Yes we all have a story to tell, either good experience or an awkward ones. Listen to my other side of story.
I've experienced and witnessed intense pain, just as I've also seen and experience pleasure, the pain and pleasure laying its mark as scar in my heart and on my shoulders.
Don't sigh yet, hear me once again; I have seen and heard biggest lies, just as I've seen and heard the sweetest Truths. I have also seen obvious lies in the truths and as the truth in the lies spoken, seen and heard.
Calm down and dont get nervous yet, I have been taught and heard about existence just as i've seen and heard about nothingness. Yet i haven't seen the essence of life despite our existence, because after our death, everything becomes nothingness.
This is becoming breathtaking? Just like i have seen multiple birth but yet haven't feel or know how people die or what happens to people after they die, but all my life i've seen death slipping from the last breath of people we care about and the enemies alike.
Don't get me wrong, because I'm a human and i do much believe in existence, so many times I've perceived doubt and at same time exhibited faith, in my fears i put up courage to face it and conquer it.
Whatever you believe is your choice, i've seen the world and i have heard it's words, i've seen the storm wailing and i have seen and experienced it stillness. This life we are is a circle and it continues to roll like a round table and everyone will get to experience its sides.
Just as well hear its tales and see its proofs, we smile at its praise and frown at its blame, we run from the life's terror and still fall back into another terror.
If you want to know more about life itself and what more life has to give, embark on the journey of life and you will discover more story to tell. Walk more and discover its legends, opening to you its tales and and folklores. Just as you have prepared to hear and see the unseen, you will eventually see and hear the Unheard.
Life is a story line, individual needs to reharse it well so as to act well.