How does it feel to be Unemployed?

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Avatar for Jonjonjon
3 years ago
Topics: Life, Story, Experience

The Philippine Statistics Authority reported that unemployment has worsened with 4.2 million Filipinos reported jobless in February this year due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, via Metro Manila ( CNN Philippines, March 29, 2021)

Before, the unemployment rate in the Philippines is already high, but even got higher or worsen when the COVID-19 pandemic exists. Finding a job is hard due to the lack of opportunities in the country, that's why many Filipinos are taking risks in going overseas just to find a job, for them to lift their lives from poverty. And if lucky enough to find some available works within the country, it's also hard to get in because of high standards set by the company, even though the salary isn't that high.

Job Haunting Story

I finished my degree last June 2019, took a rest for a few weeks before I started looking for a job that is in line with my degree which is Information Technology. I tried to find within the province where I'm residing, but unfortunately found nothing, I almost lose hope. But I didn't give up, thinking maybe the job that meant for me wasn't in the province, so I took a risk, I decided to go to the Metro (capital city of the Philippines).

I traveled to Metro Manila in August 2019, which's 10 hours ride from my province to the capital city. And I resided at my uncle's house, upon arriving I only took a day of rest, and look for a job the next day. Imagine someone from the province who's not used to tall buildings and skyscrapers goes out and roam around the city just to find a job with a smartphone in his hands and a brown envelope containing his documents and requirements in his bag. Yes, that's how am I at that time. And I am thankful to Google Maps because it guides me in reaching my destination. He's with me throughout.

To be honest, I didn't choose what job should I apply for at that time, when there are job fairs available, I just go and submit my Resume and Personal Data Sheet. In a week of haunting, I received a call for an interview. It's not an office base job which I prefer, nor related to Information Technology, It's on retail, as sails associate. I grabbed it, who am I to decline such an opportunity. So I went and got interviewed, I got hired because of my communication skills. I was happy at that time and I bear in my mind that I will do my very best to fulfill the job that was vested in me.

A story to tell: got employed

I started the Job the first week of September 2019. It wasn't easy at first for I'm still new to such an environment, but as a Filipino myself, it is a trait of us being adaptive, and just a week I was able to adapt to the new working environment. I was able to befriend my co-workers and met a super strict branch manager.

Getting close to my co-workers, I got to learn a lot from them like how to deal with customers, some strategies, and the like. But there's one thing that I still can't forget until now, a question that was asked to me, "Why are you working here when you got your diploma? when you finished your degree?".

That was imprinted on my mind, I got curious so I ask them "Why? What's the matter?". And they told me that, most of them didn't finish their education, and are early parents. That pierced my heart, it felt like they are looking down on their selves, on their job, that being a sales associate (working in retail) is for people who are middle school graduates.

And that made me speak, I told them "it sounds like you are looking down on your selves and to this job, but to tell you, every job is the same, whether if it's managerial, sales associate, or even janitor, we all are trying our best to put food on our table. So lift your chin, this is a decent job".

One thing I noticed to them is the way they treat me, the way they call me. When they call other co-workers asking for help, they just address them "Part" short for a partner, or the name itself, but when it comes to me they use "Sir", that really made me uncomfortable, so during our break, I confronted them and told them "don't address me "sir" next time please, that sounds superior over the others, we all are at the same level here", and everything went well as in the following days, weeks, and months.

And after three months of working together, I was requested to be transferred to a new Branch and become a pioneer. I don't like it because I know it will be another adjustment for me, new co-workers, new working environment, my supervisor even argue with our manager because why does it have to be me? when there are other employees there. And the manager said, then who should I send to the new branch? the ones that are not reliable, and do not know about sales and how to deal with customers? I don't want to send someone there just to dirt my name, that I'm an incompetent manager.

So I left with no choice but to get transferred, but I was able to adjust that easily. and did well on the job as I always do.

The emergence of a Virus

It's been six months since I've been in the Metro, everything went well. But all of a sudden a virus came. At first, it wasn't that alarming, life continues, work continues. But after a few weeks, things get worsen, become more alarming. Until the government declared a total lockdown in the metro due to the increasing case of infections. I was alarmed and worried at that time so I ended up going home to the province before the said lockdown. I must admit, I did panic and went home. I just sent a message to the manager about it, since there is also a memo about the closing of the establishment to avoid the spread of the virus, and told her that I'll be back after three months. But in three months the lockdown is still not lifted.

When everything became a little lighter, establishments are already allowed to open but just a few employees are allowed, and that they need to decrease the number of employees. I wanna go back to the metro but the travel ban is not lifted still, so I got no choice but to voluntarily resign considering some co-employees situation, some have children.

How does it feel to be Unemployed?

