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2 years ago

“Everyone is ..they don’t just admit it”

lead image source: unsplash

10th DECEMBER 2021

We have all been a good person in someone else’s story and a villain in another. Most People like to think that in all ramifications of life they are considered a good person but this isn’t always so. People usually don’t see a person as all good or all bad neither is a person all-good or all-bad all the time I think it just switches. What this means is we all have a bad side and a good side. It just depends on which side is more dominant.

Hi readstars, how are you today ? Well I am okay I am just not so excited because I would be resuming school sessions on Monday which is 2days from now( today included). The only excitement I have right now is the fact that it would be Christmas in 15days and that alone gives me a lot of joy. Before I go deep into telling you how much I love Christmas and it’s celebration let’s finish the topic we started earlier ..


Believe it or not sometimes we act like bad people Often times we choose who we get to show our bad side to which would mean we also choose who we show our good side to but just because most people would agree that a bad side of them exist doesn’t mean it doesn’t .

Take for example ..

I had a friend in my sophomore year back then. He was very friendly and calm. Most people have this view of him like he is a saint because he doesn’t talk much and often times he seem to agree with them. Now I was the only person who knew him well because we had spent more time together. I am not saying is not a good person or that he pretends when we are around our other friends. I am just saying they are certain sides to him they don’t get to see …

Most of our friends thinks he is a nerd and doesn’t like girls .. whereas whenever we talk about girls( all boys do) he is always seem to be the leading expert in this area of the field. Of course I let him educate me you see I don’t know much about girls.( that is why I am single)

You get my point, so most people don’t show a certain side to them until they are comfortable with you or until you push them to their limit.

Ever heard of stories where a certain person that you thought isn’t capable of hurting a fly injures and really brutalize another human being. At that point your thought would be “wow I didn’t know he had a dark side” or “wow I have never seen this part of him or her before”. It has kinda always being there we mostly just suppress it with a better side.

Same goes for a good side. I am sure you had met people before that you thought can never do a good thing or can never act sweet to another human being and then boom!!! They like someone you know and you see them turn into a totally different person. Don’t get surprised that side of them has always being there they just didn’t show all these while.

99 good things 1 bad thing

Another evidence that there is a good and bad side to everyone is the fact that sometimes when a person does 99 good things for example and people praise their good character and lifestyle only for the same set of people to come around and say something totally different about them when they do just one 1 bad thing. And then you see that most times people judge them on just that one bad thing they have done forgetting all the good ones they have done in the past .. it’s just sad honestly.

Closing thoughts

We all come in pairs good sides and bad sides. We just have to find a way to make sure that our good side is dominant over the bad. Mind you not everyone would think you have a good side no matter what you do for them, don’t worry yourself too much .. most humans are like that .. there is a popular inside joke here in Nigeria that goes ..

No matter what you do you can never make everybody happy because you are not jollof rice.😂

It simply means you can and will never satisfy everybody at any point in life .. you just can’t ..nobody can actually ..😂

I had fun making this read I hope you find it interesting and learn from it also thank you for your time as always ..

same place .. some other time my friend .. stay safe peace ❤️ ✌🏼

©2021 jumper

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2 years ago


Yes everyone has both good and bad side, but what pains the most is when people judge you based on that one bad thing neglecting all the good you have done, and they stick with it.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yeah it is very sad and people do that everytime

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Why will your school be resuming when it's just a few days go Christmas? They like trouble o 😆

Everyone has a dark side, and I remember witnessing a severe case of it many years ago. There was one of my classmates who was always quiet in class and hardly talk to anyone, but we didn't know that this guy has a very bad temper and he ended up killing his cousin why quarrelling about noodles

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Jesus Christ common noodles .. Omo that is why all these over quiet guys they scare me

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am telling you bro, I dey always fear those over quiet people

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Well taken.

Even when one good side is more than the bad side, people will still judge based on the bad side, but one shouldn't relent in doing good

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yeah we should always make sure that good is dominant over bad

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I think all people have good and bad side. It's just about how he handle it. 🤗

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yeah balance is the key word

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes you're right 🤗

$ 0.00
2 years ago

😂😂 how don't you know much about girls. I don't believe you.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Ahh do you know me personally?😂😂

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You're right buddy,we can't make everybody happy,we all have good and bad sides but we should allow our good side to be dominant more than the bad side.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yeah that is correct

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is so true, I've had an experience with a friend and I thought 'you sef get craze like this?'

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Like 😂😂 e go shock you too

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes oo😂😂

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Lol. We can't make everyone happy.. There are always two sides to a coin.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Exactly my point maybe I shouldn’t have titled this article that ..🤔

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You're right. In every person, there's the ying and the yang. The human struggle with self is to keep them in correct balance

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yeah the ying and Yang .. the zig and zag .. that is the absolute truth .. balance is the important word here

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Always lying you don't know anything about girls and you're not single by the way. By the way we all have 2 sides, everyone does

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Bro this is a public platform don’t you have my WhatsApp number 😂😂

$ 0.00
2 years ago