Yesterday I published an article in which I told everyone that I ate a number of Pilipino Barbeque, different dish of them satisfied my craveness yesterday, I actually love every bit of them because it's my first time for how many months Eating barbecue. It's price so cheap that it only cost almost 4$ for all of it. I ate them all yesterday and now I'm facing the consequence of eating too much.
I'm in my bed today for almost whole day, my stomach is crumbling and my body feels so cold, I'm battling diarrhea. Yes I do, my selfishness and greediness to eat all of them all by myself leads to this problem of mine. When I woke up earlier and right after I prepare my breakfast my diarrhea started to attack. I haven't had my first bite of my breakfast I went straight to the comfort room. I'm going back and forth from my room to CR for how many times since earlier. Even right now I'm experiencing this one. I shouldn't eat that many yesterday.
So what's with BRAT?
Brat not a brat kid but a BRAT diet Physicians typically recommend whole-grain, high-fiber diets when your health is good. When you have diarrhea, though, high-fiber foods can be problematic. BRAT Diet are low in fiber and can help firm up your stool. Bananas are abundant in potassium.which helps your body replace the nutrients lost nutrients due to diarrhea.
Banana are an effective way to cure a moderate dehydration since they are high in potassium, which is typically efficient in dehydrated people. An important element like potassium are also lost when your body lost too much water. That's why it is important to load up your body by banana. Bananas can also aid with muscle cramps if you're dehydrated.
The perfect banana to eat when you are dehydrated are bananas that is ripe and firm. Because if the banana are ripe and not hard it is not as sweet as the other one.
During bouts of accute diarrhea rice water is used to replace electrolytes. Rice water was found to be more efficient than an electrolytes solution in lowering the quantity of bowel movements in neonates. Rice water doesn't require special ingredients to be made, and can be done simple at home.
Rice water is another fast effective way to cure diarrhea, to make this you only need to boil 1 cup of rice and 2 cups of water for about 10 minutes until the water become cloudy. You can strain the rice if you want or eat it as you prefer. Rice water not only provides some fluids direct to the body to prevent the dehydration to happen. It also can reduce the time duration of experiencing diarrhea. The rice water that's a binding effect in digestive system that makes the stool and firm and bulkier.
Soluble fiber can assist absorb liquid in the intestines while also reducing constipation if you have diarrhea. Applesauce is a healthier option than an apple because the fruit's skin includes insoluble fiber, which can cause stomach distress.
Applesauce from the name itself was made from the sauce of apple. It is easy to do and mostly used in western country to battle diarrhea. To made this you only need to put the cutted apple in a pot with sugar and then let it soften upto 30 minutes and then mash it.
T for toast
No further explanation, Toast are good to absorb excess water in the body and ease the symptoms of diarrhea.
Bonus part
Sports drink such as Gatorade are one of the best way to battle diarrhea sickness or sometimes called stomach flu. Gatorade replace the water exerted in our body by continuous vomiting and stooling.
Closing Thoughts
I'm writing this article yesterday but my stomach crumble so much that I take a rest from writing an article and end up missing another day. Right now after eating applesauce, rice water, and banana my stomach is kinda at peace that I can finally continue this article.
If sour sickness last for 3 days then start going to the hospital to be checked by your doctor. Drink a plenty of water to avoid dehydration.
Brother, are you losing your weight?