Sense of Smell and Taste Lost for Weeks

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Avatar for LeticiaFelize
2 years ago

Date: April 16, 2022 (Saturday)

Photo Credits: Unsplash

Who would have thought that I will be able to experience losing my sense of smell and taste for weeks?

It all started on the last week of July 2021. It kept on raining in our place that time and a lot of people are getting sick. I admit, during those times I tend to get so lazy drinking my vitamins and even eating healthy food. I can't even drink enough liquids for a day. Like I was in a total mess during those days. But even if I wasn't taking care of my body those times, my days still went smoothly. Until one day, I realized that something was different with my sense of smell.

There was one time when I sprayed perfume around my body, but instead of smelling so good, I can't seem to smell my perfume that much. I even sprayed more of it, but I still can't appreciate my perfume. I just let it passed though. The same day, I also have eaten my favorite pasta, but I can't seem to love what I was eating as I can't taste the flavor of the pasta like what it used to. From that, I realized that something was different. Not to mention, I have no colds, cough, or even fever. I was feeling just fine that time, but I don't know why I have experienced something.

The night during that day, I tried smelling the stuffs in my room such as perfume, lotion, powder, make up and name a few. I even tasted some food and even seasoning just to check if I was still fine. However, all the things that I smelled and even the food I tasted, I can't seem to grasp their authentic smell and taste. With that, I started to get alarmed. Like how come I wasn't able to smell and taste anything when I'm feeling good in the first place. I feel like crying because maybe I got COVID-19 in someway. I don't know what to do.

Since I'm concerned with my health and also to the people around me, I went to the testing center for COVID and got tested just to check if I have COVID-19 or not. The people in the center told me to get isolated while the result was not yet release. I then agree to what they told me and got quarantined.

After 4 days, I got a text from the center and told me that I was tested NEGATIVE for Covid-19. Of course I was so happy because in my mind, I thought the virus got in me already. But then, I still continued my quarantine days for 14 days and just went out after that.

Not to mention, I also searched in the internet why I lost my smell and taste even if I was negative in COVID-19 and some of the articles there stated that if it's not COVID it may be a common cold, sinus infection, flu, and even congestion that may just go away once the illness will be gone as well. According to my research, when the sense of smell was lost, the sense of taste will then follow. It's being said that the two are connected in someway.

How My Days Went

I admit, even after I knew that I was COVID-19 negative, living my days without a sense of smell and taste was way too hard. Here are some of my struggles:

I Can't Enjoy Anything in Terms of Smelling or Eating

It's hard when you can't smell anything. I can testify that as I have been there. Living the day without a sense of smell was so weird and I can't help but pray that my senses will be back to normal. I can't seem to enjoy everything that I smell as something's like blocking my nose to avoid smelling.

Just so you know, whenever I drink my coffee, I usually love to smell it first before drinking. It's my one way of enjoying coffee and it gives me peace of mind everytime. Howbeit, that time, I can't enjoy my coffee that much as I can't even smell anything.

Anyway, the moment I lost my sense of smell, the lost of sense of taste followed. Who loves to eat without tasting anything? No one, right? It was like a punishment to me not being able to taste anything. I can't enjoy anything that I eat. Even if I was so hungry, I got full, but not enjoying my food. That's how challenging those weeks were for me.

A Lot of What If's

One of my struggles as well during those times was the thought that my sense of smell and taste might never go back to normal. I was too afraid that I will lost them forever, I will surely miss everything that I smelled or tasted so far if that happens. I was too paranoid that time that each day that I noticed that things were still not fine, I got sad and down.

Photo Credits: Unsplash

What Did I Do to Feel Better

Since I was alarmed on my situation, I started to take care of myself that time. I started to drink vitamins again, drink 8 glasses of water everyday, had some exercise, and even ate a lot of fruits and vegetables. I did all of those things to feel better. I even sleep early and I had long hours of sleep those times. I did all the necessary things to be healthy in hopes that I will feel better and my sense of smell and taste will be back to normal.

When the quarantine ended, I noticed that my sense of smell and taste was started to be back to its normal state, but not really. I can just see a difference. Until the 20th day, I could say that I finally regained my senses. I was so happy that time that I even jumped out of joy.

Closing Thoughts

That experience of mine has taught me that it's indeed important to take care of ourselves than wait for us to feel any illness before taking an action. It's important to do the things that are good for our body as much as possible. As what they say, prevention is better than cure. You see, I'm just glad that what I have experienced before was not COVID.

Anyway, let's all take care of ourselves. Let's not take our health for granted especially amidst pandemic. May this experience of mine become a lesson to you as well.

