Do not pick phone calls ending with...

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1 year ago

Hello beautiful people!
Hope we are doing good? Keep enjoying👍.
I've been feeling demotivated to get along with other blogging sitse for the past two days, I don't know what's happening to me😢. But no problem because a problem known is half solved.

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Please do not pick any call from the number that ends in 666. The number is from hell and once you pick you'll die. Please save a soul today by forwarding this message to your loved ones on all social media.

Please do not pick any call from this number ending with 999. There have been 50 death recorded in a state in Nigeria, the people picked the call and lost their lives. Please forward this message to everyone on your contact to save them.

Read the message above, Have you seen or received this kinda message from friends?

I don't know about other countries but this message is very common in Nigeria. It's completely impossible for any Nigeria that's using social media not to have seen or even received this kinda of message from friends especially parents🤗.

I came across a newsline(fake) about people that died in Anambra State (one of the states in Nigeria) because they picked a call from a number ending with +666999. The news body went far to put pictures of dead bodies surrounded by their loved ones crying. At the end of the news body, they got admonishing people to create awareness by sharing messages to loved ones not to pick any call ending with such figures.

Image source

I'm the type that frowns at some superstitious beliefs, I began to wonder on how people will loose their lives with just receiving a call and talking with someone. It's not possible! Such death can only happen if the phone has contact with bomb but this is not the case, they're referring to magical powers (vodoo). In as much as I believe in the existence of witchrafting, this is very far from it.

Although I've watched a movie where death happens to a person if he or she refuses to forward a particular message to friends on Facebook or Twitter. I've forgotten the title the movie. BUT THAT WAS IN MOVIES AND NOT IN REAL LIFE

Just like I stated earlier, this kind of thing is very common here and once such news enters the hands of some parents, just forget it, they'll recruit themselves as major broadcasters. You know how parents hate it when we are engrossed with phones and social media, they'll be scared because to them, we are open to the world for attacks.
I remember a period when GLO(one of Telecommunication servers) did a call freak where we can talk to random person in Nigeria free of charge via dialing a particular code. My dad seized our phones because to them we were talking with spirits(ghosts)🤣. That's how protective there are whenever it comes to something of such.


I'm yet to really know their aim, I mean people that are spreading such rumours because if it's FAMOUS they're trying to get, it doesn't work that way. So I should go and follow a news page that share something of that nature?
The worst of it is that most of the news don't come with link(a social media page), so that's to say it's not getting followers is their aim... I'm yet to know their aim for passing wrong Infos to scare the people.

And also, some of them comes with clickable direct message link, these people are the scammers. Once you message them, you're doomed.


After reading the news I went down to read comments and I saw a comment that said the pictures of the dead people used as victims of the "evil number" were pictures from the aftermath of the stampede that happened in Rivers State when a particular church organized a free shopping charity crusade.
Needy people flooded the place, crowd control at the entrance was poor. They opened the entrance and people rushed in and a stampede occurred. Over 20 people died, especially women and children.

Image source

May God help us in this era of fake news.

Originally published here

Thanks for reading💝💝💝

15th September 2022

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Written by
1 year ago


Ooops! I thought it was really never knew you were trying to narrate something

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Oh some people are using pictures of others to create their own stories. I hope everyone of us have the ways to tell if it is fake or not. That is why I take it as a habit to read the comment part because there will be people that will say if it is true or fake.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

The person that did that rubbish rumor is lucky I didn't come across it on twitter, he wouldn't have believed the insults he will receive from me. This rumor didn't start today, I have been hearing it many hears ago and have even picked a number that ends in 666, but nothing happened

$ 0.02
1 year ago

I like testing all these stuffs and wait for the outcome 🤣. I don't just know their aim of doing all these, to more it's More of exhibition of stupidity

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I've not heard about this news. The only thing I believe is that if it is true, I am covered with the blood of Jesus.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Hahah🤣! You haven't heard of this common news in naija? Wow! You must have been keeping cool on social Media. All these are not real my dear, those people spreading these news are cr*zy

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Trust me. I only have time for my studies and I don't spend up to three hours in a week on Facebook.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

There are a lot of people who really fond spreading some fake news my friend that's why everytime I read some news I always observe and research it first if it is true or not.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Yeah, it's very rampant. Once I come across news like this, I throw them to trash.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes my friend. I don't know what their motif why they did that such kind of thing.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Some do this kind of trick so that they can gain followers, some are mostly scammers that's why we should be very careful nowadays and not easily believe fake news.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Yes, some of them are in to get followers while some are targeting People to scam them. We should be careful in order not to fall victim

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Those who spread such kind of baseless news among the people should be ashamed. I remember in my childhood we also heard about these things and get afraid as child.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Aside from being cr*zy, some of them spread the news to get people scammed. We should be careful so we don't fall victim

$ 0.00
1 year ago