What is your favorite place in the house?
The bathroom is my favorite place in the house. Is that weird? I feel like for most people their favorite room would be their bedroom or the kitchen or the sitting room, yet my reasons for my choice are just as good as theirs.
Its not just a place I go to get clean, it offers much more. It has become a sanctuary for all my deepest thoughts. My cozy spot for inspiration and daydreaming.
Maybe it's something in the air, or the sparkling white tiled walls, or the fragrance from the soap, or the toothpaste. I don't know, but the bathroom (toilet) often elevates my mood and mind.
Its promotion of cleanliness, deep thinking, relaxation and privacy propelled the bathroom to become my cozy spot in the house; also the fact that I always leave the bathroom cleaner and feeling better than when I entered it.
All I have to do is install a television, fridge, and a working space and I may never have to leave.
What about you... where do you feel most comfortable and happy in your house and why. What about it suits you? What do you do there?
Sitting room is my favorite