Politicians in church

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Written by
1 year ago

Greetings beautiful people!

I'm sure you're good and smashing your weekly goals🙌


I woke up this morning around 5:00am, I stayed on bed to check on my previous works to see if some upvotes have smiled on them and I was excited to see a little increase on the earnings.

I went to Facebook & Twitter to check on the latest happenings especially on sport and election results. I was able to get some infos about the winnings and losses on some political parties, while some were highly aggitating on the level of manipulations on the election results...yeah, rigging always takes 90% of Nigeria election.

Still on my bed till 7:00am when I heard noises coming from my window, I got up to check and I saw that it's a mechanic fixing a car. The owner of the car was there with him and they were having conversation about the just concluded election.

"...and they'll go and thank God in church for winning when they did heavy rigging" The mechanic said.

Image source

Mehn, this statement caught my attention and it made me remember what I experienced some years back.

I think it was the year 2018 or so, when an election took place in the city I was living. During that election day, one particular political party employed armies to take over the city, and chased back everyone that came to vote. Guys, these were not thugs but armies, this is to tell you the high level of command of the political party.

No one was allowed to vote that day and the following day, result was announced that he won. He won without election. Omo!

Everyone got angry but there was nothing the people could do because this political party was in command.

The most shocking...

The next Sunday, the man and his Political group came to our church with goats and food items like rice, beans, oils etc., to do thanksgiving for a successful election and his winnings.

Yeeeey! Everyone was dumbfounded because it looks like an insult to God but what can we do?

A lot of us expected the religious Leaders to stop the thanksgiving but that's the nature of politics... always being politics. People no longer care, the wrongs in politics are now seen as norms.

Sometimes I keep wondering...

Are we sure that God does no longer see these wrong doings by politicians as sins? 98% of the politicians I know are into one bad or the other. I don't mean the kind of bad that normal humans do, I mean their crooked ways.

And at the end of the wrong doings, a lot of them still appear in religious houses and they're well accepted.

Thanks for reading 🥰

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Written by
1 year ago


"...and they'll go and thank God in church for winning when they did heavy rigging" Funny but God said in everything give thanks to God🤣🤣🤣🤣

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Wait! Who be this?🤣🤣🤣

You're a Nigerian, I sense that 🤣

$ 0.00
1 year ago

You trust us na, we no dey carry last😊

$ 0.00
1 year ago

actually, God knows those that serve him and it ok to do things thinking he was the one that did it. many people in church dont go there to do the right thing. for politicians, i cant say much because in a way or the other we are all hypocrite

$ 0.01
1 year ago

for politicians, i cant say much because in a way or the other we are all hypocrite

You nailed it here. All of us are having our small small cover ups. It's just the waves from politicians are more obvious

$ 0.00
1 year ago

yeah. they do things without shame or concern and thats what baffles me

$ 0.00
1 year ago

These are the back-end citizens who know about what is going on in the country but are not into politics 😅😅

God isn't blind to all of these activities. He is just showing His mercies towards mankind.

Karma still exists and one way or the other, these people would pay for all their bad deeds.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

These are the back-end citizens who know about what is going on in the country but are not into politics 😅😅

Lol, I know what's up but I don't see myself dragging political talks in a bus. I don't talk self🤐

God isn't blind to all of these activities. He is just showing His mercies towards mankind.

Yes, God's mercies and sometimes I just wish God could react like men with anger for just a minute to help in resetting our ways🙇

$ 0.00
1 year ago

That's why they are called as politicians they make policies according to their own will and people just see their politics nobody stop them. They are everywhere , even they are inside us. Just observe, everyone will talk about politics but no one has such ability to stand and stop their wrong.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Yeah, it's so bad.

Everyone know and they know also that what they're doing is no good but they've made it look like a norm in politics. Very bad

$ 0.00
1 year ago

im sorry that happned to you. blasphemy and all other sins are common and more easy to do these days especially those who are in power.

But God is an all seeing God, never lose faith, He will take his part in the pit of flame. everything comes in a price

$ 0.01
1 year ago

But God is an all seeing God, never lose faith, He will take his part in the pit of flame. everything comes in a price

Yes, God is aware and knows what's happening in this world, He's seeing everyone that's taking advantage and messing with His name. I hope humans see that God is not foolish, He's just being merciful

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Politicians and church? A weird combination here, they would never go... maybe sulfur would come out ;)

$ 0.01
1 year ago

It's very common here. Bad politicians still go to church and have their special seats. No one to tell them how wrong they are. So bad

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Some of our spiritual father's have failed us. Just because of the huge sum of money presented to them by this evil politicians, they open up the church of God for them to do whatever they like. Rigging is not a new thing in our country.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

This love of money is causing big problem in our world today. I'm yet to see a religious leader telling a politician to stop his wicked ways. Once money is involved, everything becomes good.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Definitely God sees everything especially what's in your heart. That kind of thing happened in our place too and we can't do anything about it, we are powerless.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

It's very bad. And It has turned into a normal practice, we've all accepted it even though it's bad.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Rigging of election has become a normal thing in Nigeria. Bring it to the church most of our religion leaders are into politics, how do you expect them to stand up to a politician when he is wrong.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

It's very bad eeeh!

Yes, I know it's being preached that good people (righteous people) should be in political seats for the world to be in a better place, but it has turned upside down

$ 0.00
1 year ago