Not like "like charges"...

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1 year ago

Howdy guys! I know the topic of this article may sound weird but do not get confused just yet cos I'll definitely explain what I have in mind.

If you're into science, then it would be easy to understand what "like charges" are but if you're not into sciences at all, then don't fret cos you'll get it.

Sciences tells us that there are two type of charges basically, positive and negative.

The positive charge is represented by a plus (+) sign as we all know while the negative is represented by a minus (-) sign.

Positive charges cannot attract positive charges to themselves. There will be a repulsion between them. This is the same for negative charges as well, they also repel each other.

The case is reverse when a positive charge and a negative charge is put together, they attract. There is a connection between them and an obvious share of electrical activity.

However, this same rule should not apply to humans and their association with others. I say this because only people with the same characteristics are compatible. This rule works for marriage because a man and a woman who decides to get married have found that they have things in common, share same ideology and are headed in the same direction and so, such a marriage will work.

A marriage that has both parties with different views on life is surely headed for doom in no time because it's clear that they will not last.

Attraction and compatibility is not only needed in marriage but in every facet of our human lives if we want to have peace and growth effortlessly. A medical doctor cannot finish med school and start to work as an engineer. He does a job that aligns with his medical field because that's what he can do with ease. It's only in my country Nigeria that you see people who studied Education working in a Bank. I don't know if this happens where you are but it's not supposed to be so.

People who want to go far in life should surround themselves with people who have similar dreams and aspirations as them, so that they can all be a source of inspiration to each other and help each other during hard times.

It would be very unwise for a student who wants to graduate with a first class degree to be friends with his fellow students who don't want to graduate at all, that are considering flying out of the country and abandoning their education or because they are just very dull. Either way, the end will be doom because evil communications we know corrupt good manners.

That is not to say that such a student will not be able to get his degree with those kind of friends, but the chances of possibility are so low and almost non existent and even though it's existent, there will be alot of struggling and effort required. Why pick the hard way when there is an easy way?

We've heard so many stories of how friends influenced friends to start smoking, clubbing, and every other bad thing you can think of. This happened because those people didn't make the right friends nor keep the right company they should. Remember, friendship is just more that laughing together and having small talks.

Friends should help each other achieve their goals and be better. So check yourself today, if you have friends who do not have same ideas as you, change them and if you know you're not being a good friend to others, change as well.

Author's Epilogue

I am mostly called mummy amongst my friends because I always nag them like parents do. This is cos I want them to be the better version of themselves and that's how they help me out too.

True friendship is all about growth and changes. Check yours today and see if the changes are positive or not and then fix it.

Thanks for reading guys...

Mhizutty the voice of truth 🎡🎢🎡

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1 year ago


If it comes to all depends on the person. They say we go for what looks/acts similar to us but if couples start acting like one, talk, dress the same you lose your identity (not good).

There are plenty of yin-yang relationships working out well (more exiting or is the idea behind it: what I lack you have?)


$ 0.02
1 year ago

Very fair point, at least it helps to keep the spark alive and burning. But at least, they have agreement on somethings and that matters.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Indeed, negative people from our lives won't bring positivity and so we must be observant and cautious with people we called friend's as Sometimes they become a bad influence.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Very true...friends are more than people we know, we should be selective.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

This reminds me of the story of a hawk that was raised as a chicken and it behaved like one to the extent that it couldn't fly. If you want to fly high in life, then you must learn to surround yourself with people who can give you a lift. Someone that wants to fly should not be surrounded by chickens who are already used to staying on the ground

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Perfect analogy....imagine as hawk turn chicken because of association.. there's power in the people we associate with.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

your friends are blessed to have you who doesn't want them to do what they just want to do but advises them, even nags just so you can get their attention and they realize what wrong they are doing... keep it up dear

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Thanks so much mama!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

we have to surround ourselves with people that has the same goals and mindset as ours. It's hard to be with the people who only settle for less while you want to have more and the best for yourself.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

True...very true indeed.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes mummy, preach mummy. We have heard you mummy. 🌝

$ 0.02
1 year ago



$ 0.00
1 year ago

No human is the same. We come together and form a truce in our views and other times one has give up his/her views or likes for the other to be happy. Understanding is the key

$ 0.02
1 year ago

That's true..being with people who understand us is a good choice.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

That's true, there are some the sets of people that we shouldn't accommodate in our lives, their energy can reduce our speed.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Exactly...the quicker we get rid of these people, the better for us really.

$ 0.00
1 year ago