Observations Before Election

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2 years ago

Hiyaaa! Happy Saturday! Enjoying the weekend? Hope you are!

Hmm, this morning I woke up with a freaking loud sound. It is like on loudspeakers. I cannot decipher the words. I want to stay in bed for an hour more but scratch it, I will be just disturbed anyway.

I found out it is the campaigning of the running officials. Like, seriously 5:30 in the morning? Hmmm, maybe this is the style of the province side. It is my first time experiencing this. Honestly, I am quite annoyed because sleep is very precious to me.

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Anyway, the election is coming! I still remember the days when people are guessing who will be running for a certain position. Now, we are here! I have a few in my mind but I think I will skip some slots because I really nit-pick the people who are deserving of that position.

Image source: https://www.vaticannews.va/content/dam/vaticannews/agenzie/images/afp/2021/10/23/06/1634963481195.jpg/_jcr_content/renditions/cq5dam.thumbnail.cropped.1500.844.jpeg

So, this is purely my observation of what is happening now before the election. These are all my opinion.

Let us begin!

1) All the bad things about the candidate from the FAR past in being brought up.

I noticed this a few days ago. Why is it that some people will bring up stories and some not even real just today? I think this is a strategy for some just to make the opposing camp to be stained. It is very timing that they will bring it up days or weeks before the actual election.

Why not question them during the time it happened. So, are they are just keeping it until the right time will come? Yeah, probably it is a strategy.

2) Very sensitive to everything.

In anything and everything that a candidate will do, there will always be a reaction. I find this very freaking funny haha! I am literally laughing while typing this. Really? People will comment on how a candidate will wave, sit, eat, speak, etc. If an individual hates a certain candidate, everything that he or she does will be wrong to him or her. Even the way he or she breathes.

They are overreacting to everything they see and hear. Maybe that is how someone supports a candidate. Overreacting is somehow bad in a way because it might affect your day. Ugh, I will ditch it at all costs because the election is not forever, your mental health is farther important.

3) Associating everything with colors.

Image Source: https://media.philstar.com/photos/2022/02/23/top-presidential-candidates-philippines01_2022-02-23_14-02-25.jpg

Whenever I use a certain color, people will say to me, "Huy! You are voting for that candidate? Why are you voting for that candidate?" Some people assume that I am associating my choice of color with the candidates. For me, they are just colors before everything about the election. My choice of color of paint, the color of my shoes, and the color of my shirt do not represent who I am voting for. I can wear whatever color I want and will not affect who I am rooting for. Colors should not be based on politics. Ugh, so cringe.

4) Not supporting business because you are voting for the opposing camp.

This is the saddest part in my opinion. Just because you are supporting someone a business is not supporting, you will disregard the quality of the business and just follow what you think is okay. What I am pointing out is, before the election, some people are buying in a certain business but when they knew that the business is supporting the opposing camp, they say bad things about the business. Oh, how timely to say bad things during the campaign when you can say it when it happened.

Honestly, people who have this mindset will never win in life. For me, there should be separate thoughts on politics in business. It should not be a part of your decisions whether you will support a business or not. People should be looking for the quality of the business, not for what they are supporting.

That is it for today. Thank you for reading. I will see you at the next one.

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2 years ago


It's obvious to have scandals, bad reputation, and so on. But in my opinion, it does matter. If someone had rape or killing background or harassment background, there's no way he/she can be a useful person in future.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, very true. Let us hope for a clean and safe election.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That is also what I observe sissy, I am 100% agree with your opinion,medyo nakaka sad lang talaga ang election ngayon, may mga siraan na nangyayari sa magkabilang panig, pero kung ano man Ang manalo ngayon, sana lang tuparin nila mga pangako nila para sa bansa.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yun talaga ang important sis tama ka dyan. Sana lahat ng pinangako nila matupad, hindi dahil sa nangangampanya lang sila. 😊

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2 years ago

Oo nga sis eh, nakakalungkot lang kung makalimutan nila after makuha ang trust ng taong bayan. Pero I still pray padin na sana maging maayos ang lahat

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2 years ago