Overcome Greed Through Generosity

Avatar for Peter-Molnar
2 years ago
Topics: Blog, Thoughts, Blogging

Not many people in this world give naturally. Some people find generosity hard, because there is one thing going on in their mind; "What if I don't have enough for myself." Other people are trying to save up hard and they are afraid, that they will not be able to reach their desired amount, they are aiming for.

Ideally we all should be generous or at least be able to help those, who are in need. Generous people are always considered as good people, because of their help or support. This is a very important concept to understand, when you are dealing with others. It's like saying: "I am helping by being kind." This is not true! You can be selfish and still be considerate.

You can be considerate, but you cannot be generous. When you are generous, it means that your main goal is to give more than what you get back. That is not how you should act. If you want to be considerate, then you must think about other people first before yourself. You should try to reach your goals in a way that you won't be depriving anyone else of anything. You should also remember to be authentic, don't fake being a good person just to be considered as one. Always remember, kindness is free.

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Develop Generosity Habit

One of the most difficult things about being a human being is that we are all selfish. We all want the best for ourselves and not to mention we are all just trying to survive in this world. As a result, we have all had to develop a certain level of selfishness to get by in life. The problem with this, is we are all supposed to be putting others first at all times. This can be very difficult at times, but the good thing about it, is if you are always doing it, then eventually it will become a habit and a second nature.

In the beginning, you may find it odd to be thinking about "the greater good" for yourself. In fact, you may even find it weird and annoying, if someone starts talking about it all the time. However, with time it will just come to you and it might feel like something, that you think about all the time.

Give yourself a little time and you will start to see the benefits of this way of thinking. You may feel like you are taking a step back in life, but trust me, in the long run, this is going to be better for you. Once you start this new habit, you may find, that the benefits are endless.

You Are Blessed When You Are Generous

You are considered as blessed in this life, because you have the chance to be generous. You have all the resources you need to be generous. You are not in need and you do not have anything, that someone else needs. This means you are free to give. You have the ability to help others without harming yourself.

You are free to help others, but you should not do it at the expense of your future or well being. Always remember that this is your choice, not someone else's order or suggestion. You can only be generous if you want to, always remember that.

Most people aren't generous, because they can't see any possible benefit in it for themselves. They don't have the mind to be generous, because they are so materialistic, that they can't see past their nose in front of it. This is why most people are poor and living a hand to mouth existence.

If you think of ways to help others without sacrificing yourself, you have the reason why you are considered good by most people and that is enough to be generous.

Think About People, Who Have Been Generous To You

Sometimes to be generous you have to do something for someone else and sometimes it's just to remind yourself of how good you have it. I worked as a waiter before. I remember I got some generous tips, that not only made me happy, but I felt proud of myself too, because I delivered a service, that exceeded expectations. It's easy to forget you are doing a good job when all you hear are complaints from other customers.

Another time I was giving a lift to my colleague, because it was already late night and I did not want her to walk home alone in the dark. She was generous to me too. Remembering these people helps you to be generous to others, because you know how it feels when you get a tip you did not expect. It also makes you happy, that you are able to do something nice for someone.

Think about the people who have helped you in the past. Now think about whether or not you have helped them in return. If you can think of any ways to help them, then do it now. If you can't help them directly, at least let your past help inspire you to help someone else. Being generous doesn't make you a do-gooding type, that is going to be giving your stuff away to charity. No, you should be doing it to help others and it should make you feel good.

Always Give From Your Heart

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Giving from your heart means putting yourself in the situation of the person you are helping. Would you be happy? Would you be safe? Are you breaking any law by helping them? Are you risking a beating or jail time? Sometimes this is easier said than done, because in some situations you need to do what is expected of you, but always make sure to put yourself in the other person's shoes.

Give To People, Who Need It The Most

The sad fact is, there are people out there, who are always going to be in need. Whether it is due to a lack of something or bad circumstances. You can't help everyone, but you can give to those, who really need it. It doesn't matter whether they are a good person, bad person, or a complete stranger. As long as they need help, you should try to help them.

Never Forget Who You Are Giving To

Remembering who you are giving to, is important. If you are giving to a stranger, remind yourself of that. If you are giving to a family member or close friend, remind yourself of that too. Giving to people, who know who you are can make you lose sight of who you are. Make sure you always keep that in mind when helping others.

Give What You Can With What You Have

Giving only what you can, is a sign of respect. It shows you understand, that they need what you have and not what you want. It also shows you understand, that money is not everything. If you were able to do more, then why not do more. Be honest if you think you can't afford to give more.

Give And Grow Together

Giving and being generous should be a way of life. If you are practicing these tips and principles on how to give more, then you will have a better chance of growing even more. Giving is how you build good will with others. Good will is something you will need, when the time comes to find a new job or when you decide to move.

The best way to grow, is to give. I cannot guarantee, that you will have as much success as others have, but I can tell you, that if you give of yourself, then you will grow with hopes of eventually reaching your goals.

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Avatar for Peter-Molnar
2 years ago
Topics: Blog, Thoughts, Blogging
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Aww this is such a sweet post and I strongly stan by each and every line you written here... also, My mom used to say, "God gifts only to the "givers" because they give... be a giver" .. that grew with me.. nice to meet you by the way :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you for reading my post and nice to meet you too. :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

How beautifully you taught us to choose generosity instead of greed.Generosity is actually needed to live this life peacefully with our fellows around. There are so many,who are in need but they are unable to ask anybody because of their self respect, just go and feel their pain,help them to grow together.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

There is nothing wrong with asking if you need anything or any help. Also offer help is also a good thing. People always appreciate any help given. If it is generous, then I am sure you stand out. Greed itself could be another topic and I believe many people suffer from greed.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The more we give the more we received they said and I believe on that, if you give to others you'll never have less. Some people think when they give out some portion of what they have they'll have less, without them knowing karma is filling it :))

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes we have to learn not to be so selfish and give what we can, but should not overdo it. Otherwise we can be in trouble. Yes I believe in carma. Actually it can be a good topic to write about. :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It is in giving that we receive!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I agree! It can be anything to give. Not only money. Love, respect, value, good advice or anything. We can be generous that way too.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I believe to the well-known saying " the more you give the more you receive". Sometimes though I chose whom I help or give.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

True and not only that, besides you will be recognized and admired it will give you a good feeling too and you will be proud of yourself.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes. In small ways but great joy

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Eu nao seu não o que é isso Envisto nas cripton mas não sei o que isso 🙄

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It is time for me to step up my desire to give. There is this one shelter for strays that I've been following on Instagram for a while now, and I am thinking of a simple ways to help them for their goodness to animals that I love.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's a very good activity you are going to set up. Following such a groups or social media pages like that shows, that you care.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is so nice to know. Thank you so much. I mean it. :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Giving is just a simple action that not all can execute. Because they always thought of power and money. .

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes and the other thing is to realize, that generosity is not always involved with giving money. It can be anything.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Some people give then bring out their camera 😂 anyway I believe there is joy in giving that is why if I want to be happy I give to others. I am happy giving and it's a way of showing my gratefulness and gratitude to what I have.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You have the right mindset Eybyoung. That's how it should be. I think all of us here are practicing this kind of mentality and to give something does not have to be a big thing.

$ 0.00
2 years ago