In Pursuit To Discover Myself.

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2 years ago

Sometimes I think about how crazy life can be. It's totally uncertain.... Sometimes it's pushes one over and kick you while you're down, it will slam you even when trying to get back up. Though everything won't beat you, occasionally are going to change But you will have to choose which one will change you.

I've been on a quest to detect just who I might be for the most of my life, Day after day, I've been searching earnestly and I was so desperate to recognize myself. There are moments I could not go on, and I've moments of utter comfort, To succeed, I knew I would have to be strong for the sake of my heart and soul.

I feared I might be on my own because the people around me seemed so renounced themselves. But there's someone who would remind me I wasn't alone And will reach out to help. I've wanted to know what it was to feel peace, And I've wanted so much to be happy, I thought if I felt sure of myself, The discomfort and the struggles would cease.

The discoveries are new every day, and I've learned that this journey is infinite, Though there are times I will still lose my way no matter how much I might know of myself. I truly believe that I may never know all I can be as I grow older. have constantly been laid right inside of me but the answers are not waiting out in the world.

In my own way, I'm in pursuit to discover myself, I hope to feel better someday by overcoming whatever might get in our path. But no matter how tough it might be, I will try my best not to wander too far from what that matters and what's really true. At the end of it all, I just have to be me. Because in this life, I don't have to be perfect, but striding toward perfection.

...Thanks for visiting my blog. 

Lead image designed by me on canva

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$ 1.51
$ 1.29 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Princessbusayo
$ 0.05 from @Aimure
+ 4
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2 years ago


We are indeed not perfect. And can only chase it so we catch excellence instead.

On another note, so you are fine like this 🌚🌚

$ 0.03
2 years ago

The brutality of life is truly to be expected that's why we must first ourselves in preparation for what it may throw at us.

$ 0.03
2 years ago