Water As A Therapy

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2 years ago
Topics: Therapy, Water, Health

Good morning my fellow read.cash members. How are you guys doing? It has really been hectic over but I thank God for life, peace of mind and good health.

I have been contemplating on what to write for awhile now and i decided to write about WATER AS A THERAPY. We all know that drinking water on a daily basis is very good so let consider this topic careful.

Of recent I have been so conscious of my health ever since I visited the hospital considering my brother's health. I noticed that it is not all illness that requires hospital help,we should be conscious of our everyday life.

Let me use this medium to tell you guys a little about the life-giving properties of water. Right from the creation of the world there was water. Water is the strongest natural force on earth, far more powerful than fire and wind. Almost all the things we eat contain a lot of water, tomatoes contain 95%, oranges contain 95%, pawpaw contains 90%,and apples contain 80%. The human body also contains water which is 70%.

Water has a therapy is a scientific method of drinking water to promote health and bring healing to some ailments such dehydration, diarrhea, sweating and kidney failure and some those ailment.

The method is: when you wake up in the morning,drink at least five cups of water. This is better done as soon as you wake up in the morning,even before brushing your teeth.

During the course of the day drink as much water as you can, never while eating. You should drink as much water at least one hour before or after each meals, never during meals. The reason for this is that the body produces it own enzymes for digesting any food taken.

Now drinking water while eating lead to a dilution of these enzymes,making them to lose their concentration. The safest and purest drinking water comes from the springs.

Spring water is the purest water for humans to consume. Before going to bed at night, you should drink three to four glass of water.

This method is so simple that one can easily take it for granted. However,its efficacy has been scientifically proven. Cases of diabetes,cancers, hypertension, stroke, arthritis and other illnesses have been reversed through water therapy. Let us make use of water for the health and betterment of our children,the world and ourselves. As adults we should consume more water. A normal strong, healthy person should consume up to 70,000-90,000 liters of water in their lifetime.

Apart from water being a therapy, water can also play a lot of roles in our everyday life. For example now you can't use a soft drink to quench your thirst but it is water, water also moderates the body temperature.

When they say health is wealth it really means a lot. I know that if we should ask some person's this question the will choose wealth over health. We should always put our health first in our everyday life while making some money.

Thanks so much for reading through this. I really appreciate 🙏 and also as you read these you should be able to put it into practice and check out how your body system will start regulating. Have a nice day and stay healthy.

Images gotten from unsplash.com

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2 years ago
Topics: Therapy, Water, Health


I too drink water but just one big glass early in the morning. I used to drink more water while eating but now gradually reduced to half a glass of water. Nice info about water therapy

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Water is literally life as it has lot's of benefits.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Water is vital to us and to the world at Large. It's completely impossible live without water. I haven't been following all these procedures but I'm a really good in water intake especially if it's cold😋

$ 0.00
2 years ago

One of my early morning routine is drinking a glass of water before any other thing. It has become a huge part of my life. And also I am seeing the benefit of it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago