Whoa! I feel good, I knew that I would, now
I feel good, I knew that I would, now
So good, so good, I got youWhoa! I feel nice, like sugar and spice
I feel nice, like sugar and spice
So nice, so nice, I got you
Good day to everyone! Can you feel the good vibes from the song lyrics? In my case, Yes, feeling the good vibes baby! Wooh, I feel so good today, why? So here's the story behind it.
I went to my doctor earlier for my follow-up check-up. After the question and answer portion and some physical examination, he told me that I am looking better and that the medicines really helps me recover. He also lessens the medicines that I need to take, so it means I am getting better and better every day. I just have to watch what I eat, do some light exercise, and avoid stress as much as possible. Isn't it something that needs to be felt good about, right?
I am just so happy that I have overcome everything. I could not help but get emotional just by looking back at what had happened to me months ago. I really thought that it would be the end for me. And I am so grateful to everybody who has helped me not just financially but also by encouraging me to stay strong and have faith because everything happens for a reason. Thank you guys, family, and friends. I love you all!
Well, let me share some secret that helps me get better every day. Have you heard of Calabash Fruit or known as Miracle Fruit?
This is what Calabash fruit looks like. It looks like a young coconut in appearance and watermelon in size. This fruit is abundant in Visayas and Mindanao area. But the thing is, you cannot eat it raw. You have to extract its juice and drink it. Here's how...
Open the fruit and scrape out all the inside material.
Chop them into small pieces and the squash it. Once is it well-squashed into a mush, boil it for 30 minutes before draining the juice through a clean cloth.
Let the extracted juice to cool before putting it into bottles. Place the bottles inside the refrigerator and simply drink it.
Shot! Kampai! Cheers!
Since I started drinking this calabash fruit juice, I feel a big difference in my body compared to when I am just taking medicines. I feel much stronger, have fewer muscle cramps and I have a complete sleep as I sleep like a baby.
Here are some of the benefits you can get by drinking Calabash fruit juice:
It can help prevent cancer cells in the human body. The fruit extracts contain flavonoids such as quercetin and anthraquinone, the important phytochemicals for antiangiogenic activities, a process that inhibits the growth and development of new blood vessels in the body. Antiangiogenesis controls the spread of tumor cells in the body by disabling the transport of nutrients toward the cancerous cells,
It has also a blood sugar lowering effect so it is good for diabetics.
It contains vitamin B1, vitamin C, calcium, iron, sodium, and potassium.
The decoction of the bark can be used to cure wounds.
The leaves have the ability to decrease blood pressure and headaches. The leaves can also be crushed and applied to the wound to stop bleeding. If mixed with castor oil, it also acts as a purgative and laxative herb.
This is our Calabash fruit tree. My husband and I are thinking of propagating this plant and sharing it with other people especially our neighbors who are asking for seedlings. But I don't know how though. I bought this tree from a local market. The seller told me that is a marcotted Calabash fruit tree. I think I have to learn how to marcot this tree. I hope that I will succeed in doing so.
That's it guys, thanks for reading!
Date Published: November 27, 2021
Oh I've never heard of Calabash before but if it helps you then it's great! It sounds like the Noni fruit although I don't know how they make a juice out of it. Perhaps it's the same way. hehe.