This happens quite a lot with everyone, and failing insn't inevitable at some point. People do wonder how you came up with this massive idea and was able to write it without errors.
The world of blogging can seem really overwhelming, I know it is for me and there are somethings that I wished I had known when i started. At the beginning the main issue was perfectionism, I find that a lot of people want to create content and they stop on the start. Getting hung-up on the thumbnail, on picking the perfect topic, on picking the right closure before getting started on a content. The blog then evolves and changed overtime, you'd find that you like writing about certain things better than others and find what your audience responds to and you're gonna get better at creating better pictures and making your articles look better. But at first it wouldn't be perfect, which only way is to keep writing and making sure you try to work towards becoming better.
The leaning curves could be overwhelming sometimes, bearing all these things on top of your brain to the point where you just decide to completely quit. Instead of doing such you just know that this is a long term process and you cant compare your year one to someone else's here.
In the beginning you'd look at someone's blog that has been a blogger for so long and their pictures and implementation where perfect at this point, having large followers and it feels so impossible to get higher. Dont ever match someone else's success with yours because you never knew the hardwork, editing and designs put into that article.For you to equally be good you have to follow that same pattern. Remember the main goal is to help others, so you have to think "with every piece of content you create how does this help someone?"
When I had a hard time picking topics in my recent articles, the number of times I actually rephrased my topics to arrive at what I thought was the best I dont think I can fully remember.
It may be difficult to choose the right topic, sometimes it feels crazy at first then you see meaning to it as you begin to write your article. For me I try to pick my topics based on what will benefit me and my readers....because I also need to come back to it when I'm done and it would still speak to me.
How brilliant are we when typing. I make a lot of mistakes when typing and I re-edit severally to be readable. One of the problems is my bad phone's screen but I do blame it on how fast I type.
Have you suddenly used a bad word in your post, you forgot you where writing to an audience. I was caught up neglecting the actual reason for what that was intended for and threw in a cursive word.
If you have gone through the process of selecting a picture for each sub topic or that reflects that particular message, then you know how hard it must be...that is the time Google will make you enter the third page cuz of a picture. So initially I just used pictures whether it did corresponds or not because i was in a haste to complete my article.
How about our comment could be very messy sometimes with non obvious errors or worse a very bad one. This isnt a big deal, as for me I don't look through all those mistakes but some people do.
Complete confusion of what to put down in an article referred to as a Writer's block.....we dont know how well to present the subject or what to write and how well to portray stories in our minds. This effect can lead to some other costlier mistakes in our efforts to be better writers.
I know this looks like a lot but dont think every writer donsen't have these funny moments.....and these mistakes makes us more open and much better and makes us who we are presently. We see this happen in movies and we think its completely different in writing. I'm not great yet but still hope to become better and brighter. These are few little errors, you can share more of your thoughts on it.
Thank you for reading. I love you all π
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Mucho mΓ‘s al comienzo, pero siempre estamos propensos a cometer errores. Yo apenas llevo 3 artΓculos, te invito a que los leas y me des tu opiniΓ³n, ya que como son los primeros tendrΓ‘n varias observaciones que hacerme las cuales agradezco. He escrito cosas que me han sucedido y tratando de resumir, no sΓ© si lo he hecho bien. Cuando dices que escribamos algo que pueda ayudar a los demΓ‘s, no se si cumplΓ con eso, por que en realidad solo les estaba contando algunos acontecimientos de mi vida. A lo mejor quien sabe se puede alguien identificar con ellos si alguna vez le pasΓ³ lo mismo.
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