How to be a good person?

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3 years ago

Being a good person means more than just doing things for others. You have to accept and love yourself before you can put positive energy into the universe. Philosophers have been debating what is good and what is not for centuries, and many people find that it's more complicated than just being kind. While every person's journey is different, being good has a lot to do with discovering yourself and your role in the world. In order to truly be good, you will have to consider what 'goodness' means to you. Perhaps this means doing good for others, or simply being an honest and kind person. Use some of the following tips to help yourself be a better person..

Improving Yourself.

Determine what being a good person means to you personally. Some people think that being a good person is as simple as not doing harm to another. But it is not always about what you don't do, but what you do for others. Being a good person also includes helping yourself as much as others. You have to decide what you believe being a good person entails.

  • What is your ideal person? Make a list of traits that you believe make up a good, ideal person. Start living your life according to these traits.

  • Are you waiting for something in return? Are you doing things because it will help you look good? Or are you doing things because you truly want to give and help? Stop putting up airs and adopt the attitude of giving without expectation of receiving anything in return.

  • Being good does not mean only by outer goodness. You have to consider being good straight from the heart (i.e., purely). Ultimately, you have to decide on your own code of ethics, and what matters is that you follow through with what you believe makes you a good person. At times, this may conflict with what others believe is good, and they might even accuse you of being wrong or evil. Consider their views - either they know something you don't, in which case you may learn something from them and update your morality, or perhaps their experience is limited, meaning that you should take their views with a grain of salt.

Choose a role model. Having a role model provides you with an example of someone to correspond to. This person should have traits that you want to attain. Think of ways that you can better embody the qualities you admire. Think of how to apply those qualities in your work, creative pursuits, personal relationships, diet, and lifestyle.

  • Who do you look up to and why? How are they making the world a better place to live in, and how can you do the same?

  • What qualities do you admire in them, and how can you develop the same ones?

  • Keep your role model close to you, like a friendly spirit that is always at your side. Think of how they would respond to a question or circumstance, and how you should respond in the same manner.

  • Ask your loved ones and people your trust for their input about how you can improve. They may recognize things you might not notice.

  • Check in with your loved ones often and ask them if there are still ways you can become a better person.

Stop comparing yourself to others. Try to understand that some have it better than you, but many have it much worse. When we make ourselves miserable by comparing ourselves with others, we are wasting time and energy that we could use in building our own inner resources. Compliment yourself every morning. Being happy makes you a more positive person, which helps you put those positive vibes out into the world.

  • You have your own unique gifts and talents. Focus on sharing them with the world instead of focusing on the gifts of another.

Be yourself. Remember to be yourself always and never someone who you're not. Don't try to be like somebody else; just be yourself and do good things as simply as you can. Being yourself helps you be a genuine person who can reflect positivity into the world. Staying true to yourself helps you find focus and understand your core values and what you find important.

  • Be good for its own sake. Don't try to be a good person because your parents told you to, because you want recognition or respect, or for any kind of reward except your own satisfaction in doing what you believe is good. Never act superior to anyone else or brag about your "goodness" or "righteousness". Your dedication to a particular creed, ideology, or set of guidelines does not make you better than anyone else. Do what you believe makes you a good person on your own terms, and remember that it's an individual journey - everyone's path is unique.

Love yourself. Learn to love yourself in every way. Practic self-acceptance. The only way you can truly love others is to first have confidence and love yourself. What you do and what you believe must make you feel good as well as others. If you try to do things for others without taking care of yourself, you can end up resentful, angry, and negative. If you love yourself, then you will make a positive impact when you help others.

  • Are you superficially acting like a good person? If you are self-loathing and angry on the inside, you may not be a good person despite all your outward actions.

Pray and/or meditate. Praying to a higher power or meditating can help cultivate the qualities you seek to embody. Meditation and prayer can help you find inner peace and focus on your inner self. As you increase your self-awareness, you understand what you really want and find clarity in your life. As you gain inner peace, you feel more positive, which helps you become a better person.

  • Find a private, safe space free from distractions. Sit in a comfortable position. Clear your mind from all thoughts and take a few deep, slow breaths. Observe the thoughts in your head. Don't feel or react, just observe. If your focus breaks, just count to ten. Meditate until you feel cleansed and rejuvenated.

Make small changes. Take a moment to reflect and recognize the things you need to change to be the best version of yourself. No one can change immediately. But even small changes can make an enormous and positive difference. Set small goals every month or two and focus on one or two key habits which you want to change.

