Before I begin I'd like to apologise to all my readers considering this kind of article should usually be accompanied by pictures taken after my project defence unfortunately I was so tired I didn't get to take any pictures because I totally didn't remember. I'm so sorry for the lack of pictures in this article; my sincere apologies. Apart from not remembering to take pictures due to accumulated stress, I'm also a very shy person and hardly takes any pictures for public use except in soevial cases where I'm forced to do so.
Project defence was a success; I aced it without stress as mentioned in "Goal achieved; project completed", I wasn't asked any question and it was easier than expected. Apart from the fact they my "kristoffer charm" exists, the H.O.D (Head of department) simply decided to be friendly when it was my turn to defend my project; I guess it was a combination of my kristoffer charm and a wonderful coincidence which was in favour of me considering the H.O.D isn't a very nice person.
Do not ask me what the "kristoffer charm" is because I wouldn't tell you it's a secret..haha.
Today was initially stressful, the plan was for the project defence to commence in the physics laboratory but coincidentally the current final year students were having their SIWES defence (student industrial work experience scheme) in the same laboratory hence the venue for our defence has to be shifted to the office of the H.O.D which made it much easier for us considering that there were only four evaulabow lecturers to scrutinise our defence while the rest were attended to our junior colleagues in the laboratory as already mentioned above.
How it happened
I had to wait for hours before it was finally my turn to defend my project; the procedure was that students under the same supervisor would come forward at the same time and take turns to defend their individual projects work, after which a new set of people under a different supervisor would come forth again and again and so on... until it finally got to my turn around few minutes past 2 pm. By this time I was really hungry, tired and simultaneously sleepy because I had been in school since few minutes past 7 am and had not had anything to eat ever since.
Was happy as soon as my project supervisor's name was mentioned, which means it was time for me and other colleagues under him to define our individual project work one after the other.
My time came and it was more fun than expected; I constructed an automatic transfer switch for my project and as soon as I got close to the H.O.D his question was; "what is this" with a smile on his face.
The below conversation took place;
H.O.D: what is this? (With a smile on his face)
Me: it's an automatic transfer switch
H.O.D: what's it used for?
Me: For switching between mains power supply and an alternative power supply in case of a power outage instead of a manually controlled change over switch.
H.O.D: do you live in Akure? (Jokingly)
Me: No, I live in Lagos
H.O.D: can you come from Lagos whenever I need you to come install this automatic transfer switch in my house at Akure?
Me: uhmmmm.....(still thinking of a response)
H.O.D: Say "No" and fail this course.. (he laughed while saying this)
Me: hahaha... I can come whenever you need me sir...
And that was the end of the conversation; I felt lucky at that moment.
The other lecturers requested for my matric number which I mentioned after which I saw them write good marks in my score sheet...woah...lucky me.
I have no idea why the H.O.D decided to be nice to me by making jokes during my defence and it turned out to be an actual conversation instead of a strict defence. I feel lucky because the H.O.D isn't a person that jokes with students but my case was totally different all thanks to God.
Project defence was a success and I'm grateful for what I have; the stress and patience was worth it after all.
I'm sorry for not sharing pictures; don't hate me for this, I'm simply shy plus I forgot to take pictures due to stress. Thanks for the understanding....
Project was a "to do", became a "doing" and now it's "done".
Lead image from unsplash
Again you rub it in my face. 🥲