To be honest, it's hard especially when the whole neighborhood knows that you finished your education, when your whole clan knows, they have huge expectations of you. You'll hear a lot of gossips, like "his parents just wasted their money to send him to school, he can't even earn to give back to his parent", they'll compare you to other people in the neighborhood who was able to acquire a job earlier than you, they'll talk a lot behind your back as if they contributed something in your studies, in your life as a whole.

I almost got depressed about it, how useless I am to the family. I slowly developing anxiety. But lucky enough to have my family beside me, they made me understand that it's okay, that they understand my situation, that I am not obliged to give back or provide for them. I was able to cope because of them around.

Photo from fineartamerica

It's hard but you've got to be strong in dealing with them; maximum tolerance. You have to be physically and mentally strong to deal with life. don't let overthinking, anxiety, and depression swallow you.

Closing thoughts

If you still have a job, treasure it, continue working the best that you can and love it because many out there are wishing to have such opportunity and privilege to work, so don't take that job for granted.

Don't look down on yourself just because you don't have a diploma or you didn't finish your degree, life is not limited to those pieces of paper, your determination, perseverance, and the burning desire to be successful, to conquer poverty is what matters the most.

Life will throw you so many stones; pain, challenges, struggles, but you must learn to dodge it, if it still heats you, learn how to heal it, how to cure it, how to endure it, because, at the end of the day, these lumps, scratches, and wounds will make us stronger, bolder and wiser.

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Philippine Statistics Authority unemployment report:

$ 0.77
$ 0.50 from @Eirolfeam2
$ 0.10 from @Omar
$ 0.05 from @Jane
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Avatar for Jonjonjon
3 years ago
Topics: Life, Story, Experience


I totally can relate. My second article after joining read cash again is about that here's the link.

Kala ko ako lang. Ikaw din pala. Haha bwesit na mga palaka sa tabi tabi walang ibang magawa kundi mag ingay, pero kapag nakaharap ka wala namang masabi. Kala mo ang laki ng ambag nila sa pag aaral natin.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Tama, laging may nasasabi. Check ko article mo kaibigan. πŸ€—

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Haha sige. Thank you po. And thanks din sa sponsorship!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You're welcome julyAnn. 😊

$ 0.00
3 years ago

We have the same sad situation here in Greece. When I started working, I remember myself searching for almost everyday and they all kept telling me: you have no experience - I don't want you. After 2 years and few months I started working in a super market for 2 months, with the help of my neighbour. After that, again with the help of a friend, I found a better (?) job, where I stayed 1,5 year just for the experience, because the way they treated to the personell was beyond words to describe. After that I went to another company for 2,5 - 3 months, where I left "running" because my manager wanted more...and I finally found a job where I stayed for 23 years. With all the things that happened to Greece, the company closed, we had (still have) to wait for money they never gave us and the last 3 years I am unemployed. Too difficult to handle, I had anxiety, couldn't sleep at nights, thought I am "nothing", I don't bring money at home and so many bad thinking. Thankfully, I have my husband who supported me from the first time, and my family too. I tried to find a job, they say now that I DO have experience that "I'm old" (almost 48 now) and they keep looking for women until 35-36 top. Covid came after one year of searching and I stopped searching for a job because of this. What did I do to feel better? Started learning things from the Internet, became a freelancer and do small tasks to get some money, involved with cryptocurrency and other things. I do miss work, I cannot feel like doing nothing, and after so many years working it's completely difficult for me to just "stay at home". I'm wishing you best of luck, and I also want to congratulate you and your parents for your manners and how you see/treat other people, despite the fact that you are a person with a high level diploma - I despise people who think they are superior because of their studies. Nobody knows the true story of a person, why he/she HAS to work in a place under weird or not circumstances, and I cannot stand people who go to buy something and treat the stuff like they are their slaves...!!! Education is at school, be a humble, logical, true person with empathy, needs to have a heart and good manners.

$ 0.35
3 years ago

I'm teary reading this; your story. I surely get inspiration in your story. πŸ™

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Much better 😁 do you know that I traveled to manila alone before. 24hrs bus ride from our province 😁 I don't know where to go as well and just used Google map It was a savior.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes ms. Jane, google map saved me in so much way back then. Probinsyana knows how it feels to be in the middle of the city with gigantic buildings, where in fact you're used to giant trees. Hehe. Thank you so much.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Okay lng naman sakn kc sa city ako nag aral.. So hndi takot iconquer ang Manila 🀣 I explored that huge city alone .

$ 0.00
3 years ago

The worsening cases plus the high inflation rate followed by the increase in unemployment rate 😣

It’s really a hard time but hopefully soon you’ll be able to land on a job soon! Try linkedin there are international companies there that allows working from home, maybe you can find some 😊

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yeah, unemployment rate is just getting higher. Anyway will check on that, thanks ms. Deedum. Stay safe and healthy there. God bless you always.

$ 0.00
3 years ago