No offense, but..

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2 years ago

"No Offense,"

- a phrase used before roasting someone with even more offensive words that would truly hurt their feelings.

Why do people usually say no offense to someone when they're about to say offensive words? Does saying those words first make it look less offensive, or do they expect someone to not get hurt because they've already said no offense to a certain someone? It is pretty ironic, right? We tell someone no offense and then roast them with an offensive word. This phrase was not intended to be used for offensive statements; rather, it was intended to be used to say or give helpful criticism to someone. They also anticipated that you would be offended, which is why no offense was used in the first place.

I have this friend of mine who always says the phrase "No offense" and then expects that she will say an offensive word that will surely hurt you. Like, she saw you doing something and she thought it was not good. She will say, "No offense, but what you did is so boring and plain, you're not even good at it. You could've made it look more appealing." It strikes right through our dignity. It's offensive because it's an insult to suggest that you don't take offense before saying something offensive. It's really unfortunate that people who try this only succeed in raising a red flag, exposing them for who they truly are.

I do roast people (not literally), or should I say, I am a frank person. I am that type of friend who will tell you everything frankly. I'm not sure why some people find me funny or think I'm funny because I'm direct, when the truth is that I'm sometimes just being mean. LMAO. I don't use flowery or sugar-coated words just to make myself look good. I hate that. I hate lying to someone and making them believe that they're good or something. I always say exactly what my mind tells me to. I do criticise people, not in a negative way, but in a positive way to help them excel or improve in that specific field or at work. I know that we do use some sugar-coated words when talking to someone because we don't want them to feel offended or get hurt; we want them to boost their confidence. 

But we all know that we really need to be true to what we say. It is not being rude, it is just an honest way of criticising LOL. Like, if you're not honest and you keep telling them that their work is all good and perfect when the truth is that it's not, you're actually making them believe that they're already doing well. We really need to tell them that there is something they need to improve, such as this and that thingy, but not in a rude or negative way, but in a good, positive way.

I don't use the phrase "no offense" because it's overused and has already been used to justify using an inflammatory word. They misunderstood the meaning of the term or what it was supposed to signify. Instead of saying "no offense," there are a variety of other words and phrases that might be utilised. There are several alternate terms for such so you don't come out as rude and harsh when speaking or criticising others.

Take for instance,

"This is going to be a disaster."

"I can't think of a nice way to put it."

"I mean it in the best possible way, but I'm at a loss for words."

"I'm worried that whatever I'll say may be regarded as insulting, I begin by being as straightforward as possible."

By using those phrases above, you will sound like someone who is not too rude. LMAO. But seriously, guys, seriously, don't be rude. 

Thank you guys for dropping by, truly appreciate you reading this article of mine. Thank you for always leaving an upvotes, likes and comments.

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Arrigathankyougozaimuch :>


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2 years ago


They're trying to make the person not hurt but it still hurts

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Di ko po tlaga ginagamit ang term na yan like "with all due respect" ginagamit lang yon para makaiwas sa problema at di masisi. If you wanna say things to other mas okay na pong prangkahin or not say a word nalang Kung ayaw.kasi at the end masasaktan at masasaktan padinn yung sasabihan mo. Magiging ready nga kang SIla maya medyo okay na din na sabihinn.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

kaya nga, mas better nalang na wag nalang sabihin kung nao yung gustong sabihin para di na makasakit ng tao.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Haha parang ako lang, always prangka ayaw ko ng paulit ulit sabihin sa harapan ko, gusto ko yung kung may sasabihin kaagad para wala na akong maririnig or wala na akong sa sabihan na iba, kasi didiretso ko sa tao yung gusto kong itanong.

Tahimik lang ako pero magaling ako mang realtalk sa kanila. 🤣🤧 Pero inamin ko nakakapag sabi talaga ako ng harshwords lalo na pag galit. 🤧

$ 0.00
2 years ago

ako nga minsan walang preno preno mag salita eh, prangka na kung prangka HAHAH bahala na sila diyan kung ano isipin nila basta sinabi ko lang lahat ng gusto kong sabihin LOL

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is so true 🤣🤣we say this and still go ahead to say what we shouldn't

$ 0.00
2 years ago

it's pretty ironic coz we tell them no offense then proceed to say hurtful words LMAO

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Nagamit ko na yang mga salita na yan sa mga kaibigan ko hahaha pero hindi ngayon hindi na hayaan nalang

$ 0.00
2 years ago

ako minsan walang intro intro prangkahan agad HAHAHA

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Gumagamit din ako nyang no offense na yan pero minsan lang saka tagalog ahahaha, I mean like ganito lang "Hindi naman sa pang aano, pero...." Yan ganyan lang, ahahaha.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

mas okay na siguro pakinggan yung tagalog kesa sa english eh, kasi yung english parang offensive eh HAHAH

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Same as with all due respect haha.

$ 0.00
User's avatar Yen
2 years ago

nakuuu isa pa yang with all due respect na yan HAHAH, pero gumagamit din naman ako niyan especially pag teacher yung kausap ko tas hindi ako agree sa opinion niya haha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I also sometimes tell 'No Offense' before I will say the words that makes them hurt or down but before I say that, I have a reason why and that is because they always asked me my opinion about something that they need my help. For example is their fashion because they consider me before as good in choosing some outfits. When I dislike their taste and it's not good, that's it. I always say, "No Offense but..." to let them know that it's not my intention to insult them.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

hahahhah yeah we sometimes used that phrase, but people nowadays took the advantage of using it in a rude way. saying no offense to make it sounds less offensive when in fact it is truly offensive.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sarcastic words indeed. Really enjoyed it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

hahha yeah, it is sarcastic lol

$ 0.00
2 years ago