should I call it destiny?

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Avatar for Maryjacy
1 year ago
Topics: Writing, Fiction, Blog, Love

If I would have known, I couldn't have fallen into your arms, I gave you all of me and now I feel so empty .you promise me you'll always stand by me, but now I'm falling and you're not there to hold me, and here am I now feeling so shattered. If I know I will not lean on you for so long, I couldn't have tried it for the first time, but I'm still wondering, why is everything like this? Should I call it destiny? , I'm confused.

I and Denis I've been together since my first year at the university. Though we are not dating then, but I chose him as my best friend and we both do things in common, we visit the library together, we go to classes together, just to mention but a few, you'll always see both of us together, though everyone feels that we are dating, but who cares. During our third year in school, we are still together, but during this time, I began to have feelings for him, then I ask myself " Did I feel for him, or is it just an infatuation".

The more I try I get over it the more my feelings began to grow deeper for him to the extent of waking up to think about him in the twilight, then I was thinking " should I tell him how I feel or I should just keep it to myself? how will he feel if I should tell him, Did he also have the same feeling too? " I was overshadowed with the thoughts of him, and I'm finding it so hard to get rid of it. I thought about him till I was carried away with sleep.

The next morning, we both see each other in school... He asked me when we will be going to the library to read, I answered him and then we both went to our classes. Denis is studying medicine while I'm studying microbiology. After school hours, we both went to the library to read. while we are coming back from the library after reading. Denis asked me if wouldn't mind going out with him at night to have some fun. With excitement, I answered "Yes" I was so elated listening to that, though I don't know his intention, I can't wait for night to approach.

We both met in the bar, and he ordered Pinot Noir red wine, we had a toast, in the process of drinking, he was looking into my eyes and I was feeling shy already, there was dead silence between us, then he broke the silence, " I don't know how you'll feel if tell you this, I've been having feelings for you and I've been trying so hard to keep it myself, but I just feel I should tell you now, but if you don't also feel the way I felt, it's okay, I'm not going to feel sad about it, but if you'll choose me, I'll promise I'll never leave you, I'll always be there for you " I feel like I was having some butterflies in my stomach because he's feeling the same way like I do. I accepted to be his girlfriend. we finished our drinks and as we were about to leave the bar, he held my hand, then he move his hand close to my waist and draw his lips closer to mine, he kissed me and I felt like I was on cloud nine, I have never felt like that before...

we are together till our final year in the university, but after the final year, I could not set my eyes on denis after our graduation. He travel overseas immediately after graduation, though it was his father that arranged the visa for him. but I could not believe he's gone forever, what about all his promises? would it be so easy for me to forget him? I don't know why things don't work out the way we want sometimes.....

Thanks for your time .

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$ 1.07
$ 1.01 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.03 from @George_Dee
$ 0.02 from @sj0820
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Avatar for Maryjacy
1 year ago
Topics: Writing, Fiction, Blog, Love


I'm so glad that you have the same feelings towards to each other. I hope that someday Dennis will come back for you soon,l. Let's just hoping for the best for you two.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

it will be a great thing if Denise should come back, and if he doesn't.. life goes on... 😊

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Since they was no quarrel or fight between both of you, I would advice you hold on and believe he will come back looking for you. I know the whole love thing hurts sometimes but don't give up on Denise he might be planning a big surprise for you

$ 0.01
1 year ago

well, tomorrow is uncertain, denise might come back and he might not come back.... we never can tell.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I am happy at the point where they both had the same feelings for each other and it is not a bad thing for Denis to travel. He will be back for her if he truly loves her.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Hopefully, anything can happen tomorrow, just like you said, if the guy truly love her, he will come back ... thanks for stopping by...

$ 0.00
1 year ago