  • An example for Goal 1: I will listen to others without interrupting at all either verbally or in any other way. Think of how annoying it can be for you when the other person begins to move the lips as if they are about to intervene.

  • Goal 2: I will do my best to think of what things would make another person happy. This could be sharing your food or drink with others when they are hungry or thirsty, letting someone else sit where you want to sit or something else.

Review your goals every day. To start your mission to become a good person, make and read a list of your ideals every day. Make it a part of you. Follow the guidelines and add some of your own steps as well.

Also Here is 10 things about this :

  1. Having a Positive Attitude

  2. Try to look at the bright side of things.

  3. Do an act of charity for someone else.

  4. Make a point to make the world a better place every time you leave the place of your dwelling

  5. Slow down.

  6. Practice forgiveness.

  7. Be honest.

  8. Make these small gestures a daily habit. 

  9. Control your anger.

  10. Celebrate other people's victories and good qualities.

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3 years ago


Da se bide dobar covek, i ne e taka tesko. Treba samo da se saka. Site znaeme deka nasite misli i nasite dela ne karakteriziraat kakvi sme. i pokraj faktot deka poveke pati se prasuvame dali denes, opkruzeni so sekakvi lugje, vredi da se bide dobar, mojot odgovor e definitivno DA.

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3 years ago

Why Be Good We are here today because our ancestors learned that survival depended on every person doing the right thing and having each other’s back. Today our survival still depends on that, as do our inner peace and sense of well-being.

“Our actions change our reality. Our intentions matter. Most people believe that their actions have consequences but don’t think through the implications of that belief. But Steve [Jobs, owner of Pixar] did. He believed, as I do, that it is precisely by acting on our intentions and staying true to our values that we change the world.”
How Humans Came to Dominate Earth

The extinction of dinosaurs 65 million years ago left niches on Earth in which the ancestors of humans could flourish. Yet from the time the dinosaurs were wiped out it took 64.8 million more years before humans (Homo sapiens) first appeared on Earth about 200,000 years ago.

About 99% of the 3 billion species that ever lived on Earth are now extinct*, mainly because they did not adapt to changing conditions. You are here today because your ancestors in every one of the past 10,000 generations figured out how to survive against such very long odds. They survived because each generation figured out how to adapt to the changing conditions in which they found themselves. Now it’s our turn to figure out how to adapt to the changing conditions in which we find ourselves, thus insuring the survival of coming generations.

In The Social Conquest of Earth, Edward O. Wilson describes how human domination of Earth today resulted from a series of adaptations by our earliest ancestors. Those ancient adaptations became deeply ingrained instincts in us that today determine many of our automatic responses and behaviors. Many of those instincts still serve to keep us alive, but some instincts from those caveman days now threaten our survival. But we’re getting ahead of our story. Let’s start from the beginning.

Of the many adaptations that got us here, we owe our appearance on Earth largely to having learned to control fire and to our highly unusual instinct to build and defend an established nest.

Learning to Control Fire

Our earliest ancestors numbered a few tens of thousands at most and lived in small bands of several dozen each. At first humans ate vegetation, which has low energy per weight. Meat has more energy per weight than vegetation and thus is a more efficient way to obtain the protein that is vital to survival. Eventually our ancestors figured out that when they ate meat they spent less time and energy finding food. At first they killed animals and ate their flesh raw, but they found that the meat of animals killed in and cooked by wildfires was easier to digest, and thus its protein could be utilized more easily.

At first they intentionally set wild fires to kill and cook animals but that was inefficient. So they learned to control fire and to hunt. On vast, expansive grasslands hunters on foot would run animals down and kill them. They would station themselves at different locations and trade off running after an animal until it was totally exhausted.** Then they would return to their campsite where a fire was always burning, and cook and eat their kill.

Thus through learning to control the use of fire, humans insured themselves a steady diet of vital, dense, meat protein. That high energy diet then caused the human brain to increase in size from 400 – 500 cubic centimeters to 1,500 – 1,700 cubic centimeters today. It was this tripling of brain size that provided them with the memory capacity that was essential for developing what were to become our breakout skills as a species – abstract thinking and language. (To learn more about how abstract thinking and language developed, and how those limit our freedom today,

Building And Defending An Established Nest

Most creatures on Earth build nests. Yet once a nest has served its purpose most creatures abandon their nest and build a new one when needed. Humans are one of only seven creatures on Earth that build permanent nests and defend them, which is called eusociality.*** Our eusocial behavior was the primary reason humans came to dominate Earth.