Photo Credits: Unsplash
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Avatar for LeticiaFelize
2 years ago


Get well soon! You don’t need to worry it happens sometimes. And see you lost your sense of smell and taste for a. Few days and your felt bad. I have a very weak sense of small close to having no sense of smell for as long as I can remember. My friends ask me which perfume you like the most? And I am like.. ah! I can’t smell anything how can I tell my favourite perfume

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Is that innate in you that you can't smell that much my friend? On my part, it's indeed so hard, how much more if living with it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes i think so! Because as long as I can remember i was not good at smelling

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It must be really hard to experience it. Also the thoughts of having the virus can scare you especially for your family.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

It's indeed so hard to experience losing senses my friend, but good thing it's just temporary. Anyway, it's so nice to see you around here my friend.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Been there sis and I guess it was 2 weeks. I even don't like to eat co'z I can't enjoy the food no matter what it is.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I know that struggle so much my friend. It's like a nightmare. I don't want to experience something like it again.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oho that might be one of the critical period for you. Because I remember on July 2021 the virus named as covid was on it's peak. A little sneeze make us worried that we got covid. Having such symptom might be not covid but due to that era of covid fear is not an easy way to get yourself back from disease.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Indeed my friend. I could still recall how scared we were back then that we might get Covid. We're just grateful that God showered us His protection althroughout the surge. Right now, things are getting better, I hope it continues.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You must have been alarmed during those days and glad that you tested negative from the virus and that your senses came back to normal after you step up and taken necessary actions. We do need to take good care of ourselves, for "health is indeed wealth."

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I was so scared back then my friend because I thought that I got the virus already. Good thing that I was just feeling colds. So, we should really take extra care of ourselves

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That is the worst thing someone would Experience because those two sense organs are very important in the body. It feels so weird not having to smell or taste anything, but I think those things you did: exercise, sleeping, drinking enough water, vitamins and the likes were able to help you regain them back.

We need to be observant and take care of our health because it is what we are living on today. Thanks for sharing your experience.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Well said my friend Princess. That's why we really need to take good care of ourselves. We should stay healthy like eating healthy, drinkinh water, exercise and all. It's so hard to feel get sick these days.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

These experiences also taught us how much we are blessed and that we don't have words to say Thanks to the Almighty. I also experienced this on COVID days. I hope you are doing good now.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thank God I'm doing well now my friend. I hope doing well too. We really need to take good care of ourselves thesw days especially that we're in a battle with an invisible enemy.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, mate. Stay blessed 🥹

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I can relate to how you felt losing your sense of smell and taste, as it happened to me too in 2020. Feels weird living without those senses

$ 0.02
2 years ago

It's so weird right my friend? I could still remember that the alcohol smells like rubber back then.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

So true, health is wealth. I am trying to have a healthier lifestyle as well because I am experiencing weird symptoms the past few days. I am happy that your sense of smell and taste are already back and that you were negative from Covid.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Hope you're fine now my friend. I hope the weird symptoms that you are experiencing lately is already gone. Stay healthy my friend.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

My feet are itchy and dry, I am not sure why. My suspicion is that my sugar might be high lately so I got to stop drinking iced tea and chocolate drink. Thank you, my friend.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

There are a lot of reasons why this can happen but thank God it wasn't covid. Maybe due to some hormonal changes I don't really know. Glad it's back now.😁

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I think it's just a common cold my friend, I'm just glad that it was not COVID. I'm also glad that my senses came back after 3 weeks.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Dear, you faced it already. Never do that again. Take care of yourself.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thanksss my friend, I'll surely take good care of my health again. I'm afraid to lose my senses again.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Exactly my dear, one thing that the pandemic helps us realized was how good health is important. Some neglected it and only regretted when their body can't recover anymore. So yeah, while it is still early, let's take care of our body:)

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I agree, right now as what I could sense, people are starting to neglect their health again as they got used to the covid situation.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'm glad that it's back now. While me, I been living for like 6 years without my sense of smell and taste. I actually had it on and off even way before. But since I got operated in removing the nasal polyp on my nose, I lost it all completely. I can smell and taste but only once in a blue moon 🥺🤧. And I'm already used to it. Thanks heaven i still eat with so much gusto even after loaing it.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Losing sense of smell and taste is hard even just for weeks, how much more if it's like in your condition my friend that you lost it for the past 6 years. :(

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I also have this kind of symptoms sis. Yung feeling na walang wala tlaga ung senses ko. As in ang hirap talaga parang almost weeks un na walang smell and taste. Ang ginawa ko lng dn is kumakain ako ng orange tapos sinisimot ko ung balat.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

this is the symptom of covid I've also felt it and indeed the senses don't work properly, everything becomes tasteless and it's like nothing is empty.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Living not having the same senses is a bit weird. I definitely miss the time when everythinh was normal.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'm happy for you my friend Letecia. You know nowadays if we have that kind of condition, we could feel rejection. Better you are the one to stay away from other people.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Indeed my friend Hanhan. I could still recall back then, people tend ro discriminate you once you got the virus, just so sad to think about.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Don't worry my dear friend. Just take healthy food and take hot water. Every thing will recover soon.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thanksss my friend, I actually have recovered my friend, I now feel better and not experiencing losing of smell and taste anymore.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I never checked covid. I got vaccine. Hey Friend take good foods which has vitamin C and take protine food for strength.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Glad that you're already vaccinated my friend and thanksss for visiting around my repository. You as well my friend, take caree

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's good sis and you didn't get covid positive. Even if you lose your sense of smell. In Jesus name my friend LeticiaFelize

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Amen to that my friend Jen. I'm just grateful that God protected me against the virus, even thougj I felt weird.

$ 0.00
2 years ago