Some Tuesday ramblings

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1 year ago

Hello everyone, how are you today? I didn't really have a good topic to name this article because it's a collection of different things, so I just named it ramblings 😆 the main theme of the article will be about the crazy things that have been happening in my country recently but first, let's start with a look of how my Tuesday went.

My day went the same way as other days but the key difference today is that I went to the market to buy something. I only leave my house to go fetch water outside or on Sundays when I'm going to church, it's very rare to see me going to the market to get something but I had to go today for one major reason: I was craving for some banana 😆 and I also needed to buy a new charging cable for my power bank.

My sister uses my cable to charge her phone and last night, I found out it's no longer working and since I have been craving bananas all through yesterday, I used that opportunity to go to the market today. I initially planned on walking around the market and seeing what was new but the sun was very hot today, so I ran home as soon as I bought the bananas and charging cable.

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Rampaging floods

This is the crazy thing that has been happening in my country recently; floods! The first time I came across news of floods ravaging different cities in my country, I was thinking; "but we have always had problems with floods in this country, what's so special with this current one?", I was shocked when I saw pictures and watched videos of the flood.

That's a 2-storey building, flood has completely covered the ground floor
A river has been created where there was initially none


You can see people's houses being swallowed up by the flood. Schools, markets, roads, and entire towns have been submerged in floods. Cars and other road vehicles have now been replaced by canoes and boats, this is no ordinary flood! Lots of properties have been lost, I can't even see how they will be recovered.

I knew the flood wasn't caused by rain, so I did some research on what happened and I found out that a neighboring country opened their dam and the water flowed into a river that flows between both countries, and since my country is downriver, all that water flowed down and the river overran its bank, which ended up flooding those towns that are close to it.

I heard that a lot of cities are currently dealing with flood and I think this is the first time I am coming across something as crazy as this or maybe I don't remember if it has happened before but I do know that this is the worst flood I have seen in my country. This reminds me of the typhoon stories I have heard from the Filipinos here and I never imagined we will be faced with a disaster here in my country (I don't know if to call it a natural or man-made disaster).

This is a bungalow. You can see the flood has covered it up leaving only the roof

We usually don't face things like typhoons or earthquakes over here, what we do have is flood disasters but it's usually not as serious as the one I'm seeing recently. I'm just lucky that my city isn't close to any river banks, coz we would have been dealing with the same flood now. I don't even know what I will do if something like that happens to me.

I can't imagine having to abandon my home and go seek shelter somewhere else, most of the people that lost their homes to the flood are now in internally displaced persons (IDP) camps. Businesses have been lost, most of them are now underwater and even the ones that manage to stay above water can barely function.

It's truly sad to see what the flood is doing and the pain it's causing people. The government in my country is mostly to be blamed for this because they were told to build dams that will be able to prevent something like this from happening, but they haven't been able to do so since the 1980s! I really hope for things to get better but with the way I'm looking at the situation of things right now, it will probably take days or even weeks for the flood to go down

Thanks for reading 💖💖💖

Tuesday October 18, 2022

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1 year ago


the flood has been mad lately but i am yet to watch a video about it.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

You can see it in the one I posted here, a fine house just got covered with flood, it's sad sha

$ 0.00
1 year ago

This flood is dangerously serious! I've seen a lot of videos online and praying that it doesn't come to my city because the place is prone to flood, but it has entered the city already. We thank God that it has not reached inside town, it's dealing with the university here, the school is shutdown now.

We are praying it doesn't trespass because if it does, it won't be funny.

May God have mercy on Nigeria because a lot of people are homeless already

$ 0.01
1 year ago

If it hasn't gotten to your side by now, then there's no cause for alarm, it won't spread to anymore cities because the flood has started going down in most parts. It has already wrecked havoc in a lot of cities, this year get as e be

$ 0.00
1 year ago

The Kogi people in our school have no resumption date as a result of the flood. Many lives have been lost as well as property but Buhari hasn't expressed his"shock" yet.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

🤣🤣🤣 our shocking president, he probably doesn't even know what's going on, don't be surprised when you hear something like "I wasn't informed"

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Omor...I couldn't believe when I saw pictures too. Na God go help person.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Na so o, the whole thing is really heartbreaking sha

$ 0.00
1 year ago

ASUU say now his members are not happy resuming o 🤣

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Lmao, everyone knows they reluctantly called off that strike, the thing really pain them

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Too sad seeing your country flooding..this is common in my country too when there is heavy rain and typhoon.. Seems like this issue won't gonna be solved anymore...

$ 0.01
1 year ago

This could have been avoided if the government did what they are supposed to do to mitigate the disaster

$ 0.00
1 year ago

A very sad situation that we cannot avoid to happen. But all we can do is pray and continue to live no matter what

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Exactly ma'am, there's not much that can be done now except to just keep praying

$ 0.00
1 year ago

The reason for the flood is that Cameroon opened its dam to release some water. It's known that the Cameroon government informs Nigeria before the release of the water. It means Nigeria should tighten its defense by building our barrier

$ 0.01
1 year ago

FG signed an agreement with Cameroon since 1980 to build more dams so that we will be able to contain the water when Cameroon open their own, but trust Nigeria government to abandon the agreement

$ 0.00
1 year ago