How I Want My Life To Be?

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2 years ago

We have different purpose in life. We have things that we want to be achieved like goals, aspirations, anything that you chase in life. Of course, the process of getting that goal will have a lot of obstacles on the way.

I am already in my 20+ and I am always contemplating what is my game plan in life. Right now I am not thinking of having a family but instead, I am thinking of how I can support financially myself on the future. That is one of how I want my life to be in the future.

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In this article, I will list on some ideas on how I want my life to be. I always worry of the future. It is scary because everything is so fast-phased. Yearly, there is a new release of this, that. Every month, there is a news about distorting reality like Metaverse.

What I worry the most is how will I handle the world and my surroundings. How will I counter these changes. I must be sane or else I will lose my freaking marbles.

Here is the list of how I want my life to be...:

1) Financially secured.

Image from Unsplash

As what I have mentioned in my last article. I want to have a big savings. Yes, maybe some will have a different approach of how to handle money. In my case, my decision is affected on life circumstances. We have different life experience so, different decisions. I want to be financially secured so that I will not be a burden to anyone. It is hard to be dependent monetarily to anyone because they might say something bad to you or they will coarsely repeat to you the help they gave you. It is just not my style to remind someone that I help them, but for others the do it.

2) Surrounded with healthy relationships.

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Relationships can be between a lover, a family, a friend, or a pet. It depends on how you treat a relationship. For me, life is too short to spend it with toxic people. We do not need them (Shoo!). Maybe I have only 50 years to live. I would love to spend it with people who loves and cares about me.

Actually, I cut ties on some of my relatives because they are tearing my mental health. They are not good for me mentally. They are my blood, but nothing is above my mental health. Even if it hurts I have too because I want to keep my sanity.

3) A continuous learning.

Image from Unsplash

Life is not meant to be in one phase. I want to explore and discover more. I want to know myself better. I never thought that 10 years ago, I will be a different person now. We have factors affecting us and that is the new learnings in life. I try to read the news once in a while specially politics for me to be updated. I want to know what my surroundings.

Before, I did not know that I like flowers. Now, I really love them. Flowers are one of my favorite subjects for watercolor paintings. I learned that flowers do cry for them to protect from insect. Amazing, right?

4) In A Sanctuary.

Image from Unsplash

I want to be in a place that I feel happy, safe, and "home". House and home is different for me. House is just a physical, concrete structure with your furnitures. Home is when you feel secured and comfy. I want my life to be in a place where I am comfortable for me and for my family. This is one of the reasons why I am saving up. I want a home that can last forever and where I can have beautiful memories. Maybe this is the place where I will be gone.

5) Private.

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The world is too chaotic for me. I want my life to be private and just run in a small circle. I do not want invite people in my life that I do not have a connection with. People come, people go. If someone chose to stay with me in hard times, I will keep them forever. I have been a victim of backstabbing. So this time, I just want to be in my comfort zone with people I trust.

Final Thoughts

Life is too short to spend it on things that do not really matter. We should avoid toxic environment and people. We humans have a really short span of life. Fill it with happiness and sanity. They said, YOLO! You Only Live Once! I hope this article helps you to have an idea on how life should be. Stay safe!

Thank you for reading my article.

Peace- Jijisaur.

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Opensea/Twitter/ @Jijisaur

You can read my other articles here:

❤️These Are My Luxuries (Luho).

❤️How Will I Spend My $2.48 Million?

❤️Marites, The Human CCTV!

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2 years ago


I also desire these things sis. I want to be financially secured, have a healthy relationship and live lowkey.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Apir, sis! Parehas tayo. Dapat low key lang para mas peaceful hehe.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I can't wish for more if I've already achieved all of these in the future too. I'll just sip my coffee and sit on my favorite couch every morning with a smile on my face.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

That would be great, right? Right now, I am building this dream.🥰 Good morning, dear!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Everyone's life journey has its own problems and the most feared thing is when a threat comes and haunts life. one thing I must say so that we should not be paralyzed by deep fear. beat the fear and let's rise to success. always remember that God is always with you my friend.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Very well said. Fear is what makes us stop from getting our goal. Take a risk!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

For me I want to have money Money 🤑 so I could invest in space exploration & new invention

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Who doesn't? 😁 I would love to explore space too! I might meet an alien. Hehe.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I want to be financially stable and surrounding myself with good friends and finally find love

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Those are my goals as well. Finding true love is hard but surely you will find it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Nothing to say here, all centered and well explained, and also, mature and well thought. You go girl!

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Tha k you, dear. 🙏 All the best!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's all that we could ask for. I wish you the best so you can achieve all of this.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thank you dear. I hope you find aspirations in life too. 😊 God bless!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

ah thats totally perfect hahah

$ 0.00
2 years ago