If you work is somewhat related to being creative, like a graphic artist, writer, designer or other related job, then you want those creative juices flowing. You want those fresh ideas and creative juices flowing so you will have an output or else you will be empty.
It’s very inspiring when you have the ideas already in your mind, but there are dry and dull moment when you are grasping for ideas. You are desperate trying to come up with as concept to start with. These moments are really a headache, especially when having an output is urgent.
Here are some ways to help those creative ideas in you flowing.
Organize your workplace
Have a place that is very appealing and relaxing to you. An organize place conditions your mind to perform and be open to ideas. Organize it in a way to eliminate distractions and your needs are easily accessible. By this, your mind will not have to worry about anything else outside and it is motivated to work. You can also add decorations in there that induces your creativity and relaxes your mind. You can have artworks, plants, pictures, adjust lighting or anything that inspires and motivates you.
Set your mood to be creative
If its still hard to come up with ideas, maybe you need some mind conditioning. Maybe you need some relaxing music, watch a video, a quiet place, read a book or mediation. Find that activity that will ignite you and will start those creative juices flow.
Have yourself a journal always
Creative ideas may come at those unexpected moments. If you have not noted them, it may be forgotten and wasted. Imagine you are riding in your car and then suddenly an idea comes up as you look at your window. Make sure as it comes to you, write it down so you can take a look later. When you start to work, you can browse your journal so you will have your ideas accessible already.
Relax if needed
If you are really occupied, then its time to take a break and relax. You need this time to clear your mind from all distractions. If something bothers you, its really hard to perform and be creative. Try to settle those things, then relax and regroup.
Do something unusual
From time to time, do something out of your ordinary routines. By this you will can find new creative ideas you haven’t encountered before. Watch a new movie, go on a travel or do something out of your comfort zone. Pump up your adrenaline and expand your imagination. These new experiences can translate to new creative ideas.
kreativnost je ako si u šetnji sa nekom...a na cesti je voda..onda ti izkočiš u vodu i onaj ko je sa tobom sav je mukar i prljav