True Nature of Social Media!

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Written by
2 years ago

Date: Wednesday, March 30th, 2022

Hello readers, Happy Wednesday to you all, and welcome to the third day of the week; I hope you will have a great day.

Today is the 30th day of March, meaning we only have a day left till we enter a new month.

We are finally approaching the fourth month of the year, which is April, and you won't even believe that we only have eight months to enter 2023.

The world seems to be moving at a rather fast pace, and if you don't get on the ride, you may be left behind in the past, but the question is that a good or bad thing?

There have been many social shifts in the world, from the introduction of the internet, online chatting platforms, and dating apps.

I would say we have progressed quite a lot if you look at it because if you look at our society in the past, we didn't have half the technology we had today.

I always wonder what entertainment people in the past engaged in because I can't believe how boring those times must have been for them, but I guess that was why they always started wars.

Quite some things have changed in the world, but I don't want to talk about all the changes in human history; today, I would like to write about "Social media apps."

I am sure we have all heard about social apps, and maybe some of us even use them from time to time to get to know people.

Social media apps were not as famous as they are now. Still, due to the pandemic and numerous lockdowns, people started craving human interactions, and the best way to do that was through dating and other socializing apps.

If you look at social media before and now, you will notice many changes because not many people are as engrossed as now, especially if you use Instagram and Twitter.

In the past, I didn't care too much about Twitter, and I didn't even know it was a very popular social app, but out of nowhere, it has become a court of justice and passing trends.

A week or four weeks ago, I remember when everyone on Twitter was praying for Ukraine and hoping that the war would end quickly and things would go back to the way they were.

This week, everyone has completely forgotten about the Ukraine situation and is focusing on the "Will Smith slaps Chris Rock scandal."

I mean, I don't even know which one is more important anymore, whether it is the numerous amounts of bombs that are being launched in Ukraine or a slap that may have been staged.

I don't believe that slap was real because there was no way Chris Rock wouldn't have seen it coming and dodged or blocked it, but who knows, maybe it is real, and Will Smith slapped a man on live television in front of millions.

With this example, I am trying to say how fast people tend to forget things, especially on the internet, because that is how things work.

Do people on Twitter and other social platforms care about the people of Ukraine anymore, or did they ever really care about them from the beginning?

I have learned from using all these social media platforms that they only care about what is trending at the moment, and they tend to jump onto a new topic almost every week.

If it is not talking about "WWIII", they will start talking about "Cancelling people on the Internet," and now they have finally found a new topic which is "Will Smith slaps Chris Rock."

Something I find very funny about these people is how fast they create groups and communities for things that have always been there.

I was scrolling on my Twitter account, and I saw a group of people that came together because they felt furious that Chris Rock made a joke about Jada Pinkett Smith's hair loss.

I have heard a lot of bald jokes in my life, but for some reason, now they want to make it illegal for people to make bald jokes.

I don't know if the people on those platforms are real human beings because they seem to be making a big deal out of something as small as this while people are dying out there.

By the following week, I genuinely think they will all forget this incident and move on to the next topic that will catch their interest because that is how social media works.

I will continue this article in the coming one!

Thank you for reading!

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Written by
2 years ago


I guess people would feast on what's new. That is how it works.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

That's how trending works whatever is new and hot they feast on that, I guess some people are just bandwagoners.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I found social media biased and toxic

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The social world is another world entirely especially the Twitter you mentioned. You know, I've thought of how the people there quickly forget important issues and jump on a new trend. It shows how the real world though, a lot of people don't give damn to what's affecting you for so long, just a tip and they are off.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Most of all social media platforms are toxic.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah the Pandemic help the rise of the social media apps right now. At first it is good because it keeps everyone busy and entertained during pandemic but now the internet are being so toxic because everyone have their own opinion and beliefs it is so easy for now to hate or cancel someone and spread fake news.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes Oikawa, that's correct. The true nature of social media is to turn the most controversial topics into Trends, they honestly may not truly even care, but the main focus is to troll. How On Earth would we stop praying for Ukraine and go after Will Smith and Chris Rock. It truly could have staged.

$ 0.00
2 years ago