Keep Your Eyes Peeled

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2 years ago

We live in a society where everyone is a surveillance camera that is always watching us every day and second of our lives. Karen's and Marites are all over the place, keeping an eye on everyone. People like that don't have a specific aim because they are intrigued by everything that draws their attention. Not just Karens and Marites are like this, but every single one around us. We shouldn't be more comfortable with everyone, as sometimes it leads us to be the miserable ones. People are good at changing their masks to fit whoever they are with without us noticing. We, too, wear a mask that differs depending on who we are with. As @Murakamii.7 stated in her article, Are you a Marites?. We all are Karens and Marites who sometimes get intrigued by other people's lives.

As we become older, we become more aware of our surroundings and the individuals we interact with. We may know someone who we believe would not harm a fly but who turns out to be the polar opposite of our expectations. Each of us has a hidden agenda and a skeleton in our closet that we would never expose to anyone. We don't want other people to see the other side of us, which is completely different from how we used to act on a daily basis.

The truth is that we wear different faces every day, and each face varies depending on the different kinds of people we are with. The funny one, the depressed one, and the professional one. We all show each of our faces to whoever we interact with. We have different types of friends and our attitudes change depending on which group of friends we hang out with. Just like mine, I have a group of friends in school, and I also have friends outside of school and a neighbourhood friend. But not literally my best friends, just a group of people I casually hang out with.

Out of many people that I encounter and interact with every day wherever I was, I can say that only 30 percent of those people shows their true self and identity. Only a few people will have the courage to take their masks off and just be themselves.

However, we shouldn't get too comfortable with the people we hang out with. We shouldn't give them the full trust we have, because even your blood relative can turn your back down and stab you in the back. How much more is someone who's not even related to you? Just like what Karen and Marites would usually do. They have this kind of manipulative way of interacting with someone; they have these emotions shown in their faces that you, yourself can’t help but get manipulated by them.

We should always keep our eyes peeled and should not let our guard down, because it is too hard to trust people nowadays. They may be good at first, but we will never know when they will show their real intent and showcase their true colors. What you thought would be your friend turns out to be your worst enemy.


Always remember, to keep your eyes peeled.

Would you believe me if I told you that this article was drafted a couple of months ago, since last year? I wrote this one right after Kuya @meitanteikudo published his new prompt, which is "idioms." I started writing mine right after I read his. I thought that I could publish this right away, but it turns out it got abandoned by me. I didn't touch nor open it. I just let it sleep in my drafts. I suddenly got tired and ended up not finishing it. LOL. But thankfully, I read ate Jane's article recently and I suddenly remembered that I had written an entry for that prompt too. Thanks to her, I finally picked myself up and started writing to finish this up. Teehee. :)

Jini’s Note:

Don’t give your full trust to someone, no matter who that person is.

I just want you to know that I am so grateful to have you here reading this article of mine. I really appreciate your presence here; you can also leave a comment in a comment section and let's have a little chit-chat there.

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Arigathankyougozaimuch :>


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2 years ago


How lucky it is to be used in another prompt like this ate jeniii. Lol, but seriously, we can't trust no one because even our closest friends can spill our secrets. So it's better to be secretive than sorry

$ 0.00
2 years ago

there are still some people that you can trust, there are still some that you can be comfortable with.. you just have to find who those people are.. how do i know? because me and my friends are like that we've been through a lot of ups and downs and after so many years of being together i can really say that when we are together it is the only time that we can take of our mask :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Grabe ang photo oy, torture kasyo. 😬 when someone invites me to a conversation about someone, I just let the person talk and talk and I just nod. πŸ˜†

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahah same gyud ta ate ay. Nod nalang para di na makiapil sa chismisan πŸ˜‚

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is why when someone talk to me about others, I just listen to them and nod coz I really do not trust others easily. Hindi ko sila hinahayaan na lasunin utak ko. Haha. Kasi pag may nasabi ka pa sa kanila, babaliktarin na yung situation na parang ikaw pa nag chismis. Yang mga Marites at Karen na yan, mga recruiter ng manghehate sa taong hate nila e.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hoooy ang dami kong Kilala na ganyang HAHAHA nang re recruit ng mapag chichismisan eh, kaya minsan tango nalang ako nang tango, yoko makisali sa chismisan eh πŸ˜‚

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Agree ako don ate sa sinabi mo na depende ung attitude mo na pinapakita, depende iyan sa tao. Sabi nga nila diba respect is earned. Pa correct na lang grammar ate basta yan ung thought πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

Well ayun, masasabi ko ganyan din ako kaya kala nila split ung personality ko.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Well actually, split naman talaga yung personality natin eh kasi nga mag dedepende yun sa mga taong kasama natin haha. Ganyan din sinasabi ng karamihan sa'kin eh hahha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Same sakin din. Minsan nga kala nila mental illness hahhahahaa

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You are definitely right! It is so hard to trust anyone nowadays. It's like most people around you are just waiting for you to fail in life and they can't wait to talk about it if ever it happens that's why it is very important to choose the people you are surrounding yourself with, the one's who would lift you up when everyone else seems to pull you down. Also, it's great you have already published this article! Keep 'em coming.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We shouldn't let our guard down. And there's nothing wrong with being picky to whom we want to hangout with. And by the way, thanks for stopping by, it's nice seeing you here!

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Sure thing! Would love to read more articles like this one.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

we can't trust anyone cause people always try to betray us when they get any opportunity

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's so trueee. As what they've said, "Trust no one."

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I got my eyes peeled on you inday Jini ;)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Now I'm getting anxious 😰 HAHAHAHA just kidding kuya πŸ˜‚

$ 0.00
2 years ago

hehe I saw you smiling there not being anxious inday Jini 😁

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'm also a good observer like you. When i go out and hang out with other people parang malakas yung kutob ko. I mean di ako nag jujudge, pero base kasi sa expressions or how they treat you alam mo na agad. Kaya ako nag oobserve sa paligid ko kasi mas maganda na yung maging maingat sa pinapakisamahan. Hay nako pero kahit anong ingat man natin ganun at ganon padin.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Tamaaa, hindi naman sa nang jujudge tayo agad, it's just that we're observing them. Ganyan na ganyan talaga yung instinct ko mare everytime na may nai encounter akong ibang tao

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's always Langga. All of us encounter with this kind of circumstances. We should be observable who is real or not. It's true that it's really difficult to trust other people easily since there are people who good at you when you facing them but if you're to turn back they will bad mouthing to you.

It's the lesson I've learned when I was a victim with this kind of scenario. It's really hurt that's why now I'm always be careful and not easily trusting other people.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Mao gyud ate, daghan man gud klase sa tao nga maayo lang sa kinaunhan pero pag magtalikod ka kay unayon rakag libak

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Mao gayud Langga. Tinuod gayud na. Lisod na gayud musalig sa mga tawo run.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Can not trust anyone at the present. The ears of our eyes will keep open all the time. The people around the people are just a mound. You are 100% right mate.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's why we shouldn't give our full trust to anyone no matter who that person is.

$ 0.00
2 years ago