I hear my name everyday, it is probably the most familiar sounds to me π.
They Call Me Be, Bibi, Bebe, Kris, Nhe, Ten, Sis, Nay, Dear, Mam, Mader, etc..
But the question is, do I like it?
For me, whatever they call me is ok. the important thing is that they respect me.
There are some people who don't like their given names. Some just want to be called by their nickname rather than their real name. Why so much fuss about such a simple matter? Maybe It's ok with us but with them it's not that simple. A name does not make a lot of difference. It is the basic stamp of our identity and image to others and to the World. By our name we are known. And whether we like it or not, we have to accept the name given to us.
How do you see yourself? And how do you feel about yourself?
There's No problem with my name. They can call me whatever they want. Besides, I do not let what others say affect me. I just think those things that make me proud, it may not be a big thing, but my small deeds that make others happy are already a great achievements for me.
While for others they feel that the name given to them is not good. so they suffer low, poor or negative self concept. Reason why they get frustrated and they lose self-confidence.
How can we enhance ourself if we are suffering this kind of self concept?
Always acknowledge your achievement whether it is big or small thing.
Always focus on what you can do, be realistic. Do not set goals that are impossible to achieve.
Always avoid becoming over critical of yourself, as human being like us we are reliable to make mistakes. We have limitations. But it doesn't mean that because we make mistake or we have limitations we cannot achieve.
Always throw away the "Garbage" they told about you, some people have given bad feedback about us, some of these are unkind and untrue. Why mind them If there's nothing good to do with you and to yourself. you are just wasting time with them. Don't waste your time thinking that useless thing.
Always remember that we are created in God's image, and He loves us and considers us important and He died for us. These facts alone make you proud about yourself.
Always Be proud of yourself.
That's all, thanks for reading π
By the way they call me Baby π
How about you? How they call you?
Love lots β€οΈ
When I was in elementary I used to be hating my name because I got bullied every time. It's just because kids have this silly interpretations of names and name calling. As we mature, things change, our priorities change too, we care less about names and care more about someone as a person. Anyway, you are right on that perspective. God's ownership to us His children is something we will always cherish because it is all that matters.