It's Okay.

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2 years ago

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We live in a world where most people are moved by the approval of others. They seek validation from others and would do just about anything to have it. It starts from trying to do too much because you want someone to like you but that's not okay. It's okay for people not to like you. You are not a party Jollof rice so don't expect to make everyone happy and even a party Jollof rice still won't make some people happy.

We have been raised to do whatever it takes to please our parents. A lot of people have left their dreams in other to please their parents and wouldn't dream of doing what they like because they are also scared they won't have their parents to fall back on in case the path they have chosen gets tougher or things didn't go as plan. This act of wanting to please our parents isn't just about that, we have been trained on that and it reflects on every aspect of our lives as we grow.

I knew how I wouldn't even dare go out of my way to pursue my football dream despite my grumbles back then as I was filling my University application form for Economics with tears soaked face with the help of our tenants back then when I ran to him that University wasn't what I wanted. A lot of people fell into this trap and many other factors were responsible for this but I wouldn't want to go deeper into that right now because I don't want to drift off.

So, we were trained to always want to please them, be at their mercy and not have the ability to think on our own and we grew with that which makes us seek the approval of others before we can do anything meaningful. We are a product of how we were nurtured but with time we can break out from that mental hold.

I have a very good friend that would come to me for advice and I would share my 2 cents but won't be satisfied until another set of people are asked and still, they would always give the same advice. We don't have to live our lives trying to impress anyone. It's okay to ask for help, it's okay to make mistakes but your decisions should be solely about what you feel, what you think, the sense you have made out of the things you have gathered from everyone.

Most people will listen to advise from several people and would go with the advice of the person they didn't want to offend at all. You would see the unhappiness on their faces and still, they would rather be unhappy than incur the wrath of someone they hold in high esteem.

There was a movie I watched on Netflix about a guy who loves making candles but wouldn't dare tell his father that's what he wanted to do. He even staged a fake girlfriend just to keep his parents happy. When all hell broke loose and the secret got blown out, he knew he had already disappointed his parents and decided to use that as an opportunity to at least stake a claim for himself. His father saw the candles with amazing scents and asked if he made them. He said he did and it was just a hobby but summoned the courage to say he wants to stop working in his father's shop to pursue this candle business. He was expecting the father to lash out but the father screamed "Thank God" and they joked about it.

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Sometimes we are afraid to reach out and launch out because we assume the response we would get from those we hold in high esteem based on how we have known them to be. We don't need to keep going for the approvals of others rather we should seek to find our happiness.

As humans, we crave attention and love but some things would be beyond our control. We need the courage to accept the things we can't change and even people that are not meant to be in our lives. When some people don't receive attention or love from the circle they expect they crumble...they beat themselves up about it but there are tons of others who would accept you and love you but still, we stay fixated on the approval of some others.

Some would like you for various reasons you might not even know. Some deeper and some, not that deep. Whatever reason it is, it is about them and not about you. Some can like you based on mutual grounds and some because of the value systems you have while others because of the quality you have at your disposal but the moment you ditch all these to start running after the approval of those who don't really matter then you have lost the plot and the genuineness of those who truly care about you.

It's okay if some people don't like you and they don't have to. It doesn't make them a bad person nor you a terrible person it only makes you both humans and that's okay as well. What's the point of liking you if you would always be at loggerheads with each other because you wouldn't bend to each other's value system? We need to learn to accept and let go of things we cannot change and that's okay too.

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It's okay to try and find a common ground with someone but if things won't still work out after trying so much, then let go with no hatred in your heart because it shows some things are not meant to be. You cannot please everyone. Stop trying to impress people and just be yourself. No matter how hard you try to impress others, those who won't like you won't still like you. In fact, they will still accuse you of trying to impress them.

Someone once joked but it's the truth anyway and he says "Your enemy would see you walk on water and would still say it's because you cannot swim." Walking on water is a miracle on its own but they won't even see the miracle but would focus on something else to stir the hearts of people away from you. If you keep trying to gain the approval of others then you are at their mercy as you would keep getting dragged at every corner and you would hate yourself for it as you won't have a say even over your own life.

They don't like you? Did they stop talking to you? Did they spread rumours about you? They judge you even before they get to know you? Did they assume the worst about you? That's okay. Keep moving because you were not created with a burning desire to wake up daily to impress someone. It's okay.

Thank you for your time.

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2 years ago


I used to be a people pleaser and I did so much to be liked by everyone but I realized that the fact is that not everyone would like you and I don't even like everyone so I decided to say F it and live for me.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Hahahaha I love that... F it, my date. That's right...not everyone would like us and we don't even like everyone too and that's okay.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Great articles once again my friend. Bot rewards thoroughly deserved. I watched that film yesterday :-) Really enjoyed the message. Just one author to another... I have posted articles here myself that do relatively well on Hive but the lovely bot doesn't seem to like them as much here lol. Do you think they are too long? Infrequent posting? Is there a magic number that I am missing out on in length for this platform? Time to publish? Or is it all in the engagement metrics and I've spread myself too thinly and need to reassess my time? Any guidance would be appreciated. I won't change my style or what I write about to appease as I choose to remain authentic but if I'm doing something silly... or not...or hey, maybe he just doesn't like my work, there's always that hahaha. Otherwise, I'll just keep posting anyway...hee hee. Anyway, keep up the excellent work . Between this and your poetry. Stirling efforts!

