A recent chat with a friend on music (@MoreGainStrategies) has got me started reminiscing on music I used to listen to. As I reflected on that, I realized that if we confined ourselves to only music in one particular era or genre, we may be missing out on some gems out there.
This led me to put things down here as a reflection on my eccentric music preference and also a record (thanks, @pusher ) of what I used to enjoy and like and still do.
Music, much like food is very personal and preferential. I suspect this is due to upbringing and environmental influence. This would be a safe thing to put in a blog because frankly speaking (<--- adding unnecessary words since the bot likes wordy article), who isn't influenced by upbringing and the environment?
Deviating a little, I wonder if the bot likes articles on music. Is it a he-bot or a she-bot? Or a neutral-bot? The bot has been on my mind each time I think of writing here.
Anyways, back to music. What music I listen to that is considered eccentric and peculiar to my taste?
Let me be very frank here, all of us have biases, including me. These are the music that I like but that doesn't mean I won't listen to other genres. However, there is a limit to what I can 'tolerate'. Hahaha... a bit of a strong word but we're talking about a passionate subject here.
So, what do I listen to? Some of these bands are probably older than you by decades but then music should be timeless.
One of the groups that I mentioned to Martin at the comment section of his Internet Gold | How Does Music Work? Wie Geht Eigentlich Musik | Marti Fischer - Cyberpunk 2077 post is Kraftwerk.
Check out a few of their hits here. Musique Non Stop hit the top of Billboard's US Dance Club Songs on 1st October 1987. That's just over 33 years ago!
The other piece that hit the #1 Billboard chart is The Telephone Call (Remix). It made it to the Billboard's US Dance Club Songs on 25th Apri 1987.
If you like this type of music, other notable songs from Kraftwerk you should also check out Tour de France (1983) and Computer Love (1981), Autobahn (1975), and The Model (1978).
One other group that I mentioned during the same comment was the song Da Da Da by Trio, another German band.
I think you now know that my taste in music is a little peculiar. I did ask Martin if he knows of any German bands that I'd like based on my taste. He recommended I check Deichkind. He recommended I listen to Limit among a few other songs. The first song I found on YouTube was Dinge. What a peculiar music video. He was right, so far, I liked what I have heard and seen thus far. A strange band to say the least. Even though I can't understand what they're singing, I sense that they have a very strong opinion in the message conveyed through their songs and their music videos. The music videos are very interesting to watch. I assure you that you'll not be disappointed.
I'll close this article with this short story. While thinking about the peculiar songs I used to listen to, I was reminded of a group. However, I can't for the life of me find anything about this group. Why? Because it has no name! I only know this group by it's graphical "squiggle" which acts as its name. I resorted to asking a friend of mine who's like a music encyclopedia. From there, I finally managed to locate the group and the hit song that I used to like, called Doot Doot.
So, if you read the history of this band, they were 'requested' to have a pronounceable name by their record label, CBS Records that led to the "squiggle" being pronounced "Freur". If not for this, it's near impossible to search for this band on the internet.
Thank you for indulging me in reading about my peculiar taste for music. Hope you've enjoyed some of them. Maybe I'll share more another time. Meanwhile, laugh often and have a great day!
nice post, and thanks for the mention. i'm here as the RC author formerly known as pusher...Lol.
music is such a huge part of people's lives.