My stubbornness with catarrh

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Written by
2 years ago

Hey beautiful people!

Special greetings to y'all. Hope the weather is treating you good over there? For the last four days, the weather has been friendly with coolness...only nighy though because there have been rainfall and sleep has been so sweet. Also, the blazing of sun has never reduced during day time, the sun still shines as if rain never dropped.

My today's topic is all about catarrh and how it's been working hand to hand with me🤔

CATARRH is a medical condition in which a lotof mucus is produced in your nose and throat. You may get catarrh when you have a cold. This is commonly known as running nose


Lead image source

I'm the type that like self medication (yes I know it's not good) and don't oftentimes go for check ups whenever a sickness knocks(that's because I seldom fall sick). I noticed some years ago that I suffer from catarrh symptoms on a regular basis, sometimes once in a month, twice a month and most times once in two months.

People said it's normal for someone to have catarrh once in a while because of environment which I agree too because cold weather and dusty environment causes people to experience the inconvenience of this short time illness...but that's different from my system.

People said also that people that suffer catarrh regularly, have a substance in them that's contradicting the system and anytime the substance shakes or faces cold weather, the catarrh manifest outside.... this is more of a medical stuff but i think my own manifestation is beyond this.

Just like I said earlier, I'm the self medication type and I find it hard to go for medical checks to see what's really wrong. Also, I think going for that would give the Doctors opportunity to give me their well signature-like-written name of disease which I know it's not it. How do I know it's not it? Yeah, I have met people with this issue, where their symptoms are more chronic to mine. Doctors have prescribed all manners but it never seized. Also, these people avoid cold places but it's still the same... So maybe the catarrh is inbuilt. Lol.


This is how my own works

Mine comes in period I don't expect it, most times once in a month but the last time I suffered it, before now(today), was late January. That's two months from today.

Anytime it comes I usually go for common capsules that chases it away instantly (if it's not the stubborn one though).

Yeah, these cheap capsules have the capacity to fight it and suppress it within hours but they have side effect too, which is drowsiness.

I've tried different of these capsules, checking to see the one that doesn't work with drowsiness but no way, all of them works with that pattern. Even the most recommended falls in this category and I wondered why they decided to make catarrh capsule with 98% substance that causes drowsiness. Like, why can't they find another substance for it? Lol🤣. I know it's not easy with Experimenting and Findings but they should please try.🙅

Image source

I seldom fall sick and that make me not to take drugs often, so the only thing that makes to visit the pharmacy has been this on this catarrh drugs, to the extent that the girls in work in the pharmacy close to my workplace has known it that, that's the only medicine I buy from them. Sometimes once I appear they would hand over the favorite medicine directly to me without me asking for it.

Anytime I take the drugs, the whole day will be termed as dizzy day. I would be struggling to engage in activity, once I sit at a place for 10mins, I'll doze off.

But the good thing is that, the drugs work very well because the symptom will disappear at that moment and if it's not a stubborn one, that would be the end of it's existence for that month. But If the symptom is a chronic one, it goes off that moment and welcome itself back the following day.

That's how I've been controlling this symptoms and it's not easy at all. Like today, I was fighting with drowsiness while at work. I took the tablet today in the morning and the whole day became a battle. But thank God it as subsided at the time of writing this.


My coconut head at work🤗🤗

I'm naturally stubborn when it comes to some certain things. I've been told several times not to take cold or iced water but my coconut head is too stubborn to adhere to that.

Who doesn't love cold water? I love cold water to the core and it's became my part of living since I started this work, because we have 24/7 electricity with deep-freezers that block water. I so much love it and I don't know if I would be able to leave it if at all it's a mandatory act.

I love cool environment too because my body detect heat a lot. This is the main reason I always quarel with my co-workers because they like turning off the AC once they're feeling cold. I've been told to adapt to a warm/heat environment but that's not gonna work 🙅

I've been told also not to bathe cold water especially at morning and at nightbut, but hell no! I only bathe warm water whenever I'm feeling code and I can't stop bathing to the detriment of the issue.

Do you know why I declined these Steps? Well, it's very correct(medically) that these conditions brings the symptoms of catarrh but I've seen people that undertook these Steps but nothing worked. My boss is a good example of this, he makes sure he sleeps inside a warm room and yet, his own symptoms are still heavier than mine

Closing thoughts

I once talked to people about this issue and we concluded that it has no direct cure. The medicines we are taking are just there to take it off for a while and it returns back when the body has returned to it's normal stage.

