The world is yours

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Avatar for Jumper-01
2 years ago

Hi read champs

22 January 2022

How are you all doing today?, it’s the weekends again what plans have you made for this weekend? Are you going out with friends or are you hanging out with family?. Well if you ask me I plan to stay home and finish up on my pending assignments seeing that they are piling up fast.

In other news, the crypto market is bleeding seriously🥲. I don’t even understand how this happened I just know I don’t want it to continue like this. In the main time I urge all crypto enthusiasts , traders and investors to stay calm. See this as an opportunity to buy the dip but do it smartly and always DYOR.

For today’s topic I am going to talk about taking the world by storm. When people say the world is yours literally it means that. Again I am not here to motivate you or some sh**t like that I am just here to tell you that your world is whatever you shaped it to be.

Everyday life offers us a choice and the choices we make echoes in time. It’s like a ripple effect so why not take the world like you know it belongs to you. Great minds, world changers, top men and women in various field of life would always tell you that the world is theirs and we are only just existing in it, a lot of people would say they are bragging but in truth it is a mind-set.

They have built up that mindset that the world is truly theirs and nothing you say can change their pattern of thoughts. It is actually progressive, when you tell yourself everyday that the world is your stage and you can do whatever you want.

The mindset of a champion

What is your stage? What are you trying To conquer? What mindset about winning do you have?. Top athletes like the Ronaldo and le bron james of the world would tell you that winning games isn’t only just physical. You have to have won mentally before you can produce the a physical outcome with positive result.

I know it’s easy to doubt yourself especially when the world is watching you but always tell yourself this .. I am one of one, there is no other person like me in the world, so therefore I am special, I am unique, I am a champion the world is mine.

Do a self affirmation recitation everyday before you sleep and when you get out of bed in the morning. Tell yourself positive things, forget your mistake you will make more, be kind to yourself and people around you because I always say it the person who talks to yourself the most is you… so say nice things to yourself….stand firm and say to the world you are mine and I will conquer you.

Thank you so much my friends, my audience, my people the world is yours. Stay safe and stay happy.

©2022 jumper

$ 3.00
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Avatar for Jumper-01
2 years ago


You start winning mentally, and then you conquer the world. Forgive yourself of past mistakes and move forward.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You are mine world I will conquer you . That true when we say positivity we can easily conquer the world ‼️

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I totally agree with you and honestly I do it the affirmation of positivity i my mind, though I must say I am not regular. But I will maintain regularity

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yeah that is the best thing

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Agreed with your opinions friend, good thing, and hehe nest wishes to your assignment

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thanks faith and how are you ? Feeling better

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I agree with you Jumper, all we need to do is self motivation and stay possitive. Goodluck in doing your assignments😂

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thank you lhes 😂😂 always

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Youre welcome😁

$ 0.00
2 years ago