How does grades affect you?

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2 years ago


"Grades don't define you" they say. I used to live by that principle to cover up all the mediocrity that I did while I was studying. I feel lazy in studying at times and that phrase is what I always feed my mind and would serve as my alibi.

One day in the past, one of my facebook friend posted about how he was disappointed with his academics, I then comforted him with that same phrase I used to comfort myself whenever I felt like I'm not doing a good job in school.

But he answered that while it is true that "grades don't define you", grades would have a say about you. That's when it hits hard at me. I realized that would determine how you performed while you are studying and no matter what other people say, it would have something to say when it comes to employment.

Let us not go far and wander around and let's take an example the teacher. In my observation, grades matter in being employed. True, it is not the only basis for employment but it is part of a whole. It would start to how you performed while you are in undergrad.

In facebook, I saw a lot of posts that tells education students to take their studies seriously because grades would take up 20% in the teacher's ranking. It would be beneficial if when you study, you already give your best and take things seriously so it would be easier in the future.

Not only teachers. But other professions too requires a neat and nice piece of transcript. When you hand in your transcript to your possible employer, it would be better if you hand it with confidence and pride, right? The more confident you are with what's inside, the higher the chance of being hired.

For the employer's side, they would find it more convenient to choose the applicant that is already well-versed and has an outstanding performance at school. But, let us take into consideration, that this is only possible when we didn't do anything to alter what's written in our transcripts. Meaning, you are confident that your grades really speaks about you and that you deserve it.

Sometimes, there are those who are what we called as highly favored by the teachers because even if we know that this student doesn't deserve that high remarks, the teacher still gave them. That is when the phrase, "grades don't define you" becomes true.

We should make sure that we live by what grades we are given. We deserve the remarks we are given because when we are hired and employed, our bosses would assume that we really know a thing or two.

On the other side, there are students who believe in the phrase, "grades define you". As a result, they would study and work hard to be able to attain the highest remarks. Of course, this is great and we have high respects for students who value studying that much. But this also causes depression for someone who can't handle the stress and pressure. They would fall into the deep pit of self-pity feeling unworthy and unintelligent. And that is the situation we don't want to happen.

During my time, most of my college friends who were taking up medical courses, accountancy nd engineering would often complain about being burned out. But today, I observed that the rate of burned out students were from highschool. It may be because of the pressure and the difficulty that the online classes bring. We wouldn't really pinpoint the main reason.

Just like every other student, it would be essential to manage time wisely and prioritize the things that needs to be done immediately. Do the things that really matters and minimize comparing your progress with another.

While it is true that grades matter, it is wiser to really learn and discover things. Beyond grades, learning and skills are the focus and the goals. But mental health should also be taken into consideration. Our learnings won't matter if we are not mentally and emotionally well because our mood and emotions toward things are affected.

Learning would be fun when we put our hearts on it and that we are happy and well while we are on the process.

Thank you for reading. Until then!

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2 years ago


Grades don't define us but it will surely be a great advantage or disadvantage in finding a job. We should just keep things always in balance. Besides, we have different types of intelligence nowadays.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yas sis. What is true for Mark Zuckerburg being a drop out and yet a successful man now might not work for us.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I don't think grades matter that much; if you have all those grades and don't have any other skills, it is useless. If you look at the world, most billionaires didn't even do college, but they are where they are because they used their skills, not their grades.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

In my country, grade doesn't matter if you study hard or not. Even someone who didn't prepare well are getting higher grades than those who studied till the last end. That is connection I think. In all, I would implore we have skills and be focused because we may get the grades and do not get employed.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Ahh skills really are the utmost priority.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Grades doesn't define us. It should be more on our own self which is the learning and skills we have. It's the importance. We need to see the real, the actual not for the papers.

Yes, it give us advantage if we have a high grades or good grades. In life, there are a lot of ways how to lift up. It's depend of the people, how to be schemeful and that will be matter the most.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes maamsh. In one way or another,good grades would be helpful when applying for a job.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes mamsh that's true. There's a lot of advantages of having a good grades.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I do believe grades don't define us. Some of my grades way back are poor not because I am slow learner but because I lack extra cuticular activities as I don't participate much.. for some several reasons. Plus yeah teachers favor when the students can afford to give them this and that. When a student is less fortunate no matter how smart they are they can't have excellent grade because grades does not only depends on exams it has some categories to fill as well and extra cuticular activities can add on it, which happens that's what I am lacking.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Haha nakakasad i reminsce yan mga strict teachers tapos lumalambot kapag may ibinibigay na ang mga parents ng mga richkid.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Grades don't definitely defines us! And I agree. Some students who has a hinger and very passed grades are now a less job, bit those who has a lower grades achieve great! How was that? It's because pf the passion, it is on how we used to challenge ourselves to survive. Does grades help when we are facing a very critical stage in our lives? No! So i agree that grades don't define you.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

It's nice to hear from you.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Academic score matters Indeed. I made sure I had a clean record in my T.O.R in college no INC and lowest and yeah I did worked and sacrificed on that. It's matters for sure. My first job interview goes smoothly because of of my clean T.O.R and PRC ID. Not to be brag but dreaming high start with good grades. Not high grades but good grades.. 🤗

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes sir. Bad impression pag may red parang majujudge ka kung nagseryoso kaba sa pag aaral.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Great article. While it's important to try and get the best grades possible as it increases your confidence in what you know, it's important not to get it at the price of your mental, social or emotional health

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes my friend ,because if your health is at risk all of your hard work will b futile.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Depression, stress and pressure. I do agree that grades don't define us. There are some who are academically smart yet not street smart. I remember I wrote my awards for being a dean's lister when I was on college on ny CV and an employer or the owner rather asked me if it was really necessary to list it under awards and recognition. I wanted to walk out as I felt embarassed but honestly, I just copied that from my friend as she also listed her achievement being a dean's lister. In your opinion, should I remove it or leave it as is? 😁

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I am a shy person so I wouldn't want my employer to assume that I can do great things. I would rather surprise them that I can do this and that. Actions speak louder than words.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Nah ma hog ra gihapon sa alaot. Ma thank you ra ang tanan hahahaha

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Moingon ra gud ta ig you're welcome🤣

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Good point well made mamsh. It really depends on the reason to have those mindset.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Sa true lang maamsh

$ 0.00
2 years ago

As for me, grades doesn't define you but then don't just rely deeply on that instead just do your best! If what will you received then thats the reward u gain.

Make yourself excel as what yourself can and don't ever compete yourself with others.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

That's it sis. We're on the same page.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Grades don't define you.. That's true. May iba nga schoolmate ko dati na bulakbol sa school. Pero laki na na achieve nla ngayon. Yumayaman na haha Wala sa grades or talino yan. Nasa diskarte and pagiging wais yan.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Sa true naman miss jane. Diskarte talaga is the key

$ 0.00
2 years ago