Things Kids Can't Say Directly to their Parents

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2 years ago
Topics: Kids, Parents, Family, Life, Story, ...

There are a lot of things that children can't say to their parents, especially those who have strict ones. They either don't want to be looked at as a disappointment, not maintaining or being at the standards, or just being disrespectful. It can be frustrating as human beings since these kids, even though they are still naïve at some points, they will experience that negative energy that will soon become a ripple effect to their everyday activities.

Here are some things kids are not ready to say to their parents:

  • Talking back is not the same as being disrespectful.

I always hear this one, but not from my mother, but from other parents. I remember that saying something, especially during an argument with older people, is equal to having no manners toward them. Kids these days are open to learning a lot. It's not like living back then where the way people grew up is maintained even though they are positioned on the wrong side.

Having an argument is obviously one form of communication. It's like having a debate on a court where two parties give their comments, but on the court, you can't just shout at each other, however, you are to say a lot of information. If a kid is saying something that is not in favor of their parents, they don't like it so they say it as a form of disrespect to them. Most kids still are hard-headed, but most of them have points that should be taken seriously and heard.

  • If I struggle in academic work, instead of pointing fingers at me, help me.

This one is actually a struggle most of the time. Although I have never experienced this one since I had a lot of people helping me, even though some see me that doesn't really need help. I appreciate those people who really captured that integrity of making the first move if they see someone struggling.

Those who are academically excellent in school don't want to be a disappointment and it is hard for them to ask for help, especially from their parents. Although I see a lot of videos where parents keep on shouting at kids for not getting basic math. Probably one of the reasons why education is a course in college is because it takes time to teach something to children, teens, and adults. Kids have different learning capacity that is why we always need to widen our minds and keep that patience in tack.

  • Stop comparing me to other kids

Comparing kids to other kids will just make the matter worse. Parents, the older generation in general, must understand that we have time clocks in our hands and we are not like other people who are capable of running fast. Some may walk slowly or some may take another path.

If the neighbor's kids pass the bar exam and become a lawyer, it's either because he can really become one or it's pressure from his parents. However, it will not be a passion for the kid because he sees it as a job. Something to be proud of is seeing your kid doing what he likes without having to harm anybody. Not becoming a lawyer or a doctor will not make any difference in becoming a garbage guy because either way, you are helping your community.

The list goes on and on.

It will be hard for kids to open up if their parents are not open-minded.

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2 years ago
Topics: Kids, Parents, Family, Life, Story, ...


Sad but it's true. And it is what's happening in our society for ages. I think almost everyone in our country had this kind of not-so-good experiences from people around them, especially the family.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Listening to a child's opinion is one of the best thing that a parent can give. But sadly, some parents don't want to listen cause they believe that they already know everything.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Some parents compare their kids to other kids, but they don't know kids do the same too. They compare their parents too.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, even kids have feelings too that is why it is advisable for the parent to be understanding of their needs and their attention, but not to the point that they are being spoiled. Being open-minded to the changes of your kids and their wants and needs is the best ingredient of being a parent.

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2 years ago