Can you do it ?
Sunday 9th of January 2022
I was busy throughout yesterday I was not given enough time to publish article here , I know my friends and supporters will have missed me alot . Anyway I still have some minor problems here so I will not be much online still further notice anyway I came up with a question today can you do it ? I will be sharing the answer to the question and the meaning of the question . Tell me how your day goes ? You can drop comments for that but my day was busy and stressful.
Let me use these moments to appreciate my wonderful sponsor just because there love , kindness , support , motivations , inspirations and encouragement towards me are wonderful . Rosh love you all *.
Can you do it ? ;
Everyone in life whether old , young male or female we all have a goal to accomplish in life , everyone has a ambition that we want to manifest we all have a strong desire to do or achieve something but the question is can you do it ? , Yes you can , you can achieve anything you can become anything you want to be in life don't let them tell you , you can't . A friend of mine wanted to be a doctor but his parents had no money to sponsor him , he did not have any testbook and other materials he needed to fulfil is dreams but he knows he can do it so therefore he sticked to his plan and now he is in a medical school where he has been granted scholarship .
Can you do it ? , Yes you can you can achieve your goals , ambition and career in life as long as you stand positive in all endeavors and decision you are making : there is nothing you can't achieve when you stand positive , our thoughts and imaginations works on our lives if you think of becoming a king you will achieve it , it is just a matter of time so for you to achieve your goals you need to stand positive.
Can you do it ? , Yes you can as long as you take your time to understand the value of time ; The holy Bible , Holy Quran and the elders usually say that " There is time for everything under the heaven " . In other for you to achieve your dreams to be want you want to be in life you must take time to understand the value of time.
Can you do it ? , Yes you can as long as you learn to never waste your precious time ; for you to fulfil your dreams in life you must never waste your precious time . The life of a man is in his hands the way you choose to live your life depends on your thinking . Keep it in mind in other for you to achieve your dreams you also need to never waste your precious time.
Can you do it ? , Yes you can as long as you delay judgement ; No matter who you are how experience you are , how knowledgeable you think you are always delay judgement if you can give others the chances for them to explain themselves . In other to achieve that dream you need to Delay judgement.
Can you do it ? , Yes you can as long as you remember to keep our values ; value is defined as the worth of something or something that when you do makes you special . In other to fulfil your dream remember to keep our values .
Can you do it ?, Yes you can as long as you choose wisely ; life had been a great opportunities where by we have to choose where we want to be and what we want to do in other to be at the right steps we need to choose wisely.
Can you do it ? , Yes you can as long as you know the effects of ingratitude and you stay away from it ; you need to wage war against ingratitude just imagine when you are in need of help someone saved you and you promised to help the person in return unfortunately you refused to do so then you will surely face problems , you must be thank full to God at all time whether it is convenient or not . For you to achieve y goals , dreams and fulfil your career you must identify the effects of ingratitude.
Can you do it ?, Yes you can as long as you follow all that is written here . Make sure you pray so you can achieve your dreams.
Thanks so much for reading .
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Favour can you do it? Yes I can and I will.
What did others say? I don't care, I know I can do it.