I am an African boy.

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2 years ago

3rd June 2022. Lead image by me

I am sure we all have a particular song that when we remember it reminds us of a particular event. Either time spent with friends or a particular time when an event took place in our life.

Like the first time I had Turkey stew and white rice. I was listening to one particular song which was sang in my native language. After that day until this day whenever I hear that song I remember the feeling of how I felt when I first had Turkey stew and white rice.

Today’s article

I remember a certain night. Myself and @Gaftekloriginal went to for our usually overnight reading at the faculty of social sciences. It was exam period and so our faculty was crowded than normal and we needed a quiet place to read and understand. So we went to another faculty which I mentioned earlier.

We were there at around 10:00pm along with other people who came to read. Some dressed like they were going for party while other dressed like it was an hangout. For those who came to read we came with thick leather jackets incase of mosquito attacks and cold. We started reading around 11:00 and the plan was to read till it was 5:00am. Although we took regular water breaks and “distraction breaks” to check the internet and read messages online.

Now gaftek being the scholar that he is started to play this wonderful and melodious song. I recognized the song because my grandfather use to play it a lot on his radio back when I was a kid. Plus I had heard it a couple of times at different occasions throughout my childhood. Now at the time I didn’t know the artist who sang the song neither did I know the title of the song. I just enjoyed the melody as it was emitting from Gaftek’s phone. It was an old song by a Nigerian artist named beautiful nubia. The title of the song is “7 lives”. Here is video enjoy.

Immediately this song came on I asked him for the name and title of the song, processed to downloaded the song. I played it all throughout the night and even in the morning. It made me remember that moment forever. I think I even spoke to him about it.

You might be wondering why I am writing about it now. Well it is because I woke this morning to the rhythm of that song playing in my head and I just had to listen to it. And immediately it came on I remembered that night at the reading center with my friend.

And that is what life is about. The little moments, those times that would forever be glued to your memories. My advice? Try to create more moments with friends and family as much as you can so that when you are old and grey you can remember this glorious moments and smile because they would be golden to you.

Have so many memories attached to songs and when I heard them. Might be because I am a music lover, might be because I love to enjoy life either ways I am sure you have experiences about this particular topic. You can share yours and tag me or in the comment section. Which ever one I would love to read about them.

Thank you for you time.
A Jumper original.
©june2022. All-rights reserved.

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2 years ago


Guy, this reminds me of yesterday when I was playing music on my phone and Asa ft wizkid song (IDG) started playing, it instantly brought back memories of my trip to Lagos with my classmates a few months ago, we even did a couple of Snapchat video with the song. Music is powerful sha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Very very .. it brings out and unexpected side of us

$ 0.00
2 years ago

When I can not listen romantic song or sing it than I decided to sleep.

$ 0.00
2 years ago


$ 0.00
2 years ago

sometimes whenever I hear a song that is not familiar to me, I got this (LSS) Last song syndrome, that is why i have to download it and hear it the whole day.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah .. I am familiar with that too it happens to me Al the time

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Some songs remind us our past when we were broken 😢. It was good to see you remind your ancestors music. Although they have traditional taste but still they have separate leisure for us. Enjoy your night brother with songs you like.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you so much .. I hope you enjoyed the song and enjoy your night too be safe

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Exactly one should spend time as much as possible with our friends!!!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah because if we don’t we might not have any memories to replay in our heads

$ 0.00
2 years ago

yes right i agree with you. Time will beat us and memories will remain

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah memories are like the only thing we might have left

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Definitely dear

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Lyrics of songs do go a long way, one can have a beautiful voice and people will adore it in the music for some time but if the lyrics are as sweet as the person's voice, the song will stick in the listener's head.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah but in my case it is because of the event that happened

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It doesn't just happen to only you, it happens to me often times too; Lyrics playing on my mind. I agree with you about making good memories with people around. That's a good one

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah ? Thank you I thought I was the only one

$ 0.00
2 years ago