like major prophet, they help you succeed but you later dump them. They stand afar to watch you Merry and dance to your deepest doom, yes most of them are instigators to either RISINGS and also FALLINGS.

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3 years ago


Marriage requires devotion to ur partner

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3 years ago

Now, marriage is a ministry to some people and business to some

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3 years ago

Marriage is a way to spend a happiness life

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3 years ago

Marriage is a choice

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3 years ago

That's a fact right there, marriage is not something you're called to do, it's more of a choice

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3 years ago

Well said

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3 years ago

Take your marriage slow

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3 years ago

Marriage is by choice.. So you will be the one to decide what you what..

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3 years ago

Marriage is really activity and not slave to one another.

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3 years ago

Marry a person you're compatible with, someone you can talk and easily converse with or you'd easily get frustrated

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3 years ago

Marriage requires a. Whole lot of sacrifices

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3 years ago

Yes marriage helps to know better each other and live life happy

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3 years ago

For marriage not to be frustrated but fun, you have to marry your friend and love and understand each other always

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3 years ago

Choose wisely before getting into marriage

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3 years ago

Nice post

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3 years ago

Thanks for sharing

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3 years ago

Marriage should be seen as a blessing and not a curse

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks for sharing this

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3 years ago

They stand afar to watch you Merry and dance to your deepest doom

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3 years ago

You just wrote fact

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3 years ago

Marriage is a lifetime activity...

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3 years ago

WONDERFUL FRIENDS are like major prophet are like major prophet

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nice write up

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3 years ago

Yes marriage is not a call but an activity you engage your self into you engage your time and commitment towards and it a place you learn things more materially

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3 years ago


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3 years ago

Like a pastor say if you miss marriage you are likely to miss heaven

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3 years ago

Marriage make you to be a king

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3 years ago

Yes, it is not a calling but it is surely not an activity but an institution prescribed by the almighty. I think it is misleading to assert that marriage can be compared to, for example sweeping, making love, doing laundry or some such domestic and outside forms of engagement.

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3 years ago

Cool.... Choosing a partner hurriedly will make you loose or have a break home hurriedly, stay focus before you choose, pray before you choose

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3 years ago

This is choice that should be carefully made.

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3 years ago

When it comes to choosing life partner we should let Gods will be done

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3 years ago

Marriage is the way to keep ourselves happy and also a good partner in life

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3 years ago

Determine some to married matter a lot life partner

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3 years ago

Don't rush into marriage, if you rush in then you'll rush out

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3 years ago

This one is loud sir, to many fault in marriages nowadays

$ 0.00
3 years ago

This is very informative Thanks

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Lovel, Already subscribe you. Plesse subscribe me

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hahaha! FRIENDS are like major prophet, they help you succeed but you later dump them. They stand afar to watch you Merry and dance to your deepest doom. This line got me laughing. But is very true

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3 years ago