It's just like malaria that comes once in a while, it comes and goes when it has stayed for the stipulated time. You know, there are people out there too, that are prone to malarias Everytime.

My body likes cold water and cool environment, unlike the other victims that naturally don't know these because. But i do take all these and I'm stronger than some people.

At the time of writing, the medicine is really working and with us dizzy power. The symptom of the catarrh has reduced but I'm struggling to write this from th dream... sorry for the poor arrangement of lines🙌

Thanks for reading

8th April 2022


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Written by
2 years ago


Sometimes self medication is necessary especially when it's urgent. And i do have also Catarrh right now. And it's so irritating.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yeah, self medication is the quickest and works perfectly well sometimes. So sorry for your catarrh right now, it makes someone uncomfortable. I hope you get well soon. Thank you for dropping by

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I sometimes have catarrh when I am cooking, especially if the food has lots of pepper and I start sneezing but it goes out after a few hours. I can't remember the last time I had a very serious catarrh but when ever I do, I just take two tablets of anifeld medicine and I am ok. And yes, they always cause drowsiness and I always sleep off within a few minutes of taking it

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Your own is good. Mine is like inbuilt, It comes and go seasonally, and we are much on this table. My own doesn't often come via all these🧘🧘

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I seldom fall sick too and about the catarrh, it's been years I have had it and I don't pray to experience it again because it's always frustrating. Self medication isn't advisable which I am also guilty of too.

I won't blame those going into self medication, it's lack of money.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Lack of money causing self medication?? Let me think 🤔🤔. Yeah it's true🤣

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That is the truth. Everyone wants good treatment but when the cost is high in the hospital, they won't have a choice than to go for self medication. Though herbs can be classified to self medication which is also effective but there are some health conditions where one needs to get fully treated in the hospital but when there is no money, one would just go for it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah, this is absolutely true. We believe self medication is the quickest and cheapest

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Unlike, me if I have small sickness, I will run to the hospital and I don't have coconut head like yours. Also it was the make TT catarrh was inbuilt that got me😂😂

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Your own is good ooo! Unlike me that find it hard to visit ordinary chemist. Inbuilt catarrh; it's inbuilt aswear. It comes out from its hidden place anytime it feels like

$ 0.00
2 years ago

😂😂is ok o

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I do self medication also but I used herbal plants that can be seen in our backyard,and if I was'ng able to cure my self ,I go to a doctor even if its expensive😅 Anyway ,please take of yourself always.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yeah, I also make used of natural herbal medicines and they work perfectly well. Yeah, I'm very fine now, the CATARRH has disappeared this morning. Thank you so much

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Taking of col stuff could be addictive, as they are also refreshing

$ 0.02
2 years ago

This is me, I'm stubbornly addicted to cold stuffs especially water. I find it hard to take room temperature water with the kind of hotness that the environment holds.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

When you drink water at room temperature, you tend to drink more which is good for the system than cold water that you wouldn't drink that much because of it's coldness. You could be able to drink three satchet of lukewarm water, but would hardly finish two satchey of Cold waterm. By the way, it's not always that the body needs cold water

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah, I know that's the rate and medically they said excess or too much of intake of cold water is not good. But have you Imagined how sweet is cold water? Lol🤣

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Please feel better!

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yeah, thank you so much. I'm relieve this morning. I'm feeling okay now

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Usually I do some self medication when I know that it is effective or was recommended by adults

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yeah, self medication often works for me especially when I'm battling with a common illness

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am not familiar with this kind of illness but I hope you feel better now. I also don't get sick and so sometimes I also do self medication at home and sometimes prepare to take natural medicine to cure my symptoms. I sometimes felt that natural medicine is more effective than drugs that can be both over the counter.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Okay,,, the catarrh I talked about is commonly known as chronic running nose. I'm a very big fan of self medication and that's because they are simple/slight health issues. The natural medicines works well too for me

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I really like in the concept of self medication. I used to it, when ever I only have minor issues of my health but when it comes to major problems I tend to seek a doctor.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yeah, it's very useful to me when the health issue is Minor as well and it works for me. Thank you for stopping by

$ 0.00
2 years ago