When we are not alone ..
21 April 2022
Ever imagined that our lives were just like switch buttons that we could put on and off. Imagine if you could step in another person’s shoe and live the life they live. Wouldn’t that be something. Huh ?
Sometimes we go through life and we keep asking ourself.. am I the only one going through such ? Is there a person out there that feels the same exact way I feel? Well I am here to tell you there is millions of us just like you, sharing the same thoughts and having the same feeling.
Does it help to know that other people are going through similar experiences like you are ? Yes it does. It gives you that sense of belonging. It makes you realize that since it is not a personal thing perhaps there is a way to find a solution when people going through Similar situations come together.
Here is an illustration..
Back in basic and secondary school whenever results for our exams or test came out and we saw that we maybe failed or got very low score. We become very sad and we feel alone but if peradventure the teacher tells everyone that the failure was a general thing and that or everyone got a low grade in the exam or text. We immediately start to feel better. There is that feeling of not being alone in something which serves as comfort to us in such situations.
It is natural.. it is just life I guess and so when we come across hard situations in life that beats us down emotionally. ..it helps when we speak to people who are going through similar situations or have gone through similar experiences.
I guess what I am trying to say is whatever you might be going through ..I just need you to understand these 3 things .. 1.)you are not alone in the world there is probably a million other people going through the same thing you are going through currently.
2.)speaking up helps find people that have gone through similar situations and talk to them it will help you understand better how to handle it.
3.) There is nothing new under the sun. Whatever is happening to you has happens before and there is a solution out there you just need to find it.
In essence, worry less life is not a game you love and learn Everyday. Also I want you to understand that even when you feel lonely and secluded you are never alone.. it is like that saying that got popular during the pandemic Period ..
“… we are alone together”.
Thank you for reading do check out my other articles and my sponsors. Be safe be happy.peace
The jumper ✍️
That's why here in read and platforms such as this, we find common ground. We realize we are not alone.