This Or That? (Student Edition)

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2 years ago

As I am writing this article, the chart is kind of bloody red. I took a nap this afternoon and then I got notifications from trading platforms. I check Twitter on what is happening on the crypto world. I found so many reasons on why it dump today.

I found that Charlie Munger commented on China banning crypto which he said, he agreed that the banning is good. Also, a whale just transferred a big amount to a wallet. Whales really controls the prices. Do you believe that?

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To not bother myself to look on the chart, I will just write an article here in In today's article, I will be answering questions that is about being a student. I miss being a student because of my friends and the some lessons. I do not miss the cramping though haha!

This and that questions for students! Let's begin! Questions are from here!

1) Start assignments immediately or wait until the last minute?

Image from Unsplash

I prefer making my assignment right away because I do not want it to be stuck in my pile of things to do. If I wait for it in the last minute, I might be able to make it on time. I might regret in the end why I did not do it when I have the alloted time to do it. Sometimes, I do procrastination. I can say that I am just an average student who has the time that I feel lazy. It is normal for all because after all, we are humans.

2) English or Math?

Image from Unsplash

This is easy, English! Learning this subject for me opens a lot of opportunity. English is the language that is used internationally to communicate anywhere in the world. In the Philippines, it is our second language. It is also taught in schools. This is one of the major language actually.

On the other hand, I do not like Math that much. Actually, I failed on quarter of math when I was in fourth year highschool. The subject is called solid mensuration. I was absent in the class most of the time because I was an officer in at that time. So, everytime I am called to do something, I am not in the classroom. Luckily, I passed the three other quarters. I still love math though I just do not like the other forms of Math like what I have mentioned.

3) Gym or Art?

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I will choose art over gym. Art is something in me since I was a kid. I love making doodles at the back of my notebook. I like mix and matching colors for my painting. I am always the bet of the class when it comes to drawing contest. But the drawing fades away over time. And maybe I grew. Now I like doing my make up, dressing up, decorating which I think is part of arts.

On the other hand, gym is most likely about physical endurance. I quite like it because I work out now. But before I was a student, I do not really like it because I have an asthma and I am so skinny. Now, I am happy that I gained weight and love my figure. When I was in highschool, I was hospitalized because my head was caught in the wire and so, I tripped. I was running so fast. I thought my hips were broken and so I was rushed in the hospital.

4) Group work or solo work?

Image from Unsplash

I prefer working alone. Sometimes I am a control freak. I want to do things on my one. And when I failed on what I am working on, myself is the only one to be blamed. Also, I do not like arguing with someone. They might think of it that I am angry but I am just being objective of the goal. I am misinterpreted most of the time. Being alone is not lonely, for me it is a freedom and being independent.

When working isn groups, different ideas collided and might end in arguments. This type of working is only applicable if your groupmates are open-minded. Some will be just think of what they know and will not consider others' opinion which voided the purpose of having groups.

5) Multiple choice or essay?

Image from Unsplash

I prefer essay writing. If I have a multiple examination, I will just have 25% percent of choosing the right answer in a four option question. In essay writing, I will have the chance to make my grade higher depending on how I answer a question.

I remember when I was in highschool, we have a home reading report. We have to choose a novel and then write on how we feel or learned on that novel. I chose the Iliad by Homer. I really like the mythology, deities, and heavenly bodies.

Final Thoughts

Oh, I miss the days that I cram for an exam. I miss the days that I have to wake up 7:30 am to catch up with classmates to do a homework together. Those are the days that I really miss now that I am an adult. I have some bad memories too but I choose to treasure the better days when I was studying. I am now a graduate from college and has an undergrad degree. School is fun!

Thank you for reading my article. Peace- Jijisaur.

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Opensea/Twitter/ @Jijisaur

You can read my other articles here:

πŸŽ„Exposing My Phone (Challenge)

πŸŽ„What I Hate About The Cold WeatherΒ

πŸŽ„5 Insanely Beautiful Places I want to Explore!Β

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Avatar for Jijisaur
2 years ago


Imma save this one sis. Hihihi back up lang incase ma blanko ang utak hahaha. Anyways, sanaol talaga sis ginagawa ang assignment right away. Nahiya yung pagiging procrastinator ko eh.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Nice version sis..hehe.. english or math, siguro sa math nalang ako..hahaha.. pilipit talaga ang dila ko sa english..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hehe. Buti ka pa sis bati kayo ng math. Ako, mukang forever enemy ko yan hahah

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hindi naman kami palaging bati sis..mas friends lang kasi kami kumpara kay english

$ 0.00
2 years ago

wahh .. back to school days. If I'm honest, when I was in school, I probably didn't like lessons that had a difficult level of thinking and were very mind-boggling. counting with formulas and theory is the most frustrating for me. therefore after entering college I took management. math is actually good but my learning style doesn't suit me. I still remember when I got the results with red numbers..ohh it was very embarrassing and the scores in other subjects were quite good even the scores were more than average. maybe this is from the factor of desire and pleasure in receiving material. Everyone's learning style is different

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I believe that we have different level of understanding. 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I really hate math subject and to be honest I always have low grades in mathematics when I was in high school. That moment na palagi akong inaantok kapag oras na ng math and I hate my teacher hehe.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Uy parehas tayo sissy! Hahaha ayoko ng math parang nasa ibang dimension ako pag yan usapan. Mas gusyo ko English at science. 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Anytime I will always choose maths over English, and I also prefer group work over solo work

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Oh, we have the opposite chosen hehe. That's nice that you get along with group work.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh, those student days. That time it felt so much pain, especially assignments. But now I kinda miss those days. And about crypto, no whale can alone take the price/influence but they can make a difference as I understand. Maybe this is what happening now in the market. Good to read your words.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah, there are many factors affecting the prices of the coins. Some people are FUD and withdraws fastlt even if no Tech analysis has done.

$ 0.00
2 years ago