Anime characters that have taught me some important lessons.

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2 years ago

25th of NOVEMBER 2021

I was overwhelmed by the love and encouragement I got from my last article about anime, it would seem I was wrong after all thinking not a lot of people watch anime on this platform. I was surprised the amount of engagement I got from that article Top 5 favorite anime Anyways let’s just keep growing the culture and having fun.

Now I still feel the need to stress my point that anime is not and would never be the same as cartoons. The art, the storyline , the characters, the lessons makes anime a very unique kind of art. Also contrary to popular believes that anime or mangas are just for childish people who refuse to stop watching cartoons, I am very proud to say that in-fact I have learnt more lesson from anime characters than I have from watching real life movies.

If you are one of those people who don’t watch anime but you always criticize those who do well you don’t have to believe me when I say I have learnt so much from watching anime just stick around while I show you a few anime characters and what I have learnt so much so far from this lessons I am and alway intend to apply in real life when the time comes to it or If need be ….. first on my list is

1.Captain Levi (attack on titans)

Yeah I know what you are thinking .. because my name is Levi too .. calm down 😂😂.. let’s me explain. Have you ever heard the saying

“it’s not the size of the dog in a fight, but the size of the fight in a dog that matters

Well captain levi has taught me that size and muscles are not everything, to win a fight one has to mentally strong, smart and unpredictable. He has also shown what it means to be a leader and also a follower. Captain Levi is one of the few characters in AOT that I respect a lot because I feel like he has mastered the art of surprise. You can never predict his movements or attacks, also it is hard for you to surprise him with attacks because he is always watching and ready.

summary of lesson learnt
He keeps an active mind always and that is what I think everyone should emulate. Always be ready, expect the unexpected and it doesn’t matter how small your body looks you can still defeat giants, you just have to be smart about it.

Ps:- he never smiles .. always with the hard-guy face…😂

2.Tanjiro Komado ( demon slayer)

Tanjiro taught me that family is everything and never to give up on them. Most people don’t get it but this particular anime teaches the importance of family. Tanjiro became a demon slayer in the first place just so he could find a remedy to save his only surviving family Member NEZUKO who had being turned into a demon.

And his character develops in strength, skill and power through out the series one could always see his unquenchable love and devotion to his sisters well-being. Which in fact made his sister a demon that doesn’t devour humans. This character just shows love and affection towards family.

And that is how we should be, family is important family is everything to me. I can’t imagine my life without my family and Tanjiro has well taught me never to give up on family.

3.Kurapika ( hunter X hunter)

Talk about will power, talk about dedication, talk about determination then call kurapika. His character eludes nobility and loyalty to his course You see his clan had been wiped out by a certain dangerous group called “the spiders”. Kurapika was the only surviving member of his clan and so he swore to take revenge by killing every member of the dangerous assassin group.

Now bear in mind the least strongest person in the group will beat him without breaking a sweat, but one could see how Kurapika worked hard, trained hard, stayed focused on his goals, acquired powers which made hi really strong . He ended up killing one of the strongest member of the group which made other members to be terrified of him.

His will power and dedication to his course is something I respect so much. Also his nobility and kind heart towards strangers is another thing I learnt from kurapika.

4. luffy (one piece)

This is one is legendary and has taught me so much though people might say I can’t really conclude on luffy’s character yet because I just started watching one piece and I really don’t know much about the anime yet.. but the little I have watch i learnt from luffy never to loose hope, to never back down or look backwards when chasing our dreams, to focus one what we have and not what we have lost, to always fight for what is right and lastly to go always show gratitude for everything that we have.

Luffy is a pirate which might seem like he is anti-hero but trust me luffy’s intension and actions are noble and good. So yes luffy has definitely taught me a lot..

5.Shinra kusakabe (fire force)

Shinra got his powers mysteriously after the death of his mother in a fire accident which made people call him “the devil” even though he was still a child when the incident occurred but that never stopped him from doing good. He still saved people he still wanted to be a hero even at the cost of his life.

Shinra taught me this ; if you want to be a good person then be a good person don’t wait for the world to give you validity. They will judge you base on what they think it is right you just have to trust that you are on the right path and you are doing the right thing.

Also this anime taught me how we can often change the circumstances behind our background and become better people in the future. Most people allow their background to define them which is not suppose to be so we can always rise above whatever circumstances we have had in the past we just have to be willing to work for it.

6.Eren jaeger (attack on titans)

Eren yaeger ( pronounced JAEGER) taught me that growth is constant and that pain can be a strong driving force. From being one of the weakest anime characters I have ever seen to become a bully-titan, That for me is true strength.
I also learnt from the series attack on titan that there is more to what the eyes can see, not every thing is as it seem. Like I said anime goes way deeper than regular cartoon so if you are yet to try out some please do.

All the words written here are 100% mine and unique with no trace of plagiarism.

I had fun making this one hope you enjoyed reading it, thank you for the privilege to capture your mind once more…. Have a great day ..

©2021 jumper

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2 years ago


Yeah bro I love anime to I'm Otaku I love Levi and tanjiro Otaku forever I love your article bro keep the good job

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Arigato ✌🏼.. many thanks my friend .. ikuzo 🤗🎄🎄🎊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

These are cool characters, I know some of them… and I learnt so much from them… I love your write up..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you gozie I appreciate this 🤝❤️

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I don't even know any of them, I refused to be influenced by you guys, I won't watch anime😄

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You don’t know what you are missing

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I like them, too. One of my favorite characters in anime is Rock Lee from Naruto. He has this motto, "My motto is to be stronger yesterday. If I have to, I'll be stronger than half a day ago, or even a minute ago!" Speaking of will and determination, I think Rock Lee has it all.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yeah rock lee is a great character I totally respect him so much …

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am not fan of anime, so I don't know all these artist at all.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Shame 😂😂😂you better Goan and start

$ 0.00
2 years ago

🙈🙈i will soon

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I enjoyed reading this articles. Though im not fan of anime but i can relate some of theme because my boyfie is anime lover hahaha. Im newbie here :) GODBLESS

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thanks Joanna

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I would say Luffy has taught me many things, mainly because I have been watching One-Piece for a long time now, and I would argue that it is the best anime out there.

The other characters you mentioned are also unique; Tanjiro, Levi, and even Eren are great characters who have gone through a lot but still keep pushing onwards.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yeah I don’t know for some reason I am yet to fill watch one piece I intend to start soon and watch it to the end just that the episodes are long.

Captain Levi is my fave .. and of course thanks for the tip man ❤️🤝

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That Luffy guy is the Only one I know, I do see his videos and pictures on tiktok

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The guy Sabi die

$ 0.00
2 years ago