Sadness & Happiness!

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2 years ago
Date: 04,July,2022

'Article No: 82'

'Topic: Sadness & Happiness!'

Hello my lovely family of Read Cash, hope everything is going good with you!

I am happy today because I am going to go home in the next morning! Though I have got little cold but still I am happy because of thinking about returning home. And after a few months I am going to see my Dad again in my home, though it will be a short meeting because he would return to the city in one day, so I am in hurry too!

Today I am going to write about normal things like Sadness and Happiness. Hope you guys will stick with me till the last line of this article! So let me start from here!


You guys may have seen so many articles or maybe you have read a lot on that topic but I am trying to write on it, in my way!

Sadness can be different types but normally it is an emotion that we, human being feel in some certain situation in our life stages. As I said it has got various types so there are various ways to get rid of it! Beside being the types of sadness, it also has got durations that is also has got variety.

Some sadness stays in our life for a long time and some sadness just vanishes away with the time. Actually it is also called one kind of healing! Sadness may sometime makes us so much upset, that makes us cry in the last stage. Though crying is good thing as it clears up our eye and makes the pain lighter in our heart.

Let's Talk about the Happiness!


It is also another natural emotion of human life, and it is the opposite emotion of sadness. As sadness duration has got varieties and so there are varieties of mood swings from sadness to happiness. Or more precisely it can be said that there are varieties of Happiness in our life.

Sometimes we found bigger happiness in small things and sometime we found small happiness in bigger things. As sadness makes us cry, in the opposite happiness makes us laugh! Everyone would choose happiness over sadness because nobody wants to be sad at any cost. Human do a lot of things in life to bring happiness into it. Some people even dies by struggling hard in the way of bringing happiness to the life or family.


Sadness and Happiness both are natural emotions of life that can visit us anytime. So we should be prepared for both types of emotion, but positivity can bring happiness in our life, so we should try to be positive!

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2 years ago


We cannot avoid being sad because it's part of our lives. Well, it's the emotion we always have.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Humans are perfect creatures, one of which is having emotions in the form of happiness and sadness, if we experience sadness remember that one day we will definitely feel happiness. vice versa. so the point is not to fall between the two.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Our life is full of happiness and sorrow. No one in the world can be happy without sorrow. But we have to minimize our sorrows and work hard to be happy.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sadness makes us strong to deal with a lot of things around us,happiness is our choice, and being with our love ones is the best thing that makes us smile

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sadness is the emotion that will make us grow the most, learning to live with the idea that we will always be in a balance where some days you will be sad and others not, is growth. The happiness many times it cannot be specified, but a moment of joy can be peace

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Its weird that at times I just choose to be sad, listening to sad music makes this possible.. I think I do this to experience the two phases of life

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sadness and Happiness are a side of the same coin you will never know that you're happy unless you've been sad before and vice-versa.

$ 0.00
2 years ago