Reminiscing The Days Before Internet

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Avatar for Lucifer01
3 years ago
Date: October 17, 2021

Hello my beautiful family. I hope your days are going well. I am again sorry because I missed many beautiful posts of you people. Lack of internet was the reason. I explained the whole thing in my last post. I had a different experience. Probably, it reminded me my days before internet. My school days. When the internet was not available like nowadays. After posting my feelings, you people suggested me some beautiful ways of life. Thanks a lot to you guys. I have selected my today's topic. I will be reminiscing those days which we all left behind. So allow your host, Lucifer to take you back to the past. Time travelling situation. Who want to join?

Topic: Reminiscing The Days Before Internet

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The best days of our life was behind of our present busy days. Our parents can relate it more. Because they had a childhood and adulthood without internet. The 90's kids have the vast experience about it. They had seen the rise of telecommunication industries in the world. From big cellular phones to slim smartphones used nowadays, we had seen the face and fate changing situation of the world. But today I am here talking about the days when we had a life without internet. From dawn to dusk, we lived a day with more freedom and less worries. There was no social media, no web search or mailing ways at that time. Let's talk about it.

Happy Morning Without Internet

Remember those days, when we had no internet facilities but he had no problem with that. We woke up, took our brush and ran out of our room. I don't know about others but I did this when I was a child. Brushing teeth while sitting on tree branch was something which I desire now too. But no way. Some of us got up early and started preparing our lessons. They we got ready for school. Remember taking bath in the pond? Those days were awesome.

Unlimited Playing Options

The new generation buddies are so busy in playing online games. Their playing equipments are smartphones, computers, tablets etc. Internet connection is must for them. But for us at that time, no internet was needed. We played with marbles. Remember? We played football and cricket. We were so busy in playing games that our parents felt angry as we didn’t return home at time. We had many options then. Playing hide & seek in a moonlit night was an amazing way to cheer ourselves. Even our elders participated in our games.

Visiting Cousin's House

That was a time when we visited our cousins and relatives who lived far from us. Nowadays, internet has brought everyone close to connect with a click. But it was beautiful then when we visited them. You have to agree that the social bonding were far stronger than now. Those days were gem for me. I visited there & my relatives welcomed me warmly.

Plenty Times For Hobbies

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I love gardening and having pets. I have a large aquarium. I will tell you later. I have this passion alive in myself because I had plenty times then for my hobbies. We were blessed. But people having internet connection are busy in making videos on different social accounts. This is now their hobby. What to say dear? I know you will agree with it because deep inside, you all know the truth.

Having More Times With Family

We had plenty times to spend with families then. Now, we are busy. We have to follow the trends of changing world. We have to attend office in time. We are so busy with our projects & future. We are focusing more on our dreams & desires that we are now having less time for families. This is not right. No internet for a day and I realised this situation. I am lucky that I have more times to spend with my mother. But there are people who haven’t. This is an alarming situation.

We all can remember those days. More things can be discussed. But are we learning lessons from it? A day without internet can show us how pathetic life we are dealing now! We are on a race. We are having vast opportunities & modern technologies. But on what cost? Ask yourself dear.

  • All the pictures(including lead image) used in this content are taken from

Thanks for being with me.


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Avatar for Lucifer01
3 years ago


To be honest, I miss the good old days when internet did not exist yet.

$ 0.02
3 years ago

Yeah, we had bettet options then. But now we are lazy.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Those jumping ropes,climbing trees and hide and seek on top of the hay stacked was more fun than of todays for the children though internet has a lot to offer too in terms of the new technology.

$ 0.02
3 years ago

Dear, you reminded me more things. Thanks a lot.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Oh my, those times when internet seems nothing to us. Honestly internet helps a lot, but using this too much leads us not to appreciate things around; unlike childhood times.

$ 0.02
3 years ago

We miss it, right? If you ask me, I would definitely say yes.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Those days without internet are the best days ever. Those are the precious gems of memories

$ 0.02
3 years ago

We had different options then. Beautiful days of our life.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Es increíble como cada día nos hacemos más adictos al Internet. Ya no visitamos familias, amigos, inclusive muchos a mamá y papá. Todo es a través de las redes. Es triste pero es real. Linda mañana te deseo. Mi abrazo para ti

$ 0.02
3 years ago

Gracias querido. Sí, tiene usted razón. ahora estamos ocupados en nuestras obras. no hay tiempo para familiares y amigos. sin internet teníamos más conexiones con ellos. buenos dias querida mi amor y respeto por ti. Espero que podamos encontrarnos.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Missing those times when we spend most of our day outside with friends and family :)

$ 0.02
3 years ago

Visiting relatives were best memories then. Now we are busy with our own life.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I wish we can all do it again when this pandemic is over :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Time before internet -no words to decribe the. Visiting friends and relatives, having fun playing with friends in the open field, give and take respect - all these can never be expressed in words

$ 0.02
3 years ago

Golden days had gone. Now we are working with artificial feelings.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Unfortunately, when i woke up Frist of all i pick my phone and started scrolling. First i came to read cash yo see rusty wether visited me or not later i goes for Instagram to see my crush message than i go for YouTube to see what happening in the world. Unfortunately, now a days bad tensions between Pakistan and india. You are so lucky you have enough time to meet with your loved ones. Last time my sister came to my house i was enough busy she kised me on forehead and went I didn't realized that when she came and gone.

Keep doing your best yeah, you are so caring. Indeed.

$ 0.02
3 years ago

I hope everything will be ok with you. Best wishes dear.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I remember in province, way back 2010, there's no gadgets that we can use to play that's why we are playing physical games like hide and seek, Filipino games, cooking in can and many more. In this generation, everything have changed, we can't blame anyone cause it's part of the evolution, evolution of technology, we can agree that technology really helps but sometimes it really ruins the old traditions that we had.

$ 0.02
3 years ago

Technology has made our easy. But it had made us lazy.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I totally agree with you. Life back then was better because we can move our body freely and play games outside. The happiness is priceless. We had fun and exercise at the same time.

$ 0.02
3 years ago

Indeed brother. Life was different then.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Those days were the best days of my life. I got my cell phone about two and half years ago and before this I was enjoying these kind of stuff but now everyone is busy with their mobile. I had a same routine like you nowadays, took brush and then again to the bed for whole day. Nowadays kid can’t relate this anymore.

$ 0.02
3 years ago

We had our days brother. New generation will never understand this.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I remember the days before the internet for me. I would tear through book after book. Things were much simpler then in a sense. I still read on my phone or laptop but it feels different knowing a text can pop up and you'd get distracted. You know? I'm not sure if the internet has made us all completely better.

$ 0.02
3 years ago

Internet made us lazy. We were hard working in the past. Now we only search comfort.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Exactly. If it's not convenient, we hardly want it anymore.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Days without internet is somehow wired but I don't even know how I was able to cope then, but I also remember that you can't enjoy what you don't have. We easily adapt to any situation as human.

$ 0.02
3 years ago

That's the nature of human beings. We cope up with situations.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I missed those days without internet sir.🥺 It's really fun. I'm always playing with my neighbors and with my two sisters. Go to the mountains to get some fruits. Planning to cook some food. It was really super fun..

$ 0.02
3 years ago

Those days are gone dear. We can only remember them.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes sir.. I missed those days..

$ 0.00
3 years ago