Another week has come to an end and started anew that I haven't been here for quite a long time. Plans, plans and more plans to write but nope, my inner self just wanted to do other things. Fortunately these stuff that I have been doing are productive and resulted into a fruitful, and I would consider this past week a full of blessings that are rather unexpected and I got a bit of luck as well. I was only able to publish one article and that was regarding my Saturday and Sunday experiences last week. Time goes so fast that I don't even keep track of what I was doing. And here's what's going on from Tuesday until yesterday.
Splinterlands hype - Chaos Legion
Since the release date of the new main card set of the game was Wednesday December 8, I did some liquidations in cards that I didn't use and sold them for a generous amount, then use that fund to buy the new cards. And then I got pretty lucky after getting two gold foil epic cards that are worth $160 combined from the daily chest and pack opening. I sold them again for the new cards and the cycle continues.
I kept a close watch on the prices like a trader does lol. Every single day, the prices are dipping like 10% which made me worried if I did buy some cards at the peak. Realizing this, I sold again other cards that I expect to dip in value then will rebuy again as the supplies dry up. It is actually the best opportunity to buy cards are more are printed in circulation. For now, I will just hodl my liquid funds until most of the cards hit near the bottom while I dollar cost average.
This happened for 5 days until the big news from gramps in AxieBCH Dojo announced something new.
Preparing for the GAME
It was first announced to us last time that we are going to get a huge surprise from our gramps in the AxieBCH Dojo. This was mentioned as an Enigma project. Enigmatic as it sounds, it made us curious what it is. Then this Saturday, he mentioned that this will be a one of a kind token, CRUT stands for Community, Reflection, Utility, and Transparency.
What's good with this token is that you can leave in your wallet and it will grow by itself. That's due to the tax fee fron different transactions. 3% goes to the owner, 1% to the utility basket, and 1% to the liquidity basket. This token has a lot of potential and use cases. What's good is that we scholars got our tokens and O am one of the MVPs of the guild which made me pretty happy! In my case, I got 10k tokens from gramps.
During the 24 hour fair sale lanch, that was really crazy since gramps was injecting liquidity at different intervals. This makes the price go lower so people can buy at a discount. Some people bought high unfortunately, but for us we were able to steal the deal. I bought another 5k GAME which makes my wallet hold 15k GAME.
Zombie Nights in the AxieBCH Dojo
And as usual, every night is a zombie mode for us in the Community VC in the dojo. We just had a crazy face reveal lols, anf you can see there people that might be familiar to you. Some of the even fell asleep while live LOL! There are so many topics discussed daily such as love life, rants, funny stories, and food. There's just too much to talk about!
Closing Thoughts
In general, time goes so fast that I can't even comprehend. At the time of writing, there's only 10 days left before Christmas and I can't wait what will happen in the upcoming days! I wish you a Merry Christmas in advance! I might be busy here or in the real life but I hope to share more in the next days.
[#47] Tuesday, December 14, 2021
Misss you already. 😔 Where have you been? 😂😂 Merry Christmas Mega ❤️