Learning to control the use of fire at campsites (our “nest”) so that meat could be cooked greatly amplified behaviors that today defined what it means to be human – the division and specialization of labor, trust and cooperation.

Wilson describes this: “The advantages of cooperation in the harvesting of meat led to the formation of highly organized groups. These consisted of extended families and allied tribes, so the population could be as large as could be sustained by the local environment. This became an advantage when resources became limited and the need to fight other tribes [to the death] for resources was needed.”

“The cohesion forced by the concentration of groups to protected [camp] sites was more than just a step through the evolutionary maze. It was … the event that launched the final drive to modern Homo sapiens.”

Our ancestors build campsites around fires and defended those. Some group members would leave the campsite to forage and hunt while others would stay behind to defend the camp and keep the children safe. In that division of labor, mutual trust and cooperation were vital. Survival was extremely difficult and each person HAD to fulfill their designated role and responsibilities because failure to do so threatened the survival of everyone in the group. And when food became scare, which it often did, the group had to battle neighboring groups for available food, often to the death, which demanded great cooperation and trust among everyone in the group.

How To Build Good Values

You build good values in yourself by continually acting on your intention to do the right thing. Through continually acting on your intention to do the right thing, doing the right thing becomes a habit that arises more spontaneously when you need it.

So why do the right thing when so many people don’t?

because you know instinctively that doing the right thing will benefit you because it will result in others trusting you, cooperating with you and supporting you in getting what you need in life; because you know instinctively that by doing the right thing you become the person you were meant to be – the best person you can be, who you are then proud of; because doing the right thing appears to be the only way humans will continue to survive on Earth.

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3 years ago

What i can reply on this big coom :D

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3 years ago

jednostavno ili se rodis takav ili ne, sve ostalo je cisto foliranje i pretvaranje koje pre ili kasnije ispliva na povrsinu, naravno svako od nas ima drugaciji pogled na to sta znaci biti dobra osoba pa se shodno tome i ponasamo

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3 years ago

Takav si kakav si...

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3 years ago

Narodna poslovica, ujedno i anegdota glasi: Dobar i budala, dva brata rođena. To ne znači da ne treba biti dobar. Nego da ne bude i naivan.

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3 years ago

Breadcrumb Istinito, lijepo i dobro Biti dobar čovjek Dobar čovjek se izgrađuje.

sea-2565573_960_720.jpg Autor Ivan Bradvica/Laudato/M.S. Fotograf Objavljeno:

13.06.2018 12:41 Biti dobar čovjek znači poštivati ljude voleći svoje te poštujući njihovo duševno i tjelesno dostojanstvo ne nanoseći zlo drugome. Biti dobar čovjek je neprocjenljivo duševno blago koje čitav život raste mnogi se dive što imaju takve poznanike žive. Dobar čovjek se izgrađuje poštujući roditelje poštujući baku, dida poštujući brata, sestru poštujući dijete poštujući susjede poštujući materinski jezik poštujući vjeru oca poštujući rodni kraj poštujući državne zakone poštujući istinu poštujući slobodu poštujući prošlost. Iskustvom spoznaje sebe valja prepoznavati druge koji nisu kao Ti koji su skloni Tvoju dobrotu iskoristiti. Više ima dobrih nego loših granice među njima se kriju iskušenja ih promijeniti umiju. Opreza nikad dosta kao i dobrog čovjeka za gosta. Dobar više daje nego prima on je čudo i znanstvenicima

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3 years ago

Biti dobar covek po mo misljenjunije tesko. samo se prema svima treba ponasati na nacin n akoji zelimo da se oni ponasaju prema nama. Naravnom ne izjednacavam pojam dobar covek sa tim da pustam da me maltretira ko god hoce.

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3 years ago

Uvek budi ono sto jesi i voli sebe, u svakavim izdanjima. Kazi ono sto mislis, ali ne dozvoli da bezobrazuk pokrivas onim "ja sam samo iskren/iskrena" :) Laku noc :)

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3 years ago

Compliment Yourself Every morning before you go on with your daily routine, take a couple of minutes to give yourself a compliment. Whether you compliment your outfit, haircut, or how you recently completed a task using your unique skill sets, giving yourself a little emotional boost will make you happy. And, when you're happy with yourself, that emotion can be contagious to those around you. Inspirational speaker Tony Robbins has a mantra he says aloud to himself most days to put him in a peak performance state.

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3 years ago