Dive deep like a fish to set yourself free
Date: 27th June, 2022. Monday
Life changes my friend. It definitely changes. There are different reasons for it. Some are created by you and some are created by some optimistic reasons. We live in it and go through these situations. We feel the changes. Those changes have an impact on us. We feel the heat of it. Not that type of heat. I'm talking about the different form of living when a change happens. To avoid that, we need to be alert. If you don't want to be a part of it, you need to save yourself. Sometimes diving deep helps a fish not to get caught by fishermen. Dive deep like a fish to set yourself free.
Trending things around us have an impactful reasons to set a new era and aura in life. Some people feel comfortable with it but some people do not. Beside this, not all trending things are suitable for you. You need to duck some of those. I call it diving deep. It not only saves your personality but also your valuable times. People will understand that this guy is not willing to flow with the flood. It stands strong against all odds. That's how you uphold your dignity and honour.
Dive deep if you really think that you will fall in this change and do not want to be a part of it. You just need to say no to everyone. Some may ask you or justify your decision but in the end, always remember that you are the boss here who controls everything. You are accountable to yourself. Not anyone else. So be mature and feel it that way. It is not necessary to use your feet to adjust with any kind of shoes. If you feel uncomfortable then it is completely ok to reply in negative.
For example, nowadays people are forgetting their old cultures with their new accent and foreign modern life style. They feel comfortable with it. Declining ancient cultural activities are like a trending fashion now. Throwing away your old ancestors good things and replacing them with some new rules and regulations are not the change. I call it a mass disaster in following respective precious moments. I know, you people will agree with it. Because you have seen that too. Some elders are also with them who are constantly declining it. Now what will you do? Either join them and go with the trend or dive deep and stay safe. Save your faith and beliefs. Do not go with the trends. This will not harm you and the purification process of your heart will go on. Now the decision is yours. I used it as for an example.
Some people thinks that staying away from the trends make them cavemen. They feel like they are living in the black & white days. So be it. What if I say that your perspective of life is totally wrong? Dear friend, it is not the people who decide how you live, it is and it will be always you who have the remote of controlling your life. Control it and drive it towards the success.
Diving deep to save yourself from getting mad is a correct choice. I have seen people even judging them who already had chosen a new life style. See? People will judge no matter what you do. So if you think you are ok with what you have or the personality you have, there is no reason to join the artificial facilities. Be the original and stay safe by diving deep. Not everything is ok for you and ducking from them helps you too.
I was thinking all about it while looking at my aquarium. My fishes helped me to figure out this one. Whenever they feel odd or uncomfortable, they dive deep to avoid that things or feelings. That scratched on my mind & it pushed me to write this topic to you. Diving deep can actually help us to stay away from unnecessary problems. It's not that bad. Effective & impactful. I suggest it personally.
I just hope it would be easy dear Luci😔