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I totally understand you and yes, be genuine. Stick to one post per day and try to make it between 4-5 minutes read and engaging too. Let it be rightly sourced and pick your image from free source platforms like Pexels. I think these would help a bit too.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

hi Olawale, I always source correctly and write a mix of short stories and discursive pieces. Perhaps they are just a tad long generally if you say that 4-5 min read is optimum then mine are often 8-11 mins. ok I'll experiment a bit and look at writing some slightly shorter posts. I knew that the guideline was a minimum of 600 words but it seems maybe that's also the guide for what the bot deems to be the right number too, Thank you so much for your input as one who has been around on read a while and very regularly. Also i thought I'd noticed that if I wrote more regularly I tended to get slightly higher bot rewards... but maybe that's to do with more regular community engagement too and that is built into the metrics.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

I don't want you to give up. Keep writing at you are writing and I believe with time. One per day and keep doing it daily and I believe it would help. Don't give up, please.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Even no be everybody dey like party jollof. Some people will still tell you that the ingredient is not enough.

If you are liked by everyone then you are doing something bad and no one is ready to tell you.

It's okay to be strange. It's okay to be abandoned but the only thing that is not okay is for you to lose yourself while trying to please others.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

This is's not okay at all to lose yourself while trying to please others.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I have always lived to please myself and not take validation of others for myself because I know not everyone will be real and true with what they say. They might say yes to you making you feel happy but behind you, they mock you.

We need to learn to be ourselves and not trying to impress People.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Exactly, my dear. Those who won't like us still won't like us.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Learning how to say is one of the most important lessons ever... it is way better than agreeing and then being unable to do it

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Absolutely...having a mind of our own helps.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

At my tender age when my insight has not yet been opened to a lot of things , I think like a child, I act like a child, everything I do is just like that of a baby, and I will always do things that will make people around me feel happy even when I don't feel like doing it..but gradually as I began to grow up , I began to face the reality of life in different sphere then I got to know what I want in regardless of what the person around me will say, I learned not to impress anyone but to follow what my heart inspires.

I'm the architect of my own life, I build it the way I want not the way other want to build it, which at the end I will end up bitting the finger of regret. It's better to do what you want to do and have it in mind that you'll not please everyone, but as far as what you're doing is giving you that inner joy you crave for, forget about people who despise you because of it.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

They will either like us or hate us any way so what's the point? We should just do us.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We must know how to say "No". Living to someone's approval won't really make our life better (depends on the people). I'm sick of it. I should live my life of how I wanted it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Absolutely... Live your life on your own terms. We don't need other people's approvals.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We must know how to say "No". I'm sick of it. I should live my life of how I wanted it.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes, we should know how to stand for ourselves.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I have started saying no on people’s face. Because some are too annoying for me. They wanted more than they deserve. Well, I'm not that guy who nods on everything.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Hahaha I like this. Yes, they want more than they deserved.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

How can I agree more! Our parents teach us to reach their goals on the other hand says that we don't have to live on other's standard. It always seems conflicting to me. Anyway, I agree with you it's okay to walk against the flow, it's okay to be not okay.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I love that; walk against the flow. Yes, it's a contradictory thing and that's why we should do what makes us happy. Others don't have to like it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Well to me you can always take advice and not validation of what you want to do

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Very can take advice and then make your decision.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Na so e dey work now o

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am so sick aftering other approval but then I realized my life must be what I focus on.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

That's right...your life must be your focus.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah. A lot of people fell on the trap of pleaseing other people. Maybe all of us have fell on that trap in some time of our lives. The good thing is that we grow and learn that it is okay to not have everyone's approval. It is fine to just do what we want and be proud of it.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

We've all been there, that's true but like you said, we should do better.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Living with approval of others is not living your life.. we should not tolerate other people to dictate us.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

We shouldn't and mustn't at all. It's our life, our rules.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's okay not to be okay. 😁 I really would love to know the title of that Netflix movie. Care to share? 🧡

$ 0.02
2 years ago

The title of the movie is "Love Hard". I just had to go and search for it hahaha.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

hahaha, thank you Ola for taking the time to search for it. 🧡

$ 0.01
2 years ago

No worries at all, my friend.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Exactly,this is us, we can't force people to like us, we can't force them to appreciate us. But instead of feeling lonely,keep on striving as the only matters is our own decisions and plan's, we don't need the approval of others to be a better person.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thank you for this, my friend. We don't need their approvals to be better. This is us.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I read your article twice. In my opinion, it is in the top 3! I had the impression that I knew what you were going to say next. Keep writing, you're doing really well

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I feel honoured...thanks a lot. I am humbled.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Waiting for others' approval will only hold us back; we were not born to impress everyone; those who see the good in us will stay, and the truth is not everyone will see the good in us. So it is better to live your life for yourself.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Exactly... Not everyone would see the good in us and we are not obligated to prove them right in any way.

$ 0.00
2 years ago