The State of Being Unemployed

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Avatar for JulyAnn
3 years ago

There comes a point in our life that we will achieved what we dream. Working hard day and nights. Spending years in school to achieve our goals. We think that once we graduate and get a degree everything will be easy.

If there are students who happened to read this article and thinking the same way, start clearing that thought and change your mindset, 'cause the real battle in life starts after we graduated.

It's been 4 years since I graduated in college. After graduation, in a month I decided to find a job to help and support my family. Seeking for jobs isn't easy. Some may think that for a college graduate with a four year course, it will be a piece of cake to find a job. No, it's not. Yes, there are lots of companies looking for a college graduate, more of them is specifically looking for a graduate in a four year course. I passed that criteria, and that's it. Other than having a four year course graduate, some of the criteria, I failed. Experience is the great hindrance. Some companies are looking for an employee with experienced, and what about me? Who would easily hired a fresh graduate?

With a great determination and perseverance to find a job, I seek everywhere and applied. Take exams and do interviews. I actually memories their ending speech, "Thank you for applying we will inform you/call you." If you will believe with that speech, to tell you, your waiting in vain.

For a long month seeking a job, atlast I was hired, luckily.

Three months of training really drained me, but honestly at the very first month I already felt the exhaustion. I pushed myself to hold on to that job. My mind keeps on pursuing but my body is declining. Lack of sleep and I barely eat. It was so stressful. I wanted to quit, 'cause I thought that this job is not for me. Before I quit, I applied again and again until I find the best job I ever wanted, and so I quit.

My second job was stressful too, but I find joy everyday. I never mind the exhaustion I felt nor how hard it was. I am satisfied. Through that job, I gave support and helped my family. It was supposed to be my third year in that job, that suddenly this pandemic broke and spread. We all know it's effects on our lives. I was determined to continue my job, but unexpected thing started to arose. Because of lackdown and won't be able to go outside I felt the pandemic blues. I felt stressed and depressed at the same time. What's more to what I am feeling, my boss informed us that she won't be able to pay us all, that she need to reduced her employees. That leads me to a decision to dropped and quit.

If I will count the months since I became unemployed, it's exactly 9 months. My siblings and I decided to went back to province. Less case of COVID and less worries of bills to pay, in other words, less stress. So far so good, I am experiencing the life in the province again after many years. But I must say, seeking job in the province is hard. Less opportunities.

In the meantime, I'd do part time job like tutoring, and I'm also helping my parents planting some crops. I am quite contented although having a job is much different.

Some say being unemployed is better. No worries about things to do and deadlines. You hold your time. You don't rush. Just like being SINGLE.


Being unemployed is prone to gossips. And that's worse.

People will deliberately judge you without even thinking of the current situation. You will continue hearing words of mockery and judgement. You will be compared endlessly to someone. And you know what's even worse? Your family will be their subject of gossip especially your parents.

"She graduated in college and with a license and yet, unemployed?!

"Her mother has a lot of debt."

Hearing those words repeatedly is very annoying and infuriates me. Infront,they act friendly towards my family but when they turned their back, they talked negatively. Indeed, planet earth is polluted with too much plastic, 'cause even human became one.

Thanks to my parents they properly taught us how to treat people... be kind and respectful. That's what I am doing. But honestly, I can stop myself from being irritated and angry. You can't blame me, I'm just human.

One thing I've realized, that no matter what you do or have, either you have a job or none, people will still judge you. Even if you are nice to them. Even if you treat them well. Even if you help them on times when they need help.

Well, I believe in karma.

I'll just focus on my goals and show them what I am capable of. I'll let God handle them.

$ 7.80
$ 6.70 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 1.00 from @tired_momma
$ 0.10 from @Yen
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Avatar for JulyAnn
3 years ago


I work hard since I was young. Gossiping is my neighbour's breakfast lunch dinner and even snack. They will talk about other peoples lives so I know what you mean. You will not always get what you want in life when you want to get it but it will be yours eventually in its perfect time. Love yourself, do your best and God will do the rest.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Oh Julie! Finally napansin ka run ulit ni rusty. Keep up the good work 👍 Just don't mind those people mga walang magawa lang ang nga yan sa buhay. Naexperience ko din naman yan, mas malala pa nga kasi sakin relatives ko pa ang nagchichismis 🙄

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User's avatar sc
3 years ago

Oo nga! Ang saya ko nung may nareceived ako😊 abd tungkol naman naman dyan sa mga chismosa na yan bahala na sila sa buhay nila.😈

$ 0.00
3 years ago

wag ka kasing magpopost ng mga 2-minute read na article. Dapat 3 mins. up. Mas madali yan mapansin.

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User's avatar sc
3 years ago

Yun na nga ang ginagawa ko. Hahaha pinipikit kong pahabain article ko.😁

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Ganon talaga ibang tao magagaling manuna NG Kapwa. Don't mind them ,

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User's avatar Yen
3 years ago

Yung akala mo ang perfect nila. Hindi nila tinitingnan sarili nila bago mangjudge.

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3 years ago