Face-mask girl; mystery woman

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2 years ago

I am one of those people that feel like I might end up single for the rest of my life. Funny enough I don’t think it is a bad thing, i just think I might not be able to let go and share my space with another. Maybe because I am yet to meet the one or maybe it is something else. Which ever one it is, I would find out in the nearest future.

let me tell you a little about a mysterious lady that has caught my attention and has kept it for a while now.

I don’t know her name yet but I think they call her the “face-mask girl”. Why ? She is always wearing a black face mask and as such I have only seen her face only a few times. The first time I saw her face I thought she looked really pretty. I was going to just look at her a while admire her beauty, maybe say hi and just move on. Until i walked pass her and caught her scent.

Lord!!! she smelt so nice. You know how flowers and baking smell? That was exactly how she smell. If I had to use one word to describe it.. I would say heavenly.

Yesterday on her way back from work after alighting from the cab that came to drop her, she was in need of change because the cab-man had no change on him and couldn’t do a transfer because her phone was dead.

“Hi sorry, this is quite random but can you help me with a change for two 500 naira notes” ( her voice ? So angelic.. I felt goosebumps all over my body.

“Yes .. sure .. of course” I hurriedly dip my hands into my pocket and gave her the last 500naira note I had on me.🥲( for context purpose 500 naira note is approximately equivalent to 1$). I wasn’t worried my place was far from where we stood.

“Thanks I would make sure to pay you back as soon as I get into my apartment”

-“no you need not worry about it ..it’s fine .. really” - I said to her.

“Thanks again .. if you don’t mind me asking are you Levi ?” ( she knows my name ? Holly-Molly.. my chest is going to burst out of excitement😜)

“it depends on why you are asking 😂” I said with a smile .. worried that she might have heard a nasty rumor about me ( not that I am nasty or I do nasty stuff .. it was just a thought).

she smile and said “well I heard you discussing with your friends the other day about art and music and when one of them said your name.. ..” she paused “well I just thought it was a pretty unusual name”

“Oh uhm.. I am hoping that is a good thing” I said smiling again. “Yes of course” she quickly added.

“Well yes I am Levi and I guess you caught us talking about art and music because we do that a lot”…. “Well do you have any interest in music or art?”

( now we were having a full-blown conversation as I worked her to her place)

“Music ? Not really but art ? Yes I paint sometimes”

“really must be nice .. a work of art making a work of art”- I said in a calm low tone .

”huh” …

“Nothing just ignore me” I said nervously.

By this time we were already close to her door. She thanked me again. Smiled and said ..

“I guess I would see you around Mr Levi”

Me -“You sure will … even if you don’t I would see you aroun…” ( oh my God what is wrong with my 😂😂). I quickly paused and waved nervously. She smiled again, then walked inside.

I turned around and stared my journey towards my place. After a few steps I realized I didn’t get her contact, or a social handle. Not because I wanted to start texting her everyday.. I just wanted something that would bring us together again in the future.

She is a mystery .. because not so many people know much about her and I don’t want to go around poking and asking questions, If she hears about it she might think I am a creep. I haven’t seen her in over a month. The last time I saw her I was on a moving tri-cycle. We just gazed at each other till I couldn’t see her no more.

I don’t know what it is .. maybe we are connected, maybe we are destined to cross-path in the future. I really can’t say for now but One thing I am certain I love about “face-mask” girl. Is the fact that she is a mystery. My mind drives me wild just thinking about what she does or how she moves, what she is like when she is happy or sad, feeling pain or angry. I want to know everything but I still love a good mystery.

I am hoping my path and hers crosses again .. then I would be certain to an extent what the future might hold for us.. don’t worry I would kep you all posted if any new thing happens.. for now I have my fingers crossed..

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Thank you for your time.. stay safe and stay blessed my friends…❤️✍️

@2022 jumper

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2 years ago


Awww, someone is in love 😂 It's a normal thing for humans to want what they can't have, and most of us like playing the long game especially with someone that is mysterious (who doesn't like a good mystery)? I am quite sure that you will cross path with her again, unless she moves to a new location.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I am not in love oh .. love is for the weak 😂😂😂.. yeah I hope so too bro

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ok o, let me just remind you that you wrote a full article coz of her, Pele hard guy 😂

$ 0.00
2 years ago

hahaha after reading I remember this song and I thought it somehow suits to be your theme song. Oh, hoping your path will cross again, https://youtu.be/UAUEOz2Zo-0

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thank you I would Check it out

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Do you know the song "I know I love you before I met you" it might be cheesy to hear but maybe she is the one.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

You think so ??

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hope they will know each other too soon

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yeah I hope to meet her again

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hehehe goodluck

$ 0.00
2 years ago

interesting story, this type of mystery story excites me, hopefully their paths will cross one day, greetings.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Greetings jc 👍

$ 0.00
2 years ago