"Trying to be back on TRACK"
They say, IF YOU WANT IT, then GO for it. Easy to say but so hard to perform especially in trying to be back in shape. Or could it be only to me? Haha
I had mentioned in my previous post the desire to lose the unwanted fats that I gained since the pandemic. I badly missed those days that my only problem when buying clothes was , it didn't fit because it was too big. Now it's the opposite. Not only once I did get disappointed every time I picked up the same size that I used to purchase. Tsssk, those were the days.
So just last week I started my journey and tried to condition my body through walking. An hour of walking per day though I didn't make it daily. But at least I had started.
Aside from exercise I also cut or let's say I became watchful in my food intake. No more milk tea 😔😂. I lessened my rice servings and focused on eating more "Ulam" (viand ) instead. I no longer eat merienda (snacks) at work, just a light dinner when I get home but as much as possible I eat before six PM.
Just yesterday I also tried some home workouts which I have doing before when I am still on track.
Arms workout.
This is just an eight minutes arms workout for beginners . Exercises to be performed look so basic only. I am still okay while performing not until after four minutes. It was C- rotation. OMG, I felt like my arms were burning. Which is a good sign because it means it is working. Right? I am on the verge of quitting but thinking of my dresses that no longer fits in my arms? hehe I made a mental note and tried to convince myself. Go Lhes, you can do that. You only have two options; Lose some weight or buy new sets of clothes?
I am aiming to workout at least an hour so after these eight minutes I proceed into a 30 minutes zumba workout by Fitsevenelen at youtube.
See that zumba instructor? Who wouldn't be inspired? lol! Kidding aside I like this video as the music beat was inspiring plus the exercises were perfect! Not too hard but definitely will burn some fats. Well except those squats.
I was midway, about fifteen minutes when I felt something wrong with my vision. A little bit blurry. I am like this if I exercise too much , but hey I hardly did 30 minutes.
Awit, suko ah. Rather than to drop on the floor and lose consciousness I decided to stop. Hinay-hinay lng daw eh. I don't want to force myself.
Instead I got this Aventon sky- walker. Oh it is not mine, it belongs to my friend.
This is also best to use to tone those muscles and legs. Before I could use this for an hour or five thousand steps. Yet it wasn't used for a year as both of us were too lazy. See that dust?
After almost twenty minutes, I was already sweating. I don't know if it is because I burn some fats or just because it's too hot. Yet I am satisfied as I made at least 1221.
That's how I spent my Sunday. Hehe, now if you're going to ask me if I did some exercise today the answer is NO.
My muscles were SCREAMING. My thighs and arms hurts. I even find it hard to walk!
Ahhh, why is it easy to gain weight but to hard too lose them?
I badly want to get back in shape and build some strength for my future plans as what I had told @Olasquare a few days ago. Pssst, that's our secret Ola 🤫🤫! haha.
So that's all for today as I am resting early to relax my muscles for tomorrow exercises.
How about you guys? It's already summer. Are you ready to flaunt ?
If you feel bored and want someone to talk with you can contact me here. I would surely reply as long as it's not my office hours.
Noise cash
You are struggling to lose weight, while I am here struggling to gain